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Michigan Ross MBA面试经验精华汇总

Phone Interview with Michigan Ross

Very standard questions:

1. walk through resume;

2. Goal and Why MBA;

3. Why Ross;

4. Leadership example;

5. Extracariccular activities;

6. What activities in Ross you like to join;

7. Q&A

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I got the invitation yesterday and wake up in the stinky time, 2:30 am. got only 1 day to preparation. make preparations in advance in case a unpected short-notice!

A young lady speaks very very fast, and has a little acent. and in a very hurry.

20 mins:

1. walk through your resume

2. a strange question: what is the job responsibilities of you. (since I was the boss of my company, it can be a strange question)

3. what made you build your own start-up?

4. what is the most significant impact you have (both  professional and community service)

5. what are your career goals, why mba

6. why ross

7. to describe the team work experience you have

In following 10 mins, i asked 4 questions to her.

I find the interview is much more like a test of Tofel listenting comprehension.

Good luck to all!



Michigan Ross Phone Interview - Feb 28

Time/ Date: 11pm - 11:25pm, Feb 28

Questions Asked:

1. Why Ross?

2. Why do you plan to change from corporation career to entrepreurship?

3. one thing you like Ross most?

4. your opinion on the recent change in capital market in China

5. extracurricular involvement

6. team work experience

7. Q&A

Good luck to all Chinese applicants!



Michigan Ross Phone Interview

Just finished it half an hour ago with an admissions staff.

All questions are general:

1. Career goals

2. Why MBA

3. Why Ross

4. Leadership experience

5. Impact of career change

6. Clubs interested in

At the beginning, she didn't ask me to go through my resume. Instead, she summarized my career development.

She also asked about some details of my community service experiences shown on resume.

Good luck to all you guys!



1小时前的Michigan, Ross电话面试

1小时前的ross 电话面试。

admission mm, 似乎还年轻(UM的校友,在那儿度过了漫长的岁月,工作也在ross,十分十分喜欢这个城市)问题很常规。

1. go through resume....

2. why mba

3. why ross 聊阿聊,说道career goal....

4. teamwork经验。。。

5. Q&A




Michigan Ross 面试经验


1. Walk me through your resume.

2. Why MBA, why now.

3. Career goal

4. Why Ross

5. How can you contribute to other students.

6. Leadership experience

7. Conflicts you have dealt with

8. Clubs you are interested in.

9. Questions for him.



Interview with Ross

I got up early at 6 am and spent 30 mins interviewing with Ross. Although I was not satisfied very well with my performance, I'd like to share with everyone.

The interview was phone interview. The interviewer was the second-year student. He was very nice but pretty detail focus.

At first, he just said that he didn't read my application and only had my resume. So he asked me to introduce myself. After my introduction, he just asked
more questions about my resume. We spend almost ten mintues on my resume.

Then, he asked two general questions:

1) why MBA

2) why Michigan

I said that I came to the point to think about my career future so I applied MBA to learn sound management skills. Then I asked him his background. He was interested in telling more about himself.

Finally, I asked several questions about the schools. That was a pretty nice talk.
Good luck for every one!



My Ross Interview experience

Just had interview with Ross second year student. Besides the regular questions:

• why MBA

• why Ross

• tell me about yourself and resume

He also asked me:

•  "if you were on a cover of a magazine, what magazine would you want it be? and what story do you want the magazine to run about you?"

This is the only question I wasn't prepared for, something for your future intervewees to know about. Overall, it was a relaxing experience, he interviewed me for about 25 minutes before I had a chance to ask him questions. I thought it was an ok interview though, so now I'll just sit back and wait for the replies.



Michigan Ross phone interview

Just finished the Ross phone interview, about 25 minutes in total. Below are the questions:

1. Why MBA

2. Why Ross in particular

3. How did you learn about Ross?

4. What is the most challenging project in your work?

5. Leadership experience

6. Questions for her



In at Ross

8/3晚上收到电话, 今天收到EMAIL. 被我很喜欢的学校录取了.

本人背景: 工科, GPA<3, GMAT:770,Tofel: 263, 9 years working experience. IT entrepreneur (Singapore)

最要感谢的是cicilla. 你对我的帮助不是用三言两语可以感谢的完的.认识你是我的极大福气和荣幸! 我们又要去吃大螃蟹了.

In at Ross and Duke


4.5 working experience in management consulting



admitted by Ross

background: G700 (Oct05),T270(Nov05), W/E big 4 audit (4 yr) plus MNC corporate finance (2 yr)

早上收到的mail,始终有点怀疑学校是不是搞错了。 这个学校的essay我写的最烂了,因为有一篇用其他学校的都套不上,临时改到半夜,submit的时候很犹豫是不是要放弃。校友
面试也没在deadline前约上,后来学校主动要求我Feb. 22 phone interview only 15 minutes,表现也不好,答非所问,乱套。所以至今有点迷惑





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