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New 10

Protrayal of violence makes commercially success in television program, movies, songs, so those who make popular entertainment should incorporate more violence in their entertainment products.



1. People have the duty to disobey laws that they think of as unjust.

2. “ Constant innovation and ...changes are likely to damage... organization"

(知道出处的朋友麻烦告诉我一声。可能太晚了。脑袋有些昏昏的。没有找到原题。谢谢了。怕耽误大家使用。 先贴上了。)




“The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”


1,  每个员工都目标明确因此更有效率

2,  缺乏全局观念也可能出现协调上的困难

3,  好的leader好的分配是前提和保证

case by case.

1, 有些庞大的工程big and complex project,需要人们把工作细分,a, 单独的人没有力量完成,会take much more time,团队之间合作更有利于完成整个任务。b, 每个人可以做自己最擅长的工作。each member can choose the part that she or he are good at. 这样就整体上eliminate the total amount of time to complete the whole task.

2,  但很多工作不适合仅仅literally divide拆分。在要求连贯的coherent reasoning. 各个部分之间close related. 所以,第一,需要整个小组的人进行有效的communication,第二,需要对团队整个collective goal的adequate comprehension,第三,保证这两条的必要条件prerequisite to meet the two needs is 团队合理的人数,不能过多,也不能过少。第四,要有一个team leader,负责指挥和协调工作provide effective guide and lead the team to adhere to the collective goal (common purpose).

phrases: fragment work into small units; Distinct divisions of labor; stifle creativity; undermine self-motivation and pride in one’s work; collaboration=cooperation;

Of course, unproductive employees can be replaced. But replacement is costly; and high employee turnover is bad for organizational morale.-----用在对员工缺乏效率时的补充,很有用!!

View1: work division and assignment is an efficient way to get things done. However, merely dividing work among workers can not assure the final accomplishment of the task.

Evidence:   fragmenting work into small units leads to employee alienation, Those responsible for only a detailed component of a project can easily lose sight of larger organizational goals and their own importance in achieving them. then become less committed to their work, and less productive. In addition, the lack of overall conception may lead to adjusting difficulties. Moreover, Compartmentalizing tasks can stifle cooperation.  

View2: However, team work is not to simply add one component to another, but to organically conform all components together.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




“All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an effective way to get work done.”

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your observations, or your reading.


1.         For groups and organizations that are stable, it is reasonable to have a flat organizational structure.

2.         For groups and organizations that are always confronted with emergencies, it is always better to give one certain person central authority and responsibility.

3.         It is hard to say that one structure is necessarily better than the other. They all have advantages and disadvantages. And it is a case-by-case discussion.


1, Admittedly, 在团队中,每个人都应该起到积极的作用take positive action。责任和义务的share可以激发每个人更加主动motivate the members’ creativity and initiative. 比方说,many companies let the employees to buy shares and stocks.

2, 但是,这样不是说,everyone should be given the power to make the final decision. 首先,天性是自私的。In many circumstances, the personal goal may be different from or even contrary to the goal of the group. 如果任由每个人作出决定,很可能作出相反的,产生很多矛盾。incompatible conflict. 比如企业中,每个员工都想争取最多的工资,但也许与企业cost-cutting policy想矛盾。

3, 这时候,就需要one person with the authority and responsibility for a project来协调assort with the different interests。synthesize the various voices of all the group members and make the final decision.这样才能有效地领导一个团队,不会偏离最初的目标stray from the initial goal of the task.

Thesis sentence: it is true that team work is the most familiar functional way that adopted by many groups and organizations. It is also true that every team member should share responsibilities and duties within the team. However, it is hardly true that the absence of central authority that enable everybody to make decisions is an effective way to get work done.


View1:compared with giving the responsibility for a task to one authoritative person, the sharing of responsibilities and duties among team members is a more effective way to get things done.

Evidence: the allocated responsibility and duties give workers the feeling of being important and necessary that motivated them to fulfill their work.

The fact that anyone who dose not accomplish his or her assigned work thus affect the whole progress of the project could be easily detected, gives the necessary pressure to workers that guarantee the efficiency thus the completion of the progect.


View2: the claim that the everybody decision making structure rather than central authority is a more effective way to get things down is unwarranted.


Everybody makes decisions totally no decisions.

Not everyone has acquired the essential abilities such as thorough analysis and foresighted prediction to make decisions.


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.”


1.       brings creativity and coziness

2.       makes colleagues more closely and companionate

3.       Admittedly, some companies such as consulting/consultant? company must avoid too much decoration.
However, no matter the employee or the employer, as for the environment is considered, compromise should be made from time to time.

View1:work character have great influence on the design of workplace.

