芝加哥校园面试 - 2/29/2008 昨天刚刚从芝加哥回来,那个地方可真tmd冷,要去的同学作好心理准备。Chicago is called Windy City, but the black brothers have another term for the weather there: the Hawk, meaning windy cold weather. 周四刚到的时候吃完晚饭出去走走,走了10米就折回来了,nnd, 厚厚的大衣也挡不住那刺骨的寒风。在北京呆过5年,华盛顿4年,都不是暖和的地方,但比起芝加哥,真是差远了。xdjm们,要去那里的话,准备好了。 :-)
Hyde Center, 名不虚传,真是一个很好的building, 比wharton的楼大气很多。特别喜欢那个rothman garden。
面试的经历可能不具有代表性。The interviewer is a second year student, former Deloitte consultant. 看得出来之前花了时间看我的resume, 问的问题很有专业性。可能因为那个人也是engineering出身,也在intel intern过。在我walk through 我的resume的时候纠缠一些具体technical questions, 我的research经历,具体的project 内容, 什么chip的lifetime, intel的22纳米技术问题,semiconductor 行业的将来在哪里?如果我要投资在高科技上,会投资在哪个技术上? 我心说得了,你既然这么有兴趣,我就和你掰掰,于是乎从logic chip, 到flash memory, 从iphone, 到OLED, 到quantum dot, 从sandisk的股票,到seagate为什么有这么大利润,到手机的辐射,再到lighting的新技术,超频的危害。。。。。。感觉来了挡也挡不住,30分钟很快就到了。感觉“正经”问题还没问几个。
a few tips to those who plans to do on campus interview: 天下的士一般狡猾,从机场去校园的时候那个黑哥们问我打算怎么走? 我傻冒告诉他走express way, 结果这家伙给我绕,$35然后还给他6块小费外加感谢。 我回机场的时候尼日利亚的兄弟就挺好,没问直接走 local, 才19块。nnd, 想起去年在北京一哥们给我绕路,我明知道他在搞鬼但没作声,明明去的时候才28RMB, 他这都走了30还没过一半。当时他也是这么问的:你打算怎么去? (看来想搞鬼的司机一般都是这样的开场白,古今中外。) 反正那次我训得那老哥想哭,20多分钟的思想教育工作呢。。:-) 和我踢过球的人都知道我这个人trash talking有多损。
GSB cafeteria里的stir fry很不错, 干净且好吃。
我是见一个爱一个。 GSB给我的印象非常之好,学生,工作人员,就象chicago的招生过程一样,每一步都非常的professional. 而且他们的curriculum flexibility对post-mba career or internship的帮助真的很大。学院的research and knowledge base are also very very impressive, top, if not the best, of all business schools.
2月15 我的面世经历 (4) Chicago Booth Chicago Introduction
Chicago was a surprise to me. I have no clue how I did the slides and the essay question no.2. Chicago’s daily visit starts really early (8:15a.m.). My interview was later afternoon after the visit.
The big difference I can feel here at Booth is the energy. People are more energized and active than the two campuses I visited before. The whole process is well organized and free lunch is provided to visitors. Current students are trying to ease you with jokes, but as soon as you step into the interview room, things are different.
A second year female student interviewed me.
1. Why MBA? Goals? Why Chicago? 2. If I give you $20, how would spend it wisely at B&N bookstore? (this is a very interesting question)? 3. What are you weakness and how will you overcome them at Booth? 4. What will be your contribution? 5. A tough decision you made. 6. A leadership experience.
The interview is strictly 30 minutes. At other schools I interviewer with, a 30-minutes interview may be extended to 45 minutes because of the continuation of the conversation. The interviewer did not smile at all. She just kept taking notes and the whole process is just Q&A, she did not comment or follow up. I did not prepare well for the tight interview.
The other lesson is I spent quite a few minutes to iterate my reasons to pursue an MBA, which I believe is very strong. Before I got the goals and why Chicago part, she interrupted me and asked other questions. She seemed had not interests to direct me to the why Chicago part, or she was really rushing for the following questions. Anyway, squeezing so many questions into 30 minute session is not easy. She did not reply to the thank-you note. I did not feel confident about the interview result either.
Chicago Booth interview (11/25) Just came back from Chicago Booth interview, a few questions to share with you. Interview was arranged in Starbucks. Actually, the shop was very noisy. I made the suggestion to talk outside, one of huge mistake I made in the interview. The interviewer was Chicago Alumni, technical background and working in sales position, very warmhearted and easygoing. The questions are pretty normal: Go through your resume Why MBA, why now and why Chicago What area do you want to study in Chicago, ask some details about courses and interested club, whether attended school tour or info session What is your weakness and how do you improve it through Chicago (in fact, I had bad answer for this question, I just repeated Why MBA answer) NO formal question about leadership and teamwork. When I went through the resume, I may spend too much time (>3 min) and mentioned too much detail. He stopped me several times and tried to speed up. He also asked some small question during my talk, such as what role are you played in the task, are you the leader of this project and how do you lead. I gave short answer and replied with only one or two sentences. Overall feeling is no need to prepare too much, just like casual talking, but he can judge me through small questions. I did not answer very well for those small questions. The huge mistake I made was that I suggested talk outside. In fact, the temperature is really low and he only weared the shirt, which cause us finish the interview in less than 20 minutes, a very bad sign. Strongly suggest to find a comfort place to have a interview. Wish it helps and good luck for all of you! Wish every one's dream come true!
2月15 芝加哥大学新鲜面经 Walk through CV,然后挑了些经历来讲(涉及专业问题,简历上写了三个专业领域,都问到) 为什么学的专业跟做的专业不一致 Y MBA, Y Now,在这里我讲了些职业规划,他就对这个规划相应提了许多问题 Y Booth 报了哪些其他学校,为什么只报3个,为什么报这些 毕业后是否打算马上回国 既然打算留在米国,那么多中国申请人,那么多中国留学生,你又是挑好的学校来报,为什么学校要收你,为什么公司要雇你 轮到你问题 (也有一些琐碎的问题,譬如有无来过香港,是否第一来,容不容易找,打算面试完几时回去,为什么你知道我是韩国/朝鲜人(原文:Korean))