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Mr. Lin


Are you sure that other factors have not contributed to your application?
You write almost the same essays and got same sound reference?
If so, That is really enlightening.

forward to replying!


congradulations Lin!! about interview,do you think that means favor?I was asked to take an interview on phone this week from a business school in US,any suggestion about it?Is it most about English-exam?I am not afraid of they ask about business since I already got an MBA degree in China....thanks for your reply


To kinson: everthing is the same except the gmat score. although a couple of schools require the update essays because of the new questions, which had the same writing style since I wrote all of them.
To gail: there are three basic elements in the admission interview,
1. asses your english speaking fluency.
2. know in depth for the stuff in your resume.
3. standard questions like: why, leadership, teamwork


Congrats, Lin!

Could you please kindly share with us which schools you have been accepted? It's so encouraging to our Chinese aspirants. Are they Duke and Emory?

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-12-17 12:50:53编辑过]



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