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TAMU marketing Interview 面试精华汇总(2009-2010)

TAMU喜欢搞突袭...~申了他家的一定要注意 根据gter上那个已经录取的人的经验 材料全部递交后10-15天就有可能有突袭

虽然现在宝贵的名额已经被占据了一个 但是申了他家的战友们一定不要泄气!!!我们还有机会!!!

一定要保证随时开机 随时能够被联系上 总之一定不要静音 根据错过了电面的人提供的消息 TAMU不情愿给申请人第二次机会(这是多么不人性....)

19798455801这是拿到TAMU AD的人提供的电面电话~当这个电话在你手机上出现时,请把握好这次机会~

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Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.





我稀里糊涂接了电话,好像是个doctor打过来的,我根本不清醒,半天才明白是TAMU(因为在MBA Tour留了个人信息,有时候会有一些莫名其妙学校做宣传的打过来)……问题就是Why TAMU, Why Marketing, career plan……



最后他说很抱歉打过来这么早……我说是周六所以……还好……他让我问问题,最开始我都想不出来,晕了,后来他要挂时候才想到几个万能问题(就是什么Financial Aid啦,percentage of international student啦,internship oppotunity啦),但是因为刚睡醒,忘记讲话要清晰(我讲话有时候会太快,讲中文也是),被他parden了两回……不过他居然说他们这个program每个国际学生至少有1000刀的资助,还有别的很多assistentship……啊啊啊~~我快要疯了~~~
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



今天晚上九点多,突然收到TAMU MS Marketing的advisor电话,说要聊聊。我完全没有准备,就约了半个小时之后。


1. 你的本科背景对你硕士学习和讲来工作有什么帮助?(我本科读理科的,跟marketing八竿子打不着)

2. marketing有很多方向,sales, marketing research, marketing strategy...你对哪个有兴趣?为什么?




很伤心地写完了thank you letter,跑到CD来跟大家来咨询一下:我有没必要明天再打个电话给他,解释一下今天发挥失常,描述一下我的优点,再表达一下我对他们学校的兴趣。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



3天气-----兴趣( why tamu; how do you know tamu)------研究------教学经验-------我问问题,


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


I have thought they would reject me in the end, but surprisingly they asked me for a phone interveiw on my earliest convenience....so here are the interview questions (some are really strange, so I would like to share as follows):

1. tell me about your work experience.

2. explain about your maths score in your undergradate transcript

3. why MBA,why Mays

4. what other school you applied? results?

5. How would you choose?

6. how is your management skills

7. my only concern is your english, you have considerable GMAT score and only minimum Tofel score....explain??

8. Did you have a dream of english?

FT....I think she hit my two weak points...low GPA, low GMAT...but it seems her only concern is my english in the end, so she asked the final question,,,,,

till now I can't identify why she was asking that....But silly and honest as I were, I told her I did have dreams of english when I was preparing for GMAT, it was nightmare....totally bad answer,although she laughed....

Whatever,I wish myself good luck!~~~
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


1.      Why MBA?

2.      Why Mays?

3.      Other school I applied

4.      Long-term career goal

是associated director面试,出来时遇到MBA Program的Director,顺便也聊几句天……

个人背景:G700, T620, TOP university of China, 经济学。2年房地产,5年制造业,生产个人护理品。其中3年管理职位,商务方面的,有些非常成功的项目。另有一本经济学著作翻译(7章中3章。MBA的方向方面想往supply chain management。

因为家庭的缘故,1年前搬家到美国,选择MAYS是因为地理位置的关系,对于我个人上学后对家庭影响最小。另外虽然传言此校MBA对中国人不太友善,但我个人和TAMU包括MAYS一些人的接触,我觉得还是非常友善的,所以申请了并只申请了这一家。我的推荐人都建议我多申请一些,尤其是排名高点的,特别是UT AUSTIN。但我自己希望有一个家庭和职业发展的balance,另外对Mays录取我也比较自信—我从12月份和MBA office开始了接触,也面谈过一次,反馈非常积极---所以就懒得折腾了….


1.      我这样的背景,如果申请08年的MBA,大概可以定位在什么层次的?

2.      supply chain management方向的,有哪些MBA项目适合我?

3.      SCM以后出来的就业情况怎么样,尤其是美国方面的。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


TAMU on campus interview experience

I had an on campus interview with TAMU today, at 2:30 pm.

Before the interview, I participated in the "MBA Insights" program held by the admission committee of Mays. This program included a sample class, a demonstration of the Relian Energy Trading Center (a classrom that can show you the real world of stock/option trading), and a presentation on networking for professional success. Besides that, I also had lunch with a current MBA student and looked around of the Wehner building where the Mays MBA program is housed.  The whole program was from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

My interview started at 2:30. It lasted about 30 minutes. A staff interviewed me. He was very nice. He talked most of the time. I knew that he was trying to sell the school. I am very much appreciate his hard work.

I remembered that someone talked about his/her unhappy experience on contacting with Mays staff last year.  For me, the situation is totally different. Mays staffs answered all my question quickly and warmly. I think that's because TAMU Mays is changing. They are improving their services and hoping more diversity in their program.

My interview questions:

1. Talk about your experience in Chinese government.

2. What do you get from our MBA program?

3. Your career goal?

I didn't prepare well for the interview. I am not satisfied with my answer. My answer was short and unclear. After a whole day's looking and listening, I felt my brain didn't work during the interview. But the interviewer seemed to understand my situation, so he took over the talk.

It was a really busy day today, but  I had a good time with them.

Wish all you guys the best of luck!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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