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(1) 本月机经3次  上月机经:5次
工人自己 需要负责适应 高科技和 服务业需求的变化,还是 政府和 商业机构需要负责。
No.87“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”
87. “当某项特定服务的技术和需求改变时,很多工人将失业。适应这种改变的责任属于每个工人而不是政府或企业。”

1、        The government should be responsible for the adjustment of the workers. If all the citizens should be responsible for themselves, there is no use for the government to exist.
2、        The government should also force the business to involve in the project. Because the government itself is incapable of doing so without concrete knowledge of each certain industry. In the long run, doing so will also benefit the business.
3、        Admittedly, the workers should not rely on others to help them to adjust to varying situations. They themselves should adapt their skills and knowledge to the change of the industry and of the society.

1、        个人确实应该首先take the chief responsibility of their job obsolescence. 因为对自己的生活负责的人,首先是自己。现在的社会也提供了机会:很多学校提供短期的培训,人们可以参加保持自己keep up with the changes of the technologies and new direction of businesses。第二,只有个人采取主动,才能从根本上解决问题。否则merely rely on the help coming from government or business,人们会变得消极become passive and lose enterprise. 长期以来,对整个社会都有negative impact on the further development of one society.
2、        但是,这不是说企业不应该负责。after all, 是企业作出了创新和改变,并且造成了这些改变——并且造成了job obsolescence。应该为这些负责任。比如,为员工提供opportunity of training for the new technique…,这样也可以节约重新培训totally new employee的cost。
3、        Moreover, 政府也应该采取一些行动。政府作为一个社会的管理者supervisor,有责任保证全社会的well being. 应该帮助个人完成适应adjustment. 可以通过提供一些insurance for unemployment, advice for the occupational choice, necessary information of the new trend of business…
Thesis sentence: While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so
View1: l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially since our educational system has been preparing us for it
View2: However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines the particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. Moreover in the long run, doing so will also benefit the business.
View3:         Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that fuels technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find new work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their own further education and job searches.

As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helping displaced workers adjust? While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.
l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially since our educational system has been preparing us for it. For decades, our schools have been counseling young people to expect and prepare for numerous major career changes during their lives. And concerned educators have recognized and responded to this eventuality with a broader base of practical and theoretical coursework that affords students the flexibility to move from one career to another.
However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines the particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. And since industry is mainly responsible for worker displacement, it has a duty to help displaced workers adjust—through such means as on-site training programs and stipends for further education.
Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that fuels technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find new work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their own further education and job searches.
In conclusion, while individuals should be prepared for future job changes, both government and industry shoulder obligations to provide training programs, funding and information that will help displaced workers successfully retool and find new employment.


(2)本月机经1次  上月机经:14次
No.45Themost effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long periodof time is to follow the highest standards of ethics.

45. “商务人员在长期内实现利润最大化的最有效途径是遵循最高标准的道德。”

1、 反面的例子可以是说如果从最高的道德规范来看有些污染环境的行业根本就不应该存在。但是从企业的长期发展来看以及从社会的福利最大化来看,只要污染控制在一定范围就好。如化工厂只要把排污控制在国家规定的范围就好。
2、        支持者会认为, 高道德会赢得reputation and trust; 第一, 高道德生产高质量的产品以及service,顾客稳定stable share of the market; 第二, 高道德会让员工满意度提高(公平,平等). 从而attract those applicants with high ability and keep the employees loyal to the company---最终导致高的productivity.
例子:Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, announced that the company would cease production of one of its major products, because of the hazardous ingredients it contained. By doing so, the company suffers great loss on profitability, but gains strong public support and understanding, which can contribute to the long-term success of the company.
3、        但在更多的情况下, 高道德也许不equal to maximal profit. 比如,a, 如果把道德放在第一位的话,企业的executive很可能无法执行裁员活动complete the normal administration, such as raising the price, reducing the superabundant staff…  b, 高道德的话,很可能采用最高标准的环保生产——这样很不是cost-effective.   总之,Following such undue concern about ethics, the company may find it impossible to survive in the radical competitive market, let alone to gain large profit.

View1: the definition of highest standards of ethics varies from person to person and time to time. Therefore, it is impractical to find and then stick to the highest standards of ethics.
View2: the regulations and laws of authorities are more feasible and suitable standards to follow.
View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of eliminating the ill actions, we can count on the authorities to speed up the process of refining the laws and regulations.

