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让学生学习effectively, other studentsteachers 哪个重要


How effectively one learns in a classroom is determined more by the quality of other students than by the quality of the teacher. Agree or not?

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原题:“Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.”(36)
The author's assert brings in the controversial and complex question that is being discussed a lot now : teamwork or individual energy and commitment, which one is more important to a company or other types of organizations? The author claims that teamwork has been overemphasized. To the contrary, I believe that is the author who makes an overemphasis by saying "It is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.
1.        每个个人都是组织的一个组成成员。每个人都各司其职。尤其是在科学技术如此进步的今天很少有人能象作者所说的那样独立完成一项任务。事实上每个人都是完成了工作的一个部分一个方面,而合在一起才有了团队的成功。
2.        一个公司一个组织并不是所有成员的简单加总.如果是这样的话,那么也就没有必要形成一个团队了每个人独立完成就好了.事实上一个团队可以把个体有机的组织在一起,使整体的运做更有效率更有成效,这才识组织存在的原因.
3.        诚然集体的每个任务都是许多个别员工的努力组成的.但是这其中的每个人都不是完全独立的.没有设计人员,生产人员无法生产,而没有生产人员,销售人员亦无法销售.
regimentation团队精神 each does his or her own duty technology organic organically

View1: efficiency comes from work divisions. In today’s business world, it is unpractical for one person to accomplish an entire program. Actually, only every competent person finishes one part of the mission, entirely whole program get done.
View2: An organization is not simply put competent people together but combine them to form a organic integrity, thus induce higher efficiency an productivity.

The relationship between teamwork and individual strength, energy, and commitment is complex; whether they operate in a complementary or antagonistic manner depends on: (1) the goals toward which the traits are directed, (2) the degree of emphasis on teamwork, and (3) the job of the individual within an organization.
A person’s ability to work effectively in a team is not in consistent per se with personal strength, energy, and commitment. If exercised in a self-serving manner—for example, through pilfering or back stabbing—these traits can operate against the organization. Conversely, if directed toward the firm’s goals, these traits can motivate other team members, thereby advancing common goals. World War II generals Patton and Rommel understood this point and knew how to bring out the best individual qualities in their troops, while at the same time instilling a strong sense of team and common purpose.
Nevertheless, over-emphasizing teamwork can be counterproductive for an organization. A successful team requires both natural leaders and natural followers; otherwise, a team will accomplish little. Undue emphasis on teamwork may quell initiative among natural leaders, thereby thwarting team goals. Also, teamwork can be overemphasized with a commissioned sales force of highly competitive and autonomic individuals. Overemphasis on teamwork here might stifle healthy competition, thereby defeating a firm’s objectives. In other organizational areas, however, teamwork is critical. For example, a product-development team must progress in lock-step fashion toward common goals, such as meeting a rollout deadline.
In sum, individual strength, commitment, and energy can complement a strong team approach; as long as individual autonomy is not undermined, all can operate in a synergistic manner to achieve an organization’s goals.


14、因为physical work environment 可以增强 employee的productivity,所以employees should have the rights to decide how is their workplace designed.
原题:“Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.”(68)
1.        brings creativity and coziness
2.        makes colleagues more closely and companionate
3.        Admittedly, some companies such as consulting/consultant? company must avoid too much decoration.
However, no matter the employee or the employer, as for the environment is considered, compromise should be made from time to time.

View1: work character has great influence on the design of workplace.
Evidence: consulting company must avoid too much decoration in order to appear professionally and dependably. To some creative work such as AD agency and fashion design, the decorating of workplace is important not only for simulating inspirations but also for showing creative abilities.
View2: also, the designment of workplace should be compromise to company culture.
Evidence: Consider the influence it has done to co-workers and the harmony in work place.

I agree that physical workspace can affect morale and productivity and that, as a result, employees should have a significant voice in how their work areas are designed. However, the speaker suggests that each employee should have full autonomy over his or her immediate workspace, I think this view is too extreme, for it ignores two important problems that allowing too much freedom over workspace can create.
On the one hand, I agree that some aspects of workspace design are best left to the individual preferences of each worker. Location of personal tools and materials, style and size of desk chair, and even desk lighting and decorative desk items, can each play an important role in a worker’s comfort, psychological wellbeing, concentration, and efficiency. Moreover, these features involve highly subjective preferences, so it would be inappropriate for anyone but the worker to make such choices.
On the other hand, control over one’s immediate workspace should not go unchecked, for two reasons. First, one employee’s workspace design may inconvenience, annoy, or even offend nearby coworkers. For example, pornographic pinups may distract some coworkers and offend others, thereby impeding productivity, fostering ill-will and resentment, and increasing attrition—all to the detriment of the company. Admittedly, the consequences of most workspace choices would not be so far-reaching. Still, in my observation many people adhere, consciously or not, to the adage that one person’s rights extend only so far as the next person’s nose. A second problem with affording too much workspace autonomy occurs when workspaces are not clearly delineated—by walls and doors—or when workers share an immediate workspace. In such cases, giving all workers concurrent authority would perpetuate conflict and undermine productivity.
In conclusion, although employees should have the freedom to arrange their work areas, this freedom is not absolute. Managers would be well-advised to arbitrate workspace disputes and, if needed, assume authority to make final decisions about workspace design.


