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09年Yale MBA interview面试精华汇总 奉上R2面试

1, 我十一月中去校園interview了,申請R1, 十月底收到面試通知的,與其他商學院比較,感覺耶魯的整體教室及設備很老舊,同學幾乎擠在走廊上的沙發聚會,不像其他學校有好多好高級的專屬小會議室全天候開放使用,是有點小失望。但遇到的學生都很友善,而商學院離其他校園的地方,像書店、星巴克感覺都好遠阿!!! 好像商學院是躲在校園的角落裏,不過還是名校吧。Interview很直接從resume上問問題而已,所以沒啥太過份的問題。跟大家分享~
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07年Yale 面经, in SH tomorrow Plaza@3/3
1. High school exprience, 居然问道这个问题......
2. University achievement, 有啥说啥,反正我gpa不高,就吹别的
3. Why company, 到现在自己都没想明白
4. Working experience, 这个忽悠的还行吧
5. Why MBA
6. Why Yale, 这个回答的失败啊......本来要走感情路线,忽悠了半天,说了点啥mission啊,yale people之类的,发现对方
的眼神挺不屑的。于是立马说let's talk about rational reason,然后就blabla了半天课程设置之类的,才发现对方觉得这
7. 然后就是问我有什么问题
8. 最后写个作文:
a.Master 兴趣,我不是,就没写
b. Opition essay
c. Your favorite teacher in childhood,貌似不同人碰到的不同
所以可以理解为啥Shelley对我的忽悠很不屑了,anyway,我自己觉得应该走一个更加理性的说法回答Why Yale......



Yale on-campus interview with second year students
I am a mainland Chinese applicant. After I got the invitation on Dec 17th, I decided to fly to Yale specially for the interview. I think it is a right decision, although it took a great effort. I scheduled my interview on Jan 7th. My interviewer was a charming second year students. She was very nice and the overall interview was like a chat between friends. Typical questions like:
- Why undergraduate school and major?
- Why first company? (I had an architectual engineering background but worked for an automotive company after graduation, so she asked several why questions on that)
- Achievement, leadership, extracurricular stories
- Why MBA, why Yale (This is where I put my career goals in)
- Questions
At the end of the interview, she asked that if I were the general manager of GM, what suggestion I would give to the CEO. She said she was just out of curiosity, while I think it was a good question. Fortunately, I prepared a very good answer and she smiled.
I felt relax all along the interview. I think Yale is a very people-oriented school. The adcom were very nice at reception and my interviewer kept smiling all the way through the talk, which helped me to release anxiety a lot.
I was so lucky to have iammad support. Before I went to New Haven, he called me for almost one hour for mock interview. When we met, he showed me around Yale and shared with me lots of insight that I could also utilize in the interview. What's more, he invited me for a supper dinner at his favorite Thai restaurant! Thank you very much!
A few suggestions to other applicants:
- Show your strong interest about the school. Talk as much as possible to alumni, current students and adcom. The more you know about the school, the more you can show your passion via the interview.
- If time and money allow, visit the campus. That's help so much to get a feeling of the program and the people. Anyway, you gonna spend a big investment and two years of your life there, so I think it worth.
- You should be able to explain every transitions of your life and your choice. Ask yourself WHY, on all academic, professional and personal issues.
- Be yourself and keep smiling.
Luckily, I got admission 10 days after my interview


Submitted 10.24, invited for interview 10/30, interviewed 11.8 (campus adcom). The interviewer is an Asian lady. The questions she asked : 1. why undergradute school 2. why MBA 3. Why Yale 4. Why now 5. Career goal 6. entrepreneurship experience 7. Leadership experience and how to handle difficult situation 8. Personal interests and hobby 8. questions. We had a relaxed conversation and went over our time limits by almost 10 minutes.
After the interview I attended the CDO class by Prof. Fabbozi (I work in structured finance sector. This class is too good to miss). Personally I perfer case study and the lecture style is a bit boring to me though. Yale campus is very big and beautiful. It is only 1.5 hours away from New York City. Don't think it will be a problem for future job hunting.
Anyone has questions regarding CBS and Yale's interviews or applications, feel free to email me. Finger crossed for my application for Wharton, Stanford and HBS. All best wishes for us!!