The speaker claims that following high ethical standards is the best way to maximize profits in the long run. However, this claim seems to be more of a normative statement than an empirical observation. The issue is more complex than the speaker suggests. In my observation, the two objectives at times coincide but at other times conflict.
In many ways behaving ethically can benefit a business. Ethical conduct will gain a company good reputation that earns repeated business. Treating suppliers, customers and others fairly is likely to result in their reciprocating. Finally, a company that treats its employees fairly and with respect will gain their loyalty which, in turn, usually translates into higher productivity.
On the other hand, taking the most ethical course of action may in many cases reduce profits, in the short run and beyond. Consider the details of a merger in which both firms hope to profit from a synergy gained thereby. If the details of the merger hinge on the ethical conviction that as few employees as possible should lose their jobs, the key executives may lose sight of the fact that a leaner, less labor-intensive organization might be necessary for long-term survival. Thus, undue concern with ethics in this case would results in lower profits and perhaps ultimate business failure.
This merger scenario points out a larger argument that the speaker misses entirely-that profit maximization is per se the highest ethical objective in private business. Why? By maximizing profits, businesses bestow a variety of important benefits on their community and on society: they employ more people, stimulate the economy, and enhance healthy competition. In short, the profit motive is the key to ensuring that the members of a free market society survive and thrive. While this argument might ignore implications for the natural environment and for socioeconomic justice, it is a compelling argument nonetheless.
Thus the choice to follow high ethical standards should not be made by thinking that ethical conduct is profitable. While in some cases a commitment to high ethical standards might benefit a company financially, in many cases it will not. In the final analysis, businesses might best be advised to view their attempts to maximize profits as highly ethical behavior.


(3)本月机经1次 上月机经:7次

考古:it is duty for an employee to put needs of a company first


(4)本月机经 1次 上月机经:9次
No.115“Technology ultimately separates and alienates people more than it serves to bring them together.”
115. “技术最终分离疏远了人们而不是把他们聚在一起。”
1.        不能交流的可以交流了,不容易交流的变得容易拉
2.        增进交流也就加强了理解使得交流有更深的层次
3.        当然有些工具的产生确实也使得交流变得肤浅但是综合来看不支持作者的观点

I believe there is some truth to the speaker’s claim that technology separates and alienates people. However, there is certainly at least as much evidence that technology serves best to bring people together.
The most obvious way that technology separates and alienates people from one another is symbolized by the computer nerd sitting glazed-eyed before his computer screen in a basement, attic, bedroom, or office cubicle. While this scene is a caricature, of course, it’s true that practically everybody who uses email or surfs the Internet does so alone, with only his or her computer for company. And, to the extent that computer use increases the amount of time we collectively spend in solitary activities, it increases the amount of time we spend separated from our fellow humans.
On the other hand, technology has been a wonderful aid in bringing people together, or, in many cases, back together. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have become connected with quite a number of people via email with whom I might never have spoken otherwise. These include old friends with whom I had fallen out of the habit of writing regular letters but with whom I now correspond regularly because of the ease with which email can be sent and delivered.
A second way in which the new technology has brought people together is by allowing individuals who have common interests to make contact with one another. It is possible to find people who share one’s interest in nearly anything, from aardvarks to zippers. Such contacts may be ephemeral, but they can be a great source of information and amusement as well. I would hazard a guess that for each person who sits neurotically at home, eschewing personal contacts with others in favor of an exclusive relationship with his computer, there are hundreds of others who have parleyed their email capacity and their access to the Web into a continuous succession of new acquaintances.
In sum, it seems clear to me that technology has done more to bring people together than to isolate them.


(5)本月机经 2次 上月机经6次
V2 Should surveillance camaras used on city street to assist law enforcement in identifying and .....
考古:Surveillance cameras should be used on the city streets to assist officials identifying and arresting people who break the law.内容大抵如此,可能少了部分单词
V3那个什么要安装监视cameras来enforce law officials的,什么的JJ上有
V4 the surveillance cameras are helpful for the police officials to identify and arrest someone who breaks the law.
V5  监视摄像头安装在城市街道上有助于law enforcement officials to identify the people who break the law.
V6 using the cameras helps the laws enforcement officials in identifying and arresting the people who breaks the law.
cameras 可以记录犯罪过程,确定犯罪时间,罪犯人数等,使得officials在办案中节省时间,提高准确度。夜间监视停车场、建筑物楼梯或走廊以及街道等不显眼的区域是有效的,还可以起到震慑潜在的罪犯的作用。


(6)本月机经 2次 上月机经3次
The most experienced candidate is usually the best candidate for a leadership position.