原题:“Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”(60)
1,        员工的私人生活状况,很可能影响工作效率。productivity and turnover,所以雇主有理由关心。比如,健康问题,良好的健康状况显然是保障正常稳定生产的基础,雇主付出相同的钱,expect to get certain productivity. 而员工隐瞒健康状况,造成的低效率高成本,会使公司suffer。在雇佣时拥有对称的信息,很重要。
2,        同时,员工的私人状况,如果会危害到其他员工,那么应该有权得这知。比如,健康状况,犯罪的历史等等重大事件。健康,会infect other employee/ 暴力 history of crimes violence 很可能会对其他的员工造成伤害。这些都是必须要知道的。
3,        但有一些其他的私人生活,与工作效率无关,而且不是threat to others。employer 没有权力获取。比如,婚姻状况marital status, religion, race…这些都应该是员工自愿提供的with permission,而不能强制获得force。

View1: as human resources is one of the most important fortunes to a company, companies should know the health conditions of their employees. Decide whether a worker is competent for a job, decide cost on medical cares, ensure productivity
View2: other aspects of employees’ personal life, if not directly related to work performance, are not need to expose to employers.
Determining whether employers should have access to personal information about employees requires that the interests of businesses in ensuring productivity and stability be weighed against concerns about equity and privacy interests. On balance, my view is that employers should not have the right to obtain personal information about current employees without their consent.
A business’ interest in maintaining a stable, productive workforce clearly justifies right of access to certain personal information about prospective employees. Job applicants can easily conceal personal information that might adversely affect job performance, thereby damaging the employer in terms of low productivity and high turnover. During employment, however, the employee’s interests are far more compelling than those of the employer, for three reasons.
First, the employer has every opportunity to monitor ongoing job performance and to replace workers who fail to meet standards, regardless of the reason for that failure. Second, allowing free access to personal information about employees might open the floodgates to discriminatory promotions and salary adjustments. Current federal laws—which protect employees from unfair treatment based on gender, race, and marital status, may not adequately guard against an employer’s searching for an excuse to treat certain employees unfairly. Third, access to personal information without consent raises serious privacy concerns, especially where multiple individuals have access to the information. Heightening this concern is the ease of access to information which our burgeoning electronic Intranets make possible.
In sum, ready access to certain personal information about prospective employees is necessary to protect businesses; however, once hired, an employee’s interest in equitable treatment and privacy far outweighs the employer’s interest in ensuring a productive and stable workforce.


12、原题:Financial benefit should be the most important factor when choosing a career(31)
1.        把收入作为选择职业的首要考虑因素会使人忽视了生命中更应该追求的其他东西。事实上有许多人为了追求更为重要的目标而放弃了使自己获得最大收入的职业。象是特蕾莎修女,她以助人为快乐。尽管在物质上是清贫的但是却在别人快乐的同时自己也得到了幸福的回报。Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India. Although she was not rich all through her life, she was happier than most of her contemporaries because she gained happiness when she helped the poor. bliss blessedness  还有一些人为了做全职家长更好的照顾孩子更是完全牺牲了得到钱的职业。在他们看来和家人在一起生活照顾他们的起居饮食是自己最开心的事情。
2.        诚然经济基础是一切其他活动的前提,但追求钱以外更重要的目标并不一定意味着就会得不到物质回报或者是一定会过得潦倒。事实上两者是可以相互促进的。一个追求智力上或者是创造力上的成就的人象是作家艺术家或者是音乐家当他们的作品问世时候他们同时也得到了物质的回报。others choose to pursue intellectual or creative fulfillment-as writers, artists, or musicians. 而这些钱反过来又会为他们的创作提供更好的条件和环境.
ignore, overlook, neglect; pursue, go in for, in pursuit of, aspire after, be down and out mutually, come out, be published, priority, primarily; appreciate, notion, profession, lucrative, stem from subordinate ... to ...
recreation physical health psychological making money is not an end in the end of itself. acknowledge strike a balance overriding高于一切的 factor   

