我觉得应该从语义上理解, "等于或者大于250报纸被出版" 不是日常的读法。
而且as many as 250 newspapers 其实就是 250 newspapers。
Organized in 1966 by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Breeding Bird Survey uses annual roadside counts along established routes for monitoring of population changes of as many as, or of more than 250 bird species, including 180 songbirds.
A. for monitoring of population changes of as many as, or of
B. to monitor population changes of as many, or
C. to monitor changes in the populations of
D. that monitors population changes of
E. that monitors changes in populations of as many as, or
og解释:“Neither A nor B produces the idiomatic phrase "... as many as, or more than, 250 ..."--a phrase that would be needlessly wordy here.”