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prep2 essay7 Q24

Essay #7.  216   
The United Stateshospital industry is an unusual market in that nonprofit and for-profitproducers exist simultaneously. Theoretical literature offers conflicting views on whether nonprofithospitals are less financially efficient. Theory suggests that nonprofit hospitals are so much more interested inoffering high-quality service than in making money that they frequently inputmore resources to provide the same output of service as for-profithospitals.  This priority might alsooften lead them to be less vigilant in streamlining their services--eliminatingduplication between departments, for instance. Conversely, while profit motive is thought to encourage for-profithospitals to attain efficient production, most theorists admit that obstaclesto that efficiency remain.  For-profithospital managers,for example, generally work independently of hospital owners and thus may notalways make maximum financial efficiency their highest priority.  The literature also suggests that widespreadadoption of third-party payment systems may eventually eliminate any suchpotential differences between the two kinds of hospitals.

The same literatureoffers similarly conflicting views of the efficiency of nonprofit hospitalsfrom a social welfare perspective. Newhouse (1970) contends that nonprofithospital managers unnecessarily expand the quality and quantity of hospitalcare beyond the actual needs of the community, while Weisbrod (1975) arguesthat nonprofit firms--hospitals included--contribute efficiently to communitywelfare by providing public services that might be inadequately provided bygovernment alone.

Question #24.  216-05   

The passage suggestswhich of the following about the managers mentioned in the highlighted text?

(A) They havegenerally been motivated to streamline hospital services as a result of directintervention by hospital owners.
(B) They are morelikely than managers of nonprofit hospitals to use unnecessary amounts ofresources to provide services.
(C) Their mostimportant self-acknowledged goal is to achieve maximum financial efficiency sothat hospitals show a profit.
(D) Their decisionsregarding services provided by their hospitals may not reflect hospital owners'priorities.
(E) They do notplace a high priority on maximizing profits, despite their desire to achieveefficiency.

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for profit 比nonprofit morelikely to use unnecessary amounts of resource是在哪里看出来的呢?
我估计楼主找到是这句Theory suggests that nonprofit hospitals are so much more interested inoffering high-quality service than in making money that they frequently inputmore resources to provide the same output of service as for-profithospitals


原文: For-profit hospital managers, for example, generally work independently of hospital owners and thus may not always make maximum financial efficiency their highest priority.


请教一下,E为什么错误呢?是因为 despite their desire toachieve efficiency.这句多余吗?


1、原文是“ may not always make maximum financial efficiency” 不总是2、E说的是don't, 太绝对了


然后,D选项也有may not,语气与原文一致。



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