终于考了,考得很无语。这个分数有点尴尬,不大满意,估计要二战了 AWA: 都很高频的: AA:1 The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stock holders by olympic foods, a processor of frozen foods. "Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, the become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its 25th birthday, we can expect that our long expience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits." AI: 33 "People are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform the same tasks that he or she expects others to perform" Quantity:这部分很神奇。竟然一道概率也没做到,一道排列组合也没做到,搞得我还以为到低分区去了。。。其实到还好 1.跑上来第二道,不知道前人写过没,说一个clinical, 在March看了1120个病人, 每天工作时间是3pm-7pm 4 个小时。每个医生每个小时平均看2.5个病人。然后问共有多少医生。 选项有12, 15, 16 , 48什么的 可是我怎么觉得哪个都不对。最后选了16, 只有这个可以整除112因为。。。 2.100^100=? 我选了=10^400和100^200好像 3.两个人,A有red marble,B有blue marble。 Red Marbl总质量是blue marble的1.17倍, 然后总数量是blue marble 的0.9 倍 问每个redmarble质量比每个blue marble 重多少 我选30% 4.一个分段函数 f(x)在 x< 100时 =0.1x, x>=100时 =X-90 。 现在F(x)=100 ,问X 我选190 5.下列哪串数的standard diviation比-20, -10,0,10,20 大:选项有A -20,0.,0,0,20 ,还有C 30,40,50,60,70,其他两个不记得了,我好像选得不是这两个里面的 6.有个容器,长方体貌似 长宽高为12 10 8,每个面厚度都是0.5。 然后貌似要放一个圆圈在里面问圆圈的最大的外半径, 我选4.5 其他不记得了 Verbal 这次考得不好,主要就是verbal。 阅读都牛长, 看也来不及看。模考都从来么有做过阅读量这么大的。。。3篇都快1.5屏了。。。导致后面20题都只能匆匆瞟过 1有道SC 是那个“mammal's” 2RC:黑洞那篇。就是GWD里面M87那个。。。好像有一题换了,没做到那个削弱,有个主旨题 第二篇是女神雕像 第三篇是Jim Crow Law 第四篇是 Stake holder 和Shareholder 的那篇 3有道CR,说一项调查显示,远程教育的学生比坐在课堂里的学生“gain more”,于是有人说远程更efficient, 问因该evaluate什么东西可以证明 其他真的不记得了。汇报完毕~ |