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267. The author of the passage would be most likely to describe the explanation provided by the

human capital theory for the high concentration of women in certain occupations in the

seventeenth-century Florence textile industry as

(A) well founded though incomplete

(B) difficult to arciculate

(C) plausible but poorly substantiated

(D) seriously flawed

(E) contrary to recent research

答案是A,og解释说因为前面说了theory是useful, but fails to account for differences in pay scales, 我认为differences in pay scales已经不属于concentration in certain occupations的问题范畴了,所以不存在incomplete的问题, 而human capital theory在解释concentration问题时使用了posit这个词,所以我觉得是poorly substantiated


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1、 This question asks you to make a judgment about the author’s attitude toward the human capital explanation for women’s distribution among certain types of jobs in the seventeenth-century Florentine textile industry.

此句解释了问题,即需要做题的人make a judgment about the author’s attitude toward the human capital explanation,这里主要是问the author’s attitude 对human capital explanation的态度,我们需要通观全篇去把握作者态度而不是陷于第一段。进一步讲,the human capital explanation是针对women’s distribution among certain types of jobs这一现象进行的解释。在这里,我们需要回文中看一下前两句话“In the seventeenth-century Florentine textile industry, women were employed primarily in low-paying, low-skill jobs. To explain this segregation of labor by gender, economists have relied on the useful theory of human capital.” 我划横线的部分的this指什么?无疑是指第一句的现象,请特别注意这一现象中的jobs包括两个方面,用形容词表达重要特性,即low-paying, low-skill。第一句话和划横线部分用this联系改写一下就是问题中的women’s distribution among certain types of jobs ……。绕了一圈,我们才发现,原来问题中的certain types of jobs包括low-paying, low-skill两方面。那么,要解释现象的human capital explanation应涉及这两方面了,第一方面在第二段中论述,第二方面在第一段除前两句的内容中论述。

2、 The best answer is A.


3、 The author presents the human-capital theory as one that explains the disparate concentrations of female workers in certain jobs, but also notes that the theory fails to account for differences in pay scales.

此句对解释现象的human capital explanation涉及的两方面进行了架构概括。这要求我们总结段落层次。通过上述ETS解释,本文2段,每段可分为2个层次。1段1层提出现象及其理论;1段2层论述理论在skill方面的优势,2段1层例证理论在paying方面的弱势,2段2层通过例子的他因来反驳理论

4、 The author also specifically characterizes the human capital theory as “useful” (line 3).


5、 Thus the theory is presented as valid, yet insufficient to account for all aspects of labor segregation by gender.

此句是将上述第3、4句解释,即将”层次”和”态度”两方面结合起来,得出正确选项well founded though incomplete,这里的though是让步表达,表达的含义以though前面的形容词为主。

6、 Choice B is incorrect because there is no indication that the author finds the explanation provided by human capital theory difficult to express.


7、 Choices C and D are incorrect because the author characterizes the human capital theory as ‘useful” (line 3) and presents it as a theory that can explain a relatively complex feature of women’s labor history-namely, the varied concentration of women in certain occupations in seventeenth-century Florence.

此句是再次确认第4句解释的内容,而且总结段落层次,概括了1段2层,即presents it as a theory that can explain a relatively complex feature of women’s labor history-namely, the varied concentration of women in certain occupations in seventeenth-century Florence。

8、 Thus it is unlikely that the author considers the explanation itself to be poorly substantiated, and certain the author does not consider it seriously flawed.

此句是说选项态度与文章表述相。注意,(C) plausible but poorly substantiated,这里的but是转折表达,表达的含义以but后面的形容词为主。

9、 Choice E is not correct because the author does not discuss recent research in the passage.






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