这次短时间的突击准备还是挺有效果的。但是我不建议大家考前突击,尤其是对于不怎么练习写作的人。因为光是要看完题库的topic还有一些范文就要花上不只两天的时间呢。所以最好能把时间分散一点,这样考前就不会压力太大。 AA很重要,而且比较好准备,毕竟有些套路。我准备AA的步骤是这样的 1。七宗罪。熟悉逻辑错误。 2。找一个魔板。看一下牛人的套路。但是我没有背别人的魔板。 3。自己准备个大致的魔板:当然是有借鉴别人的。我还看了800score里面的范文,从里面借鉴了一些好的表达。 4。然后开始看黄金80。如果有些思路不敢确定,我就看看讨论。我觉得AA的题库的重要性比AI大很多。因为AA的题目都很长,现场看是很花费时间的。所以建议大家还是提前过一遍。 5。然后随便找一篇,练习写。我因为以前写过托福的那样的八股文,就没怎么具体再去修改。前一二篇我没有计时。不过后来就要严格要求自己了,还要留出时间检查。这样我练了2篇。觉得起码上场不慌了。 6。字数不能少,但也不要一味追求多而忽视了质量。我写到最后发现还有好多可以写,但我还是留出了时间去检查语法和拼写。我觉得我AA起码最后写到450以上了吧。 AI准备起来比较麻烦,因为我觉得魔板没什么可以准备的。条理清晰,有理有据就是最好的。 有好多人用那种第一段开头好多好多话的那个魔板。我个人认为最好不要用。因为真的是太没有特点了,而且真的让人觉得重复饶舌。其实我觉得扩充字数的最好的方法是可以举好多具体一些的例子。而且举例子是起到支持观点的作用的,不会让人觉得赘述。而且我觉得举例子不见得要权威,比如什么什么资深研究显示。不如举一些贴切的例子,最好能细节化一些的,但是不要跟讲故事的那样:once upon a time什么的不太好。再就是可以反论。可以从相反的角度去讲一下。总之就是尽量用有用的东西去使文章丰满。不要说废话。 其实awa有些题目是很有深度的。是可以当作一篇篇essay那样去对待的。但是我们时间有限,而且我觉得awa判分的标准也不见得是要求你写出有深度的论文,只要是达义,通顺,有条理,有结构就行了。所以不要太注重华丽的词藻和修饰,生词的堆砌。还是要培养一种朴实简约的文风比较好。 最后祝大家考试顺利! 另外,我附上魔板: 魔板说明在12楼 Opening: The author argues, using facts from…………., that …………/the argument concludes that…because… The author bases his conclusion on………… The report recommends….in response to…. The grounds for this action are that… The author suggests that This argument uses a survey of …to show that….the argument is solely based on a survey of … There are ….serious flaws in the argument/ ..Serious questionable assumptions. Insufficient sample fallacy: The first objection to this argument is the validity of the survey. The statement is incomplete because it does not adequately describe the conditions of the survey. Were the people chosen for the survey chosen randomly or did they volunteer for the survey? False analogy: First, the argument uses a faulty analogy between…..and …….. analogies drawn between the two fields are highly suspect because there are many serious differences. Differences between the two fields clearly outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than valid. After this, therefore, because of this fallacy: First, the author commits the “After This, Therefore, Because of This” fallacy 2where the author assumes that because A occurred after B, B was responsible for…However, there may be other factors that could have caused the problem/contributed to…. Without ruling out other factors or presenting stronger evident, the author can not conclusively blame B. Sweeping generalization: Second, the author uses a sweeping generalization. Aside from any issues relating to …, the argument makes a false generalization about the result of the survey. Non- sequitur: The use of the statement “….” Is a non sequitur in the context of the overall argument. Conclusion: The author’s argument has two seriously flawed assumptions. The author could strengthen his conclusion by providing examples of ……. In conclusion, the author’s reasoning is somewhat persuasive. In conclusion, this argument depends on a simplified assumption about… the author could strengthen the argument by discussing other factors beyond ….before concluding that…. In sum, the conclusion about…cannot be reasonably drawn from the survey’s information. The survey’s accuracy is not adequately explained and the surveys results are illogically extended to draw an unsupported generalization. As it stands the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the author would have to demonstrate that the protesting students had some chrematistic in common that biases their views, thereby nullifying their protest as representative of the entire college |