7. 因纽特人捕鲸
第二段其实还是很有可能他们捕杀活的鲸鱼的,因为有是说有证据证明, Inuit有一种工具, 足可以杀掉鲸鱼。而且他们还有一种船,所以他们能够杀鲸鱼,虽然, 现在还没有出土这种工具。还提到说inuit民族过着善用资源的生活,因为他们居住环境。很不适合人居,然后举反例说当时的欧洲人都可以靠其它的source survive.(这里有出题)
第三段举跟祭拜仪式有关的,提到一些壁画还是什么, 是有杀鲸鱼的, 但是现在的Inuit人已经不会杀鲸鱼了。这里比较不清楚,不过满短的,大概三四句。(第三段有更改,没有提到祭拜仪式之类的,而且篇幅也很长,讲什么记不清了,不过有一道考题,考试时还是要仔细看看)
问题3、why the survey of whale is a concern of Inuit(大致这个意思,不确定,选了捕猎是被limited...不过问中没找到。我觉得应该是选发现inuit的很多家用东西都是用whale的骨头做成的吧)此答案有待商量。
问题4、问incorporation,选sustained development
Sravan说:这个题目..要点是, 文章要看的快一些, 因为行文很简单, 有点长, 但是句子难度低, 题目比文章难, 绕, 需要推敲一下,
The Inuit hunt a variety of animals for meat - including caribou, walrus, seal and geese - depending on the season and the migratory movements of the species.
Arnold Brower says that if the Inuit tried to make up the loss of whale meat by hunting other species, "we'd probably deplete the caribou stocks fairly fast".
The remoteness of the Inuit has made it easier for them to hold on to their traditional ways than aboriginal peoples to the south - in many reserves, imported shop-bought food and western traditions have caused major changes in lifestyles and cultures.
Over-reliance on processed high-fat foods is believed to be one major factor behind a rapid increase in diabetes among North American native populations.
By contrast, the hunting traditions of the Inuit are alive and relatively healthy.
Landing the whale
The hunt in Alaska is usually carried out in small wooden boats covered in seal-skin, although small modern boats are used in Nunavut.
Once the whale is caught, it is quickly hauled to land and butchered before the heat from the body cooks and partially spoils the meat.
Ceremonies and festivals take place while the whale is landed.
"Everything is used except for the guts," says Arnold Brower. Bones are left in the sun to bleach and are used in ceremonies or as tourist attractions.
8. objective流派诗人
将一个Reznikoff的作家编了一本叫testimony的杂志,这个 杂志主要鼓吹的是objectivenism,也就是客观主义,它和浪漫主义——1 个20世纪初由T.S.Eliot和爱兹拉庞德(两位大牛啊)复兴,起源于文艺复兴时代,由华兹华斯(wordworth)和shelly首倡的一种思潮。(此处有题考Reznikoff和shelly的关系,让在五个选项中选一个analogous的),然后还有一些客观主义自己的主张什么的。
1. indicate了关于R的什么?
2. 类比,将R和S对比,在前半部提了一下S这个人,他好像是和R同时代但是驳斥R的观点。
3. 有考题,和一个浪漫主义作家Stella作比较
4. 问题有文章作者认为那个中心作者的work怎样
5. 还有几道题是问inference作者持什么态度的
6. 文章中Reznikoff与客观主义有关。
The first installment of Testimony was published in 1934 by the Objectivist Press, which had been started several years earlier to promote the views of poets including William Carlos Williams, Louis Zukofsky, George Oppen, and Reznikoff himself. They were believers in Objectivism, a short-lived but still influential offshoot of poetic Modernism, the early 20th-century assault by T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and others on the Enlightenment-influenced poetics of their predecessors. For the Objectivists, the poem was an object, not a report by the poet of what he or she thought or felt. They rejected the emphasis by 19th-century Romantic poets like Wordsworth and Shelley on the poet's subjective experience of transcendent meaning as depicted through metaphor and symbol. (The title and opening line of Wordsworth's well-known poem about daffodils, "I wandered lonely as a cloud," is a good example of the tendencies that the Objectivists judged artificial and misleading.) The Objectivists believed that feeling and emotion should come through the choice of details and the sound and appearance of words on the page.
Reznikoff continued to work on Testimony throughout his life. In the 1960s, he published two new volumes (the first drawn from judicial opinions of 1885-1890, the second from opinions of 1891-1900); two additional volumes (1901-1910 and 1911-1915) were published after his death. In each of the later volumes, Reznikoff revised his art, reshaping the documentary material into syncopated lines of poetry.
The Negro was dead/when the doctors examined him," a characteristic poem begins:
They found upon his belly bruises:
he died, the doctors said, of peritonitis.
While the shift in form draws even more attention to the language (as in the isolation of "bruises" in the lines just quoted), the later editions employ the same third-person perspective, looking to the objective language of a judicial opinion, the words as words, rather than subjective experience or metaphor, for the emotional intensity of the poem. With its use of judicial opinions as the raw material of poetry, Testimony radically undercuts the traditional assumption that the poet works in a private sphere that is somehow separate from the pressures and pulls of the public domain. Not only is the poem an object, but it is an object taken from the workaday world that poets traditionally have viewed as unsuitable for poetry. Testimony never lets us forget that it is judicial opinions the poet is expounding.
Reznikoff's most important innovation and chief legacy to subsequent poets was this use of social speech, the public language of lawyers, to further the Modernist project of drawing attention to the linguistic qualities of a poem. By juxtaposing the descriptions of fact—the underlying story—of one case after another, he created an emotionally powerful collage from the apparently impersonal language of judicial opinions, a collage that chronicles America's struggle with slavery and its emergence as a commercial and industrial power. |