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INSEAD is my only target for MBA school which is right for my personality and

financial status. However, my GMAT is at an awkward level (680). I am hesitant if i

should apply for Sep 2011 rather than Jan 2011 intake (round 2 or round 3) since

the school doesn't welcome re-application.
here is my background -
Work experience  - investment banking, research analyst  (3 years)
travel a lot - America, EU, and Africa

  Any feedback from you is appreciated! Thank you !

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我觉得680和700差别不是楼主想的那么大,我看报ad的同学也有700的, 我去campus



thanks for your encouragement! Before deadline of 2nd application, i have no

chance to take GMAT one more time (just completed one recently). If the school

allows me to file new score after the application, of course, i will definitely try !


Very good profile! Work hard on your essays and your chances are high, I think.

BTW, it is really impossible to raise the GMAT a little bit like 700-710?


Thanks for your response!

yes, i am not confident with my GMAT score. Students in Jan2011 will graduate in

Dec2011 (one-year program). This term will include opportunities for summer intern,

which is not included in Sep2011 intake. I would like to build up more network here

and enhance my leadership, problem-solving in this year. If possible, work abroad

is choice for me.


你是对自己的G数据缺乏自信吗?我听说有个牛人,连续考几次最终780,并且顺利go TOP。

春季班什么情况,是不是和今年秋季入学的一块毕业?我那个simon的朋友就是这样的,少了半年的campus life,也少了一些费用,当然也是以退为进的做法。

希望你综合评估一下你的需求吧。你只说了喜欢insead,并没有说你自己的人生规划, 着急走吗?如果不着急的话,可以......



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