(7)本月机经 2次 上月机经5次
说是fossil fuels很重要而且有限,所以应该全世界达成一致降低各国的消耗量
V2 fossil fuel is vatal and limited 提倡出条款限制所有国家的fossil fuel 的使用

V1.since fossile fuel vailed and limited, international agreement 要 reduce  fuel  ...... 问你同意还是不同意
v2.Fossil fuel resources: For the Fossil fuel resources is XXX and limited, 有必要制定一个针对所有国家的 international agreement,来限制各个国家对fossil fuel的依赖。(最后小半句不太确定,请其它CDer补充)

要不要adopt一个international agreement on reducing the dependence on fossil fuel resources。
V3 The fossil energy are vital and limited. International agreement should be adopted for all countries to decrease the dependence on the fossil energy
V4 fossil fuel resources are vital and limited, international agreements should be adopted that would require all the nations reduce the use of fossil fuel.

1、首先,虽然不愿意,但仍然要承认,自私几乎是天性。self consideration优先。在没有广泛的行动时,每一个国家都不愿意在自己作出牺牲的同时,其他国家没有行动。这样不公平,也不可能达到。这时,领导的作用很重要。安排各国家工作,协调各国家活动。有一个行动的指导作用。function as the leader of the group.
2、而且,保护资源是全球的问题,指望单个国家作出牺牲是不够的。因为在全球化经济发展下,资源几乎是全球运转的。比如,美国会向中国进口木材等原料。所以需要合作。大的跨国公司在其中扮演重要的角色。比如,开发非洲的,有很多是欧洲的公司,跨国公司的举动会影响到很多国家的经济政策。nuclear weapons proliferation
by the same token, the problem of energy conservation transcends the national borders in that either all nations must cooperate, or all will suffer.
3、当然,这样是不够的,必须由各个国家充分地发挥主动的作用take positive action。因为资源是全人类的,每个国家都有责任并且都有必要。只有将统一领导与各国的积极性作用一起结合,才是最effective的方法。
Optional words:
Sacrifice/ expense/ offering/ cost
Conserve/ protect/ guard/ keep/ maintain
Thesis sentence:
To conserve the energy resources is a worldwide project, however, individual nations have been take the responsibilities of energy conservation initiatively without international leadership.
International leadership and worldwide cooperation play important roles in the protection of energy resources.
Evidence: OPEC is one of the best examples. OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is an international organization of eleven developing countries that are heavily reliant on oil revenues as their main source of income. Since oil revenues are so vital for the economic development of these nations, they aim to bring stability and harmony to the oil market by adjusting their oil output to help ensure a balance between supply and demand. In the long run, the stabilized out-put help to cease the problem of over-refining and over utilization of oil energy.
It is not idealistic to expect the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy independently. Factors other than international leadership and world wide cooperation have driven individual nations to conserve energy. These countries conserve energy purely for their own benefit in the future.
Most nations in Europe have developed and used automobiles that are highly energy efficient.
Japan is a country naturally with nearly no energy resources, so it make great effort to conserve energy for future generations. An famous case is that Japan once brought crude oil from other countries and buried it under the sea .


(8)本月机经 1次 上月机经5次
No.13 Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government.
1,        个人往往是按照自己的利益办事即使有环保意愿但和个人利益冲突或要损失个人利益时候往往就会选择牺牲环境moreover个人往往是短视的,只关注眼前不注意长远。政府则相反
2,        环保常常规模很大,个人无力完成。
3,        诚然每个保护环境的措施都是要个人的参与的。但是这种参与是在政府的统筹下的。象作者那样的论断是草率的
a tug of war拔河,两派间的激烈竞争  a political tug of war between those in favor of the new legislation and those against it.
large in scale participation participate ensure preservation individual
on behalf of 为了 at large 逍遥自在不受限制的;全体地普遍地
Experience tells us that individuals tend to act on behalf of their own short-term economic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large.
complete elimination emission automobile nevertheless不过 manufacturer manufacture because voluntarily volunteer voluntary volunteer voluntary voluntarily sacrifice accomplish
regulatory调整的 enforcement impose necessary standard ensure achieve aside from inherently inherent pandemic全国流行的 epidemic流行的  traverse border environment environmental hazard enemy analysis authority authoritative possess attainment agreed-upon 意见一致的

1,        The proponents of this assertion may argue that the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, therefore, it is reasonable to attribute to each person the responsibility for preserving it. a, 必须要承认的是,我们共同使用环境资源,the condition of the environment may have directly effect on each person。所以,人人都has the obligation to protect the environment from being polluted. b, 只有人人都积极地保护环境,
2,        However, to leave all the responsibility to individuals is hardly a wise decision. Despite of the argument above, we should still not lose the sight of the fact that individuals have strong propensity of self-interest and short-term consideration. 没有政府的监督,很少有人自愿作出牺牲以保护环境(voluntarily make sacrifice to protect the environment.)比如如果政府不forbidden smoking in public,smokers may enjoy their cigarettes whenever they want. Deforestation kill excessively
很多情况下,重大fatal的保护环境举措,没有政府的支持做不到。比如工厂dumping noxious water into the river/ deforestation/ kill excessively…以上那些行动,个人的力量根本不能阻止prohibit.

