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UCLA Anderson MBA Letter of Recommendation Questions 2010-2011

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-10-20 11:23 编辑

1. What is your relationship to the candidate? How long have you known him/her, and to what group are you comparing the applicant?
2. Comment on the candidate's career progression to date.
3. Comment on the candidate's aptitude for strategic thinking, leadership, and/or management.
4. How would you compare the candidate to others with similar responsibilities in your organization?
5. How would you describe the candidate's developmental needs and progress to date?
6. Describe how the candidate has dealt with setbacks, challenges, and/or disappointments.
7. How would you describe the candidate's role(s) on teams?
8. How is the candidate perceived by others in the organization, including subordinates, peers, and senior management?
9. Is there anything else that you would like us to know about the candidate?


Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation are important because they provide the Admissions Committee with additional information in regard to your leadership and/or management skills or potential.  You are required to provide two letters from individuals who are well acquainted with you and can address the questions on the recommendation form.  One of these letters should preferably be from a direct supervisor.  If you are unable to ask your current supervisor for a letter of recommendation then you may ask another work-related source such as a client or manager from another department who knows your skills.  You might also consider asking a former boss from a previous job or a boss who has left the company.  We are looking for a recommendation from someone who knows you and your work well.

If you have been working for less than two years, you may include an academic recommendation in lieu of one that is work related.  The title or position of the recommender is less important than his/her ability to comment knowledgeably and in detail about you.

If you are an entrepreneur or work in a family business then you have several options for choosing a recommender.  In these types of situations, you may approach a client, your accountant, or your lawyer for a recommendation.  If you are actively involved in community engagements, you also may ask for a recommendation from a supervisor within the organization.


Cornell Johnson MBA Letters of Evaluation 2010-2011

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-10-20 11:14 编辑

Questions for evaluation: (please use your own letterhead stationery.)
1. How long have you known the applicant?
2. In what capacity have you known the applicant? Please be specific.
3. What are the applicant’s most outstanding abilities or characteristics?
4. What are the applicant’s most noticeable weaknesses?
5. What impact has the applicant had on the organization in which s/he works?
6. Please comment on the applicant’s personal and professional integrity.


UVA Darden Letters of Recommendation 2010-2011

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-10-20 11:15 编辑

1, How long have you known the applicant?
2, In what capacity have you known the applicant

3, Please provide an example of how this applicant has made a positive impact on your organization.
4, Please provide an example of how this applicant has mentored or managed others either formally or informally.
5, What makes this applicant an exceptional person


CMU Tepper MBA Letter of Recommendation Questions 2010-2011

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-10-20 11:15 编辑

Please address the following questions in completing your letter of recommendation (Characters in your response:7900;可以上传文件):

1、In what area is the candidate most exceptional?
2、In what area does the candidate need most improvement?
3、Discuss how effective the candidate is when working with others. (Consider whether the candidate is a leader, is sought out as a team member, commands respect of her or his associates.)
4、Rate the candidate’s achievements when compared to her or his peers. (Consider the opportunities the candidate has had to make use of her or his abilities and how effectively she or he has exploited them; also, consider whether the candidate completes assignments and is an effective performer under stress.)
5、Describe the candidate’s ability to communicate verbally, in writing, and through presentations. (For a non-native English speaker, how well does she or he use English?)
6、Any additional statement you wish to make concerning the candidate’s aptitude for an MBA and/or her or his potential for becoming a responsible and successful business leader.


NYU Stern MBA Recommendation Questions 2010-2011

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-10-20 11:16 编辑

Candid comments from those who can evaluate the applicant’s performance and motivation through direct experience are extremely valuable. We appreciate the time you are taking to provide the information.

Please respond to each of the questions below

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
2. What do you consider the applicant’s strengths?
3. In which areas could the applicant exhibit growth or improvement?
4. How would you describe the applicant’s interpersonal skills?


UNC MBA Recommendation Question 2010-2011

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-10-20 11:21 编辑

Please enter name of the applicant you are evaluating.

1.  How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
2.  Describe the applicant’s potential for becoming a responsible and successful manager.
3. What are the applicant’s major strengths?
4. What are the applicant’s most noticeable areas for improvement or growth?
5. Please use the space below to elaborate on the applicant’s qualifications.


INSEAD MBA Recommendation Questions 2010-2011

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-10-20 11:25 编辑

1) How long have you known the candidate? Define your relationship with the candidate and the circumstances whereby you met.

2) Comment on the candidate’s career progress to date and his/her career focus.

3) What do you consider to be the candidate’s major strengths? Comment on the factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level.

4) What do you consider to be the candidate’s major weaknesses?

5) Comment on the candidate’s potential for senior management. Do you see him/her as a future leader?

6) Describe the candidate as a person. Comment on his/her ability to establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc. Specifically comment on the candidate's behaviour or skills in a group setting/team environment.






christydu 发表于 2010-9-12 22:53




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