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CEIBS 就业服务做的如何??

我毕业后想在中国的金融圈工作,不知各位可否分享一下,是不是 CEIBS MBA 会比英

国MBA (例如 Cambridge, Oxford, Manchester Business School) 容易在中国金融圈

找到工作呢?? 如果没有很需要美国/英国经历或是学校名气,是不是在国内念MBA对就

业比较有帮助呢?  想说CEIBS 的校友应该比英国学校的多吧 ?? 谢谢 !!

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 In CEIBS, CDC is responsible for helping students find ideal JOB.

Of course CDC is not perfect and often criticised for this or that


But if you are local student, and if you are not very experienced and not

ask for very high salary, I should say CDC is very helpful...

And in Ceibs, CDC is often criticized for not so helpful to help foreign

students to find jobs...You can imagine if your are in British School, it

is also relatively difficult for your school to help you...



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