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来自CollegeBoard 的消息说:从09年3月SAT考试将采取新的送分政策,从以前强制送最后三次成绩的送分方式变为自由选择某一次考试分数的送分方式。此次变化还可以适用于2009年3月之前的考试成绩。也就是说,明年申请的考生都将有幸参与送分方式的变革,不管你是什么时候考的SAT。当然,今年申请大学的同学就用不上这个好政策了。

  这意味着不管你考了几次SAT,只要选择使用Score Choice,学校就只能看到最好一次成绩,而不是像以前一样送去你所有的(每一次SATⅠ和SATⅡ)成绩。 


  1、新的Score Choice政策将从明年3月的考试开始实施。你可以选择使用Score Choice(只送部分成绩),也可以选择不使用(也就是将全部成绩都送出)。选择成绩并不收取额外费用。

  2、不管是考试注册时的四个免费送分,还是考试以后登陆collegeboard官方网站,都可以使用Score Choice。(但对2009年3月之前的考试,不能适用于注册时的免费送分)

  3、SAT Reasoning考试可以选择某个考试日期的分数,也就是说,要送就一次成绩一起送,不可以选择这次的阅读和那次的语法组合。

  4、SAT Subject考试按科目送分,比如这次考了3门,但可以只送2门成绩。

  5、Score Choice只修改送出的成绩单,而不改变College Board里的分数记录。


     以下是CollegeBoard 的原文:

The College Board has approved an important change to the current SAT score-reporting policy. This new policy will give students the freedom to send the scores by sitting (test date) that they feel best represent their ability to colleges and universities, at no additional cost.


Designed to reduce student stress and improve the test-day experience, this new score-reporting feature will launch in early spring 2009, and will therefore be available to students participating in the March 2009 test administration.

Any student who has taken an SAT prior to the policy launch or who registers for the SAT after launch will be able to take advantage of this new policy. The students who have taken tests prior to the launch can use the score-reporting feature retroactively. Additionally, this new score-reporting feature will be optional to students. If a student chooses not to select their scores, all of their scores will be sent.


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This new score-reporting feature also gives colleges the ability to choose which scores are required for admission. Colleges and universities will communicate any changes to their admissions policies or application requirements to students. www.cuus.cn+ Y/ K2 B& i) R% I

Fast facts5 C" ~2 \+ x0 P  e2 i
Students will be able to select which scores they send to colleges by sitting (test date) for the SAT and by individual test for SAT Subject Tests?.


US -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United States. d! z) z; Q+ f/ }# @
Scores from an entire SAT test will be sent—scores of individual sections from different sittings cannot be selected independently for sending.

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Students can send any or all scores to a college on a single report—it will not cost more to send one, multiple or all test scores.

Students will be instructed to follow the different score-reporting requirements of each college to which they apply.


www.cuus.cn2 u# M- N9 |5 S* B  ]0 r. G
The new score-reporting feature will be optional—if students do not use it, all scores will be sent automatically. 

The score-reporting feature can be used on any score report that students send: 

The four score reports available through online or phone registration (applying to already scored tests) and additional score reports % t0 @& j" }. q2 d8 B( T
The new score-reporting feature functionality will be available to all students via the Web or by calling Customer Service toll free (within the United States)


Students who complete a test prior to the launch of the new score-reporting feature will be able to take advantage of this option when sending past or future scores

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