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gwd 4-12 help

I choose C, instead of the E. Can NNs help me out with this one?


According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?

  1. The Supreme Court took on a greater role in Native American affairs.
  2. Native American tribes lost their legal standing as sovereign nations in their dealings with the federal government, but their ownership of tribal lands was confirmed.
  3. The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.
  4. The federal government began to appropriate tribal lands for distribution to non-Indian settlers.
  5. Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.
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我也选C,文中没有说appeal 的问题。



E:Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.


In its 1903 decision in the case

of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United

States Supreme Court rejected the

Line efforts of three Native American tribes

(5) to prevent the opening of tribal lands

to non-Indian settlement without tribal

consent. In his study of the Lone

Wolf case, Blue Clark properly

emphasizes the Court’s assertion

(10) of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

of Congress (the House of Represen-

tatives and the Senate) over Native American affairs.


(15) impact: shortly after Lone Wolf, the

federal government totally abandoned

negotiation and execution of formal

written agreements with Indian tribes

as a prerequisite for the implemen-

(20) tation of federal Indian policy.



The answer is C.

E cannot be infered from the article.


E由10行得出。unilateral power. 说明在LW之前,court很袒护tribes.



但后来看了E也没错。因为开篇就是说native American tribe反对opening of tribal lands to non-Indian settlement without tribal consent的上诉被驳回了



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