Optional words:
Preserve/ conserve/ maintain
Thesis sentence: While individual person can do a lot to protect our natural environment, the responsibility of preservation the overall environment lies in the hands of government with help form each individual in the society.
View1: Experience tells us that individuals tend to act on behalf of their own short-term economic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large.

View2:the government has certain advantages in preserving the environment.
the government can place certain regulations on the wastes and pollutants towards environment emitted by industries.
Fines deprived from corporations and individual ones that disobey the environmental regulations can be used on many ways such as preserve the forests, planting trees, create conserved areas that will improve our current situations.

While nearly everyone would agree in principle that certain efforts to preserve the natural environment are in humankind’s best interest, environmental issues always involve a tug of war among conflicting political and economic interests. For this reason, and because serious environmental problems are generally large in scale, government participation is needed to ensure environmental preservation.
Experience tells us that individuals (and private corporations owned by individuals) tend to act on behalf of their own short-term economic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large. For example, current technology makes possible the complete elimination of polluting emissions from automobiles. Nevertheless, neither automobile manufacturers nor consumers are willing or able to voluntarily make the short-term sacrifices necessary to accomplish this goal. Only the government holds the regulatory and enforcement power to impose the necessary standards and to ensure that we achieve such goals.
Aside from the problems of self-interest and enforcement, environmental issues inherently involve public health and are far too pandemic in nature for individuals to solve on their own. Many of the most egregious environmental violations traverse state and sometimes national borders. Environmental hazards are akin to those involving food and drug safety and to protecting borders against enemies; individuals have neither the power nor the resources to address these widespread hazards.
In the final analysis, only the authority and scope of power that a government possesses can ensure the attainment of agreed-upon environmental goals. Because individuals are incapable of assuming this responsibility, government must do so.


(9)本月机经 1次 上月机经5次
No.60 “Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”
60. “没有雇员的同意时,雇主应该没有权力去了解他的雇员的健康状况和其他的私人生活方面的信息。”
1,        员工的私人生活状况,很可能影响工作效率。productivity and turnover,所以雇主有理由关心。比如,健康问题,良好的健康状况显然是保障正常稳定生产的基础,雇主付出相同的钱,expect to get certain productivity. 而员工隐瞒健康状况,造成的低效率高成本,会使公司suffer。在雇佣时拥有对称的信息,很重要。
2,        同时,员工的私人状况,如果会危害到其他员工,那么应该有权得这知。比如,健康状况,犯罪的历史等等重大事件。健康,会infect other employee/ 暴力 history of crimes violence 很可能会对其他的员工造成伤害。这些都是必须要知道的。
3,        但有一些其他的私人生活,与工作效率无关,而且不是threat to others。employer 没有权力获取。比如,婚姻状况marital status, religion, race…这些都应该是员工自愿提供的with permission,而不能强制获得force。

View1: as human resources is one of the most important fortunes to a company, companies should know the health conditions of their employees. Decide whether a worker is competent for a job, decide cost on medical cares, ensure productivity
View2: other aspects of employees’ personal life, if not directly related to work performance, are not need to expose to employers.
Determining whether employers should have access to personal information about employees requires that the interests of businesses in ensuring productivity and stability be weighed against concerns about equity and privacy interests. On balance, my view is that employers should not have the right to obtain personal information about current employees without their consent.
A business’ interest in maintaining a stable, productive workforce clearly justifies right of access to certain personal information about prospective employees. Job applicants can easily conceal personal information that might adversely affect job performance, thereby damaging the employer in terms of low productivity and high turnover. During employment, however, the employee’s interests are far more compelling than those of the employer, for three reasons.
First, the employer has every opportunity to monitor ongoing job performance and to replace workers who fail to meet standards, regardless of the reason for that failure. Second, allowing free access to personal information about employees might open the floodgates to discriminatory promotions and salary adjustments. Current federal laws—which protect employees from unfair treatment based on gender, race, and marital status, may not adequately guard against an employer’s searching for an excuse to treat certain employees unfairly. Third, access to personal information without consent raises serious privacy concerns, especially where multiple individuals have access to the information. Heightening this concern is the ease of access to information which our burgeoning electronic Intranets make possible.
In sum, ready access to certain personal information about prospective employees is necessary to protect businesses; however, once hired, an employee’s interest in equitable treatment and privacy far outweighs the employer’s interest in ensuring a productive and stable workforce.



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