1.        Admittedly, 人们都不是生活在童话里fairy tale,人们需要面对日常生活中的各种花费,而金钱是保障这一切,从而保障人们生命的基础。financial gain does be an important factor in choosing a career.
2.        但是,这不代表说,所有人都应该把它regard it as the most important…因为after all, 金钱只是满足我们生活的手段,还有更多更家重要的东西,金钱无法满足。比如精神生活:首先,很多人选择很多工作,造福社会,但它们pay less than others,比如social work, nursing. 人们认为精神世界更重要,帮助别人。。。;另外,良好的工作环境,同事关系,使人们精神好。
3.        因为首先:不同人有不同的需要,又比如说,有的妈妈为了照顾孩子,选择地点离家比较近的工作,even though this job can provide her less money than those far from her home.。。再比如说,有的人为了事业上更大的成就,会选择能提供更多机会promotion,或者培训之类的。如果全部考虑金钱,则很可能丧失更多进步的机会。

View1: Financial gain is an important factor in choosing a career.
View2: However, there are more factors play important roles in making job decisions. chance for promotion, training, work environment, corporate culture and reputation, welfare other than financial form
Evidence: Vincent Van Gogh .If he transfer to other career for monetary consideration, there will be no such beautiful scenes as starry night and sunflowers shining forever in our art history.
View3: In my opinion, the best career is the combination of special interests and financial benefits.
Financial gain is certainly one factor to consider when selecting a career. But many people do not, and should not, focus on this factor as the main one. The role that money plays in career choice should depend on the priorities, goals and values of the particular person making the choice.
The main problem with selecting a career primarily on the basis of money is that for many people to do so would be to ignore one’s personal values, needs, and larger life goals. Indeed, many people appreciate this notion when they choose their career. For example, some people join one of the helping professions, such as nursing, teaching or social work, well aware that their career will not be financially lucrative. Their choice properly stems from an overriding altruistic desire, not from an interest in financial gain. Others choose to pursue intellectual or creative fulfillment—as writers, artists, or musicians—knowing that they are trading off dollars for non-tangible rewards. Still others forego economic gain to work as full-time parents; for these people, family and children are of paramount importance in life. Finally, many people subordinate economic prospects to their desire to live in a particular location; these people may place a high value on recreation, their physical health, or being near a circle of friends.
Another problem with focusing primarily on money when selecting a career is that it ignores the notion that making money is not an end in the end of itself, but rather a means of obtaining material goods and services and of attaining important goals—such as providing security for oneself and one’s family, lifelong learning, or freedom to travel or to pursue hobbies. Acknowledging the distinction, one may nevertheless select a career on the basis of money—since more money can buy more goods and services as well as the security, freedom, and time to enjoy them. Even so, one must strike a balance, for if these things that money is supposed to provide are sacrificed in the pursuit of money itself, the point of having money—and of one’s career selection—has been lost.
In conclusion, economic gain should not be the overriding factor in selecting a career. While for a few people the single-minded pursuit of wealth may be fulfillment enough, most people should, and indeed do, temper the pursuit of wealth against other values, goals, and priorities. Moreover, they recognize that money is merely a means to more important objectives, and that the pursuit itself may undermine the achievement of these objectives.


11、A society should be measured by societic and artistic achievement more than business success.
原题:“The value of any nation should be measured more by its scientific and artistic achievements than by its business successes.”(104)
1、art 和science的发展需要依赖成功商业的赞助
It is tempting to concede the speaker’s opinion that achievements in art and science are more significant to the worth of a nation than its “mere” business successes. Still, I disagree with the view because it overlooks the several ways that commercial success supports artistic accomplishment and scientific progress. It also ignores the extent to which commercial success renders a nation more secure, and better able to promote human rights and political stability throughout the world.
First of all, art and science have always depended upon the patronage of successful business. Consider Italy’s powerful banking clan, the Medici family, and their support for artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael. Substantial scientific and artistic support now comes from foundations established by extraordinarily successful business families like the Rockefellers, Gettys, Carnegies and Mellons. In addition to their private-sector foundation funding, successful businesses also pay taxes that are returned to university art and science programs. And, many businesses form partnerships with universities to further scientific discovery and related technological progress. Finally, both art and science are highly successful business enterprises in their own right.
Secondly, the value of a nation is related to its ability to defend itself, and to help promote peace and justice among other nations. A nation is more capable in both regards when its businesses enjoy greater success. For example, the current return of Kosovars to their homeland was facilitated by a cost-intensive military effort that required funding from, among other sources, tax revenues from business. In addition, a wealthy nation can, by means of its trade agreements, use its economic strength to encourage other countries to extend greater human rights to their citizens. Finally, a wealthy nation can depend on an expansive weapons industry in the private sector; and it can fund an effective military to carry out national defense.
In sum, it is simplistic to suppose that achievement in art and science is more important to the value of a nation than the success of its businesses. The latter is essential to national and world security. And, business success is deeply connected to accomplishment in art and science.