Evidence: consulting company must avoid too much decoration in order to appear professionally and dependably. To some creative work such as AD agency and fashion design, the decorating of workplace is important not only for simulating inspirations but also for showing creative abilities.

View2: also, the designment of workplace should be compromise to company culture.

Evidence: Consider the influence it has done to co-workers and the harmony in work place



Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”


1, 员工的私人生活状况,很可能影响工作效率。productivity and turnover,所以雇主有理由关心。比如,健康问题,良好的健康状况显然是保障正常稳定生产的基础,雇主付出相同的钱,expect to get certain productivity. 而员工隐瞒健康状况,造成的低效率高成本,会使公司suffer。在雇佣时拥有对称的信息,很重要。

2, 同时,员工的私人状况,如果会危害到其他员工,那么应该有权得这知。比如,健康状况,犯罪的历史等等重大事件。健康,会infect other employee/ 暴力 history of crimes violence 很可能会对其他的员工造成伤害。这些都是必须要知道的。

3,  但有一些其他的私人生活,与工作效率无关,而且不是threat to others。employer 没有权力获取。比如,婚姻状况marital status, religion, race…这些都应该是员工自愿提供的with permission,而不能强制获得force。

View1: as human resources is one of the most important fortunes to a company, companies should know the health conditions of their employees. Decide whether a worker is competent for a job, decide cost on medical cares, ensure productivity

View2: other aspects of employees’ personal life, if not directly related to work performance, are not need to expose to employers.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




“Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.”


1, 教育是提高一个素质的最好途径。机遇只偏爱有准备的头脑,教育使人有能力抓住转瞬即释的机会

2, 成功的定义应该是全力投入于自己所喜爱的事业对社会有所贡献从而得到物质和精神上的满足。教育是最主要的为一个个体提供掌握一种技能熟悉一门学科知识的provider,从而才可以有所贡献而得到满足。

On one hand, there is nothing that can be better than education in providing us with all kinds of knowledge and skills for solving different problems in our respective domains. How can we achieve success without those expertise and techniques? Some one may argue that experience and common sense are enough for this kind of concern. However, in my opinion, nothing can really substitute education, while it may be true that the above-mentioned elements are also important in gaining the knowledge to achieve success.


What is more, education can make a person improve morally and purify his or her spirit. In my point of view, morality is also an important element for one’s success, although it is always neglected or overlooked. Dictators, for instance, they are likely to be very intelligent and hard-working people, but they are inferior in ethic. It is obvious that those people can not be considered successful. The best way to make a person moral and respectable is education. It teaches people to tell good from bad; it helps people to distinguish justice form evil. 

privilege n&vt property determine access obtain excellent opportunity candidate


1, Education may be always play an indispensable role in getting successful in life. 因为,教育不仅教授specialized and professional knowledge for future occupation, but also many essential principles and skills in the life, such as insight, virtue and analysis. 这些在高速发展的当今社会尤其重要。

2, 在过去,教育的也起到key role的作用,但是,那时候只有property and money can provide the opportunity of receiving education. 所以privilege and property were the keys to education, and thus to success in life.现在不同,people have equal opportunity to obtain education. 财富不再能Property can no longer possess exclusively the resource of education. 教育成为了决定因素。

3, 现在的工作岗位employers are more concerned with the real ability of the employees rather than their family fortune and social connection.更加adequate competition使people with higher education background更容易成功。

Optional words:

Ensure/assure/ guarantee

Thesis sentence:

Money and property has been replaced by education as the main provider of individual opportunity to success.

View1: In the past, the wealth people are more likely to be successful because the education is only accessible by them. When becomes available to almost everyone, education plays an more and more important role in providing opportunities to success.


View2:In today’s business world, employer are more likely hire people on the basis of capacity rather than the kinds of traditionally personal connections that are common among the wealthy.


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




The value of any nation should be measured more by its scientific and artistic achievements than by its business successes.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.




“A company’s long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company’s employees.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1.       一个公司最重要的asset就是它的员工。只有有高素质而且尽心尽力为公司服务的员工,才会有高效率的生产。高质量的产品、好的服务让顾客满意从而为企业赚得利润。如果没有好的员工这一切都是不存在的,而如何才能吸引有高素质的员工并且让他们尽心尽力的为公司服务呢?只有通过改善工作环境、提高回报水平使工人对公司满意才能作到这一点.

2.       但是安全感就不是那么的重要了。虽然对有些员工来讲安全感可能会提高他们的效率,但是反过来有些员工会有恃无恐迟到早退,无故旷工或者是没有全心全意。

long-term success primarily dependent job satisfication job security high productivity hign quality high quantity product skillful proficient masterful professional with all one's heart serve efficient efficiency satisfied contented profit entice enticement security secure in the knowledge that one has strog backing factor determine determinant successful factor typical typically vital pivotal ultimate eventual final eventually decidedly substandard subconsciousness subconscious workplace potential excessive nevertheless competitor competition morale

This list hardly exhausts all the factors that can contribute to ..., and none of them is pivotal in any case.

complacency complacent self-satisfied

While ... clearly boosts ...., the same cannot be said for ...


