WUSTL Olin MBA面经 [2011-03-06]
晚上10点skype, 面试官是传说中既nice又professional 的Kevin。上来先寒暄几句,然后开门见山说明了是blind interview, 除简历之外的资料都没有看过。语速比我想象的要快,我也不由自主地加快了节奏。一共半小时,大多是关于简历工作部分的而且有follow up的问题,没有情境型问题,也没有涉及到leadership。不啰嗦了,直接上问题清单:- Discussion about one of my hobbies mentioned in resume, and follow up questions
- Something I am proud of when I worked in the first company
- Why I left the first company and pursued the next one
- How I got into the current company
- My job responsibility in the current company
- Did I make any positive impact in my position?
- Which position I prefer between the two different ones in current company and why
- What do I think makes me successful in my company
- Why MBA combined with career goal, and follow-up questions
- Why Olin
- What other schools have I applied?
- Any questions? ( I raised two)