10、2次有一个观点:一个国家不太可能会去牺牲一些东西去conserve energy,所以应该联合各个国家,一起来做这个事儿,来给我们下一代留点东西用。两句话题目,很短的。然后就是 to what extend you agree or disagree之类的了。
原题:“It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.”(2)
1.        To conserve the energy is a world-wide project. No individual country is able to do it independently.
2.        It is unfair to let individual nations to make sacrifices while the others do not.
3.        The best and the most efficient way is the whole wolrd conserve the energy simultaneously and collectively.

1,        首先,虽然不愿意,但仍然要承认,自私几乎是天性。self consideration优先。在没有广泛的行动时,每一个国家都不愿意在自己作出牺牲的同时,其他国家没有行动。这样不公平,也不可能达到。这时,领导的作用很重要。安排各国家工作,协调各国家活动。有一个行动的指导作用。function as the leader of the group.
2,        而且,保护资源是全球的问题,指望单个国家作出牺牲是不够的。因为在全球化经济发展下,资源几乎是全球运转的。比如,美国会向中国进口木材等原料。所以需要合作。大的跨国公司在其中扮演重要的角色。比如,开发非洲的,有很多是欧洲的公司,跨国公司的举动会影响到很多国家的经济政策。nuclear weapons proliferation
the problem of energy conservation transcends the national borders in that either all nations must cooperate, or all will suffer.(sample上的句子)
3,        当然,这样是不够的,必须由各个国家充分地发挥主动的作用take positive action。因为资源是全人类的,每个国家都有责任并且都有必要。只有将统一领导与各国的积极性作用一起结合,才是最effective的方法。
The speaker asserts that an international effort is needed to preserve the world’s energy resources for future generations. While individual nations, like people, are at times willing to make voluntary sacrifices for the benefit of others, my view is that international coordination is nevertheless necessary in light of the strong propensity of nations to act selfishly, and because the problem is international in scope.
The main reason why an international effort is necessary is that, left to their own devices, individual nations, like people, will act according to their short-term motives and self-interest. The mere existence of military weapons indicates that self-interest and national survival are every nation’s prime drivers. And excessive consumption by industrialized nations of natural resources they know to be finite, when alternatives are at hand demonstrates that self-interest and short-sightedness extend to the use of energy resources as well. Furthermore, nations, like people, tend to rationalize their own self-serving policies and actions. Emerging nations might argue, for example, that they should be exempt from energy conservation because it is the industrialized nations who can better afford to make sacrifices and who use more resources in the first place.
Another reason why an international effort is required is that other problems of an international nature have also required global cooperation. For example, has each nation independently recognized the folly of nuclear weapons proliferation and voluntarily disarmed? No: only by way of an international effort, based largely on coercion of strong leaders against detractors, along with an appeal to self-interest, have we made some progress. By the same token, efforts of individual nations to thwart international drug trafficking have proven largely futile, because efforts have not been internationally based. Similarly, the problem of energy conservation transcends national borders in that either all nations must cooperate, or all will ultimately suffer.
In conclusion, nations are made up of individuals who, when left unconstrained, tend to act in their own self-interest and with short-term motives. In light of how we have dealt, or not dealt, with other global problems, it appears that an international effort is needed to ensure the preservation of natural resources for future generations.


