MIT Sloan LFM Interview I had an interview with one of the admission members on Feb 6. Qs: 1. My current status (Very personal) 2. 3 LFM Partner you will choose to work for 3. Work with some people who are not easy to work with 4. Personal goal outside of work 5. Qs for her I worked for a Top 20 company back in China for more than two and half years. Top University in China. GPA: 3.9/4.0. My background is engineering and had never thought about MBA before. This program is the only MBA program I tried (believe it or not) since I have no GMAT and I want to stay in manufacturing. Frankly speaking, I don't think I can make it. But anyway, I want to leave something for the people behind who also has an american dream, a manufacturing dream, just like me... Advice: Prepare extra cases. She pointed out at the beginning that I cannot use the case in the essay. has a detailed interview question summary. Go and have a look.
MIT Sloan Interview in Germany (2006-3-24) 上周四在慕尼黑参加了和Adcom Director, Rod Garcia的面试,感觉还不错。 Garcia完全是中国人的样子,后来他告诉我他是菲律宾过去的。 问题主要都是针对我的Resume的,问得很细。但一个背的问题都没提,白白浪费了我准备的那么多STORIES。我是第二个面试的,才花了总共35分钟(不知道时间短是好是坏)。之前的一个黑人(估计是法国或葡萄牙来的)好象超了时。接待小姐告诉我,当天总共有5人面试。 R2的欧洲行总共有三站,Milan, Munich and Istanbul。希望一周后会有好消息。
MIT sloan interview experience (2006-3-15) 今天刚刚完成了mit sloan的面试,中午和一些applicants 和二年级的学生吃的饭。同去面试的都穿得很正式,二年级的学生非常热情,当然拉,都只说学校好话。 面试官是个四、五十岁的lady, 很nice, 对我的application很熟悉,聊了有一个多小时,没有什么"why MBA, why sloan" 之类的typical question, 感觉她想知道的是我的具体情况,对每个我提到的事情都问得很详细,还要举例子。特别问了application中没有提到的事。 过程中,她不停的记录着,很仔细,因为超时间,我就没有问太多的问题。好了,能做得都做了,看结果吧!Good luck to everyone!
3月2日-MIT电话面试 好困,简单写两句 1. 1. Why MIT 2. 2. Would you work in US or China? Why? 3. 3. Some questions about my academic background 4. 4. What's your plan after the graduation? 5. 5. Question for him 除了最后一个问题以外,一共就8分钟,我估计是没戏了。其他人继续努力吧。
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