Chicago Booth 2011 MBA Essay Questions分析
1. The Admissions Committee is interested in learning more about you on both a personal and professional level. Please answer the following (maximum of 300 words for each section):
a. Why are you pursuing a full-time MBA at this point in your life?
Ah, the old "why now?" question. What recent experiences have convinced you that now is the time for you to pursue an MBA? Hopefully those experiences will also reveal leadership, intellectual curiosity, fit with Chicago, and support for the goals you are going to discuss in B.
Two cautions:
"I hate my current job" doesn't work. However, a thoughtful analysis of things you like and dislike in current and past positions could provide a portion of your response to this question.
Don't repeat your resume. Choose one or two particularly significant experiences that can serve as a trigger for answering the questions.
b. Define your short and long term career goals post MBA.
A allows you to draw on professional and non-professional experience, but most of you will choose to discuss your work. B is all about career.
Despite Rose Martinelli's acknowledgment that some of you may not be 100% committed to a particular career path, Booth wants to know what is your most likely or attractive career path at this time. Those aspirations should flow naturally from the experiences discussed in A and your resume.
Short-term goals refer to your immediate post-MBA goals. Long-term are usually 10+ years post-MBA.
c. What is it about Chicago Booth that is going to help you reach your goals?
This is a more directed and clear way of saying "Why Booth?" What about Chicago's flexibility is important to you? What about its "challenge everything" ethos and quantitative rigor will help you achieve your goals. While I would say that almost any "Why School X" should be answered by connecting the school's programs and strengths to your goals, Booth is removing ambiguity with the clarity of its question. Link the two.
d. RE-APPLICANTS ONLY: Upon reflection, how has your thinking regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application?
This is a straightforward question. Remember, Chicago (and any school you are reapplying to) wants to see growth. Same ol', same 'ol got you a ding last time and probably will again this time. Let this brief essay show a maturation and evolution of your goals and reasons for wanting to attend Chicago Booth |