9、政府应该多加管制,以防孩子们在互联网上接触到ADULT MATERIALS
原题:“Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children’s access to adult material on the Internet.” *
*The Internet is a worldwide computer network.(15)
1、国际合作在这中间十分必要.因为这种犯罪的遏止如同当年控制臭氧空洞(ozone depletion)的元凶PRIME CRIMINAL(CFC)时候一样单独靠一个国家的力量这种污染是无法遏止的.
2、诚然,会遇到很大的政治制约(POLITICAL HURDLE)
regulate access material worthwhile cooperative regulatory
universality普遍性广泛性I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of this problem.
pornographic色情的 sexual性的性别的 emerging浮现出来的 sexuality 性特征bound contained within national border be akin to emission release phenomenon regulation contamination污染物 contaminate admittedly formidable hurdle compliance 服从顺从consequence结果 cooperate
The issue here is whether an international effort to regulate children’s access to adult material on the Internet is worthwhile. In my view, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory effort. I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently pandemic nature of the problem.
Adults everywhere have a serious interest in limiting access by children to pornographic material. Pornographic material tends to confuse children—distorting their notion of sex, of themselves as sexual beings, and of how people ought to treat one another. Particularly in the case of domination and child pornography, the messages children receive from pornographic material cannot contribute in a healthy way to their emerging sexuality. Given this important interest that knows no cultural bounds, we should regulate children’s access to sexually explicit material on the Internet.
However, information on the Internet is not easily contained within national borders. Limiting access to such information is akin to preventing certain kinds of global environmental destruction. Consider the problem of ozone depletion thought to be a result of chloroflourocarbon (CFC) emissions. When the government regulated CFC production in the U.S., corporations responsible for releasing CFC’s into the atmosphere simply moved abroad, and the global threat continued. Similarly, the Internet is a global phenomenon; regulations in one country will not stop “contamination” overall. Thus, successful regulation of Internet pornography requires international cooperation, just as successful CFC regulation finally required the joint efforts of many nations.
Admittedly, any global regulatory effort faces formidable political hurdles, since cooperation and compliance on the part of all nations—even warring ones—is inherently required. Nevertheless, as in the case of nuclear disarmament or global warming, the possible consequences of failing to cooperate demand that the effort be made. And dissenters can always be coerced into compliance politically or economically by an alliance of influential nations.
In sum, people everywhere have a serious interest in the healthy sexual development of children and, therefore, in limiting children’s access to Internet pornography. Because Internet material is not easily confined within national borders, we can successfully regulate children’s access to adult materials on the Internet only by way of international cooperation.


8、之前JJ看到过,政府为了保证国家安全,have access to citizens’ library records and Internet history
暂时没找到准确题库,上个月的寂静中出现的观点为In interest of national security, governments should have access to their citizens' library checkout records and Internet activity records


原题:“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”
1、        The government should be responsible for the adjustment of the workers. If all the citizens should be responsible for themselves, there is no use for the government to exist.
2、        The government should also force the business to involve in the project. Because the government itself is incapable of doing so without concrete knowledge of each certain industry. In the long run, doing so will also benefit the business.
3、        Admittedly, the workers should not rely on others to help them to adjust to varying situations. They themselves should adapt their skills and knowledge to the change of the industry and of the society.

1、        个人确实应该首先take the chief responsibility of their job obsolescence. 因为对自己的生活负责的人,首先是自己。现在的社会也提供了机会:很多学校提供短期的培训,人们可以参加保持自己keep up with the changes of the technologies and new direction of businesses。第二,只有个人采取主动,才能从根本上解决问题。否则merely rely on the help coming from government or business,人们会变得消极become passive and lose enterprise. 长期以来,对整个社会都有negative impact on the further development of one society.
2、        但是,这不是说企业不应该负责。after all, 是企业作出了创新和改变,并且造成了这些改变——并且造成了job obsolescence。应该为这些负责任。比如,为员工提供opportunity of training for the new technique…,这样也可以节约重新培训totally new employee的cost。
3、        Moreover, 政府也应该采取一些行动。政府作为一个社会的管理者supervisor,有责任保证全社会的well being. 应该帮助个人完成适应adjustment. 可以通过提供一些insurance for unemployment, advice for the occupational choice, necessary information of the new trend of business…
Thesis sentence: While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so
View1: l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially since our educational system has been preparing us for it
View2: However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines the particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. Moreover in the long run, doing so will also benefit the business.
View3:         Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that fuels technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find new work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their own further education and job searches.

As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helping displaced workers adjust? While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.
l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially since our educational system has been preparing us for it. For decades, our schools have been counseling young people to expect and prepare for numerous major career changes during their lives. And concerned educators have recognized and responded to this eventuality with a broader base of practical and theoretical coursework that affords students the flexibility to move from one career to another.
However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines the particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. And since industry is mainly responsible for worker displacement, it has a duty to help displaced workers adjust—through such means as on-site training programs and stipends for further education.
Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that fuels technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find new work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their own further education and job searches.
In conclusion, while individuals should be prepared for future job changes, both government and industry shoulder obligations to provide training programs, funding and information that will help displaced workers successfully retool and find new employment.



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