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75.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a popular science and technology magazine.
“It is a popular myth that consumers are really benefiting from advances in agricultural technology. Granted-consumers are, on the average, spending a decreasing proportion of their income on food. But consider that the demand for food does not rise in proportion with their real income. As real income rises, therefore, consumers can be expected to spend a decreasing proportion of their income on food. Yet agricultural technology is credited with having made our lives better.”
论据一:Granted-consumers are, on the average, spending a decreasing proportion of their income on food.
反驳:首先,作者的假定存在问题,作者假定消费者福利的提高表现在他们在食物上花费的钱占收入的比例在减少。然而在讨论advances in agriculture technology时,关于benefits(welfare)的定义却不应当仅局限于此。比如,技术的进步使得custom能够吃到更加营养的食物,有更多的食物种类的选择并且能够享受到许多的农业副产品,这都能够反映其福利的提高。
论据二:But consider that the demand for food does not rise in proportion with their real income. As real income rises, therefore, consumers can be expected to spend a decreasing proportion of their income on food.
反驳:作者使用的支持“consider that the demand for food does not rise in proportion of their income on food.”存在问题,人们用于食物的开销占总收入的比例究竟会不会随着收入的增长而变化取决于人们的收入状况(income condition)。比如,一户收入不能保证家庭成员最基本food demand的家庭,当real income增加时,其对与食物的需求有极大的可能性随之而增加。
此外,假设整个国家的real income增加了,整体的物价水平很可能会上升,即使customs的food demand维持在一个不变的水平之上,其用于食物的整体支出有可能增加,并且增加的幅度有可能超过收入增加的幅度,那么对于食物的支出所占收入的比例应该是上升的。
第三,随着real income的增加,customs很可能转向更高质量并且价格更贵的食物,即使对于食物总量的需求没有增加,对于食物质量的需求却发生了变化,其用于食物的支出也可能随之增加并且使得这份支出占收入的比例增加。
总而言之,在考虑agriculture technology对于customs福利的影响时,作者选择的对于福利的评估指标,即基本假定存在问题,分析中考虑问题也不够全面,故作者无法反驳农业技术进步对于人们福利提高有影响这样一个结论。 |