View1: employees are one of the most important assets of a company. Job satisfaction of the workers influences a lot on their performance thus overall productivity which play a fatal role in the success of the company.

View2: unlike job satisfaction, job security may not necessarily lead to success.

Evidence: job security induce laziness, lack of motivation 


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.





New 10

Protrayal of violence makes commercially success in television program, movies, songs, so those who make popular entertainment should incorporate more violence in their entertainment products.



1. People have the duty to disobey laws that they think of as unjust.

2. “ Constant innovation and ...changes are likely to damage... organization"

(知道出处的朋友麻烦告诉我一声。可能太晚了。脑袋有些昏昏的。没有找到原题。谢谢了。怕耽误大家使用。 先贴上了。)

3. Art exhibition and public performance should not be cancelled because of a community's objection to its content.

4physical activity and sports are as important as students‘s acdemics

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




“The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”


1,  每个员工都目标明确因此更有效率

2,  缺乏全局观念也可能出现协调上的困难

3,  好的leader好的分配是前提和保证

case by case.

1, 有些庞大的工程big and complex project,需要人们把工作细分,a, 单独的人没有力量完成,会take much more time,团队之间合作更有利于完成整个任务。b, 每个人可以做自己最擅长的工作。each member can choose the part that she or he are good at. 这样就整体上eliminate the total amount of time to complete the whole task.

2,  但很多工作不适合仅仅literally divide拆分。在要求连贯的coherent reasoning. 各个部分之间close related. 所以,第一,需要整个小组的人进行有效的communication,第二,需要对团队整个collective goal的adequate comprehension,第三,保证这两条的必要条件prerequisite to meet the two needs is 团队合理的人数,不能过多,也不能过少。第四,要有一个team leader,负责指挥和协调工作provide effective guide and lead the team to adhere to the collective goal (common purpose).

phrases: fragment work into small units; Distinct divisions of labor; stifle creativity; undermine self-motivation and pride in one’s work; collaboration=cooperation;

Of course, unproductive employees can be replaced. But replacement is costly; and high employee turnover is bad for organizational morale.-----用在对员工缺乏效率时的补充,很有用!!

View1: work division and assignment is an efficient way to get things done. However, merely dividing work among workers can not assure the final accomplishment of the task.

Evidence:   fragmenting work into small units leads to employee alienation, Those responsible for only a detailed component of a project can easily lose sight of larger organizational goals and their own importance in achieving them. then become less committed to their work, and less productive. In addition, the lack of overall conception may lead to adjusting difficulties. Moreover, Compartmentalizing tasks can stifle cooperation.  

View2: However, team work is not to simply add one component to another, but to organically conform all components together.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.”


1.       brings creativity and coziness

2.       makes colleagues more closely and companionate

3.       Admittedly, some companies such as consulting/consultant? company must avoid too much decoration.
However, no matter the employee or the employer, as for the environment is considered, compromise should be made from time to time.

View1:work character have great influence on the design of workplace.

Evidence: consulting company must avoid too much decoration in order to appear professionally and dependably. To some creative work such as AD agency and fashion design, the decorating of workplace is important not only for simulating inspirations but also for showing creative abilities.

View2: also, the designment of workplace should be compromise to company culture.

Evidence: Consider the influence it has done to co-workers and the harmony in work place



Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”


1, 员工的私人生活状况,很可能影响工作效率。productivity and turnover,所以雇主有理由关心。比如,健康问题,良好的健康状况显然是保障正常稳定生产的基础,雇主付出相同的钱,expect to get certain productivity. 而员工隐瞒健康状况,造成的低效率高成本,会使公司suffer。在雇佣时拥有对称的信息,很重要。

2, 同时,员工的私人状况,如果会危害到其他员工,那么应该有权得这知。比如,健康状况,犯罪的历史等等重大事件。健康,会infect other employee/ 暴力 history of crimes violence 很可能会对其他的员工造成伤害。这些都是必须要知道的。

3,  但有一些其他的私人生活,与工作效率无关,而且不是threat to others。employer 没有权力获取。比如,婚姻状况marital status, religion, race…这些都应该是员工自愿提供的with permission,而不能强制获得force。

View1: as human resources is one of the most important fortunes to a company, companies should know the health conditions of their employees. Decide whether a worker is competent for a job, decide cost on medical cares, ensure productivity

View2: other aspects of employees’ personal life, if not directly related to work performance, are not need to expose to employers.


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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