Yale R2 Interview @ Feb 10th
I just finished my Yale R2 on-campus interview. It was a great experience. Special thanks for Iammad, TN, and other SOM students who provided great helps. The questions I got this morning were quite standard:

1. Please walk me through your resume
2. Based on your consulting experience, what's your take on current market down-turn (I didn't prepare this one, but handled it well)
3. How long, in average, are your projects? How many industries you have worked on?
3. Then he picked couple bullets on my resume, and focused on two questions: a. with a pure engineering background, how do you work in management consulting area; b. how do you show leadership when you work with peole with a lot more exprience than you.
4. What is the impact you would like to make to the High-Tech industry (the industry I expressed interest for post-MBA career)
5. Why MBA, Why Yale, Why Now?
6. Please talk about your undergraduate experience.
7. Any questions for me (I asked about his take on market down-turn, the influence of change of leadership of SOM, and his experiences with Tony Blair's seminar)


大家好!我现在在耶鲁校园,方才上午面完on campus。
问题还是这么几个,基本是跟着我的resume走下来,每个exp都问问到底是怎么回事,还问了why mba why now why yale 最大的挑战,最后我问了几个问题。整个过程感觉很procedure,面试官没有斯坦福的那个friendly。



不知道为什么,当我呆头呆脑推门进去的时候,我主观里的印象还是认为shelley是一个又高又瘦的白种女人,于是当我发现实际情况原来完全相反的时候我傻乎乎的问了一句:Are you also a candidate? 当我反应过来原来她就是面试官时候我恨不得抽自己两个耳刮……
If you have a chance, what would you do to make a change to your company?
1. What are the first names of your recommenders?
2. What's Yale SOM mission statement (当时一看到差点哭出来)
3. What quality of SOM attracts you most (好像是这个)


Yale 面经 Mar. 5th, 12:15PM
1. where you grew up and what do you do fun in high school (问了那么多人也不换换,FT)
2. what surprise me the most when I entered college
3. why this college and why I chose my major
4. why my company
5. my career progression
6. Short term, Long term goal
7. five words to describe me
8. why MBA
9. why Yale
10. any clubs I plan to join at school
11. any question for her (终于轮到她讲了,她说她选bschool的原因是为了锻炼leadership和public speaking,偶看也像,整个讲话过程中都不怎么看偶,这样怎么和人家进行eye contact啊。当然也许是因为不屑看偶,这个偶就不知道了,不过感觉和她谈得也还行,不至于吧,,,,)
都是前面战友们碰到过的问题,我就不多说了。出来碰到一个北京过来的XD在外面等,聊了没几句他就被叫进去了。我的整个面试过程大概30分钟多一点 (12点10分左右开始,12:45分左右结束)我进去的时候扫了一眼那张面试安排表,好像一天大概面8、9个,我正好在中间。看来这次R2 Yale在中国面试了不下30个人。。。


Yale Interview Notes
Had a pleasant conversation with Shelley this afternoon.
Q List:
1. what did you do for fun in high school
2. Why chose your university and your major
3. Why continue graduate study
4. Why Yale
5. Why now
6. The biggest accomplishment in university
7. The biggest shock when entering university
8. What would you change if you spent your campus life again
9. Five words that your boss describe you
10. Any question for me
11. Written topics: a. what you wrote in application free format essay; b. what's your Toefl score; c. what is the best piece of advice you have received from your parents
We chatted a lot on her experience in Yale b-school and I am surprised to know that both Bruce and Shelley are lawyers. Yale is amazing.
Total session lasts 40 minutes.


Yale 面经 Shanghai
很不容易等到我面,结果进去后连shelly说的第一句话都差点没听懂。说的果然是快啊!面得不好,期间说了两次“I beg your pardon”,看到N次shelly皱眉,一次捂耳朵(呵呵。。>_出来后下一个面的MM马上就被叫进去了,shelley没有时间休息,希望不会影响到那个MM。
一点个人感觉:那个reading comprehension好像是用来确认是否本人(完全个人猜测),因为我的问题有你在简历上列的工作数目,以及你的生日。



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