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36 工厂的选址问题
V1 by 爱热的冰1021
说是以前只注重 QUANTITIVE 例如交通和原料等等 但是这通常会被政府的政策所影响 例如利率的高低变化会使得原有的优势消失 第二段说要注重qualitative 例如当地人的素质和工作技能。
原文 by 乔小桥 尚未确认GWD32-Q13-Q14
Manufacturing site location is an important consideration in determining the optimal deployment of a firm’s production resources, but one that is usually given only limited attention. Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses that trade off transportation costs, economies of scale, and other cost-based variables. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. A further disadvantage of strictly cost-based methods is that they tend to focus on cost advantage factors, which are often transitory Government regulations, tax systems, and exchange rates can quickly change. Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.
In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location; consequently, location can affect the ability of firms to implement skill-based process technologies. When formulating a site location strategy, companies should therefore emphasize qualitative factors to ensure that the chosen strategy supports the company’s overall business strategy. Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors.
Q13. The passage suggests which of the following concerning qualitative methods used in choosing manufacturing sites?
A. They are more likely than are quantitative methods to identify issues crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage
B. They are least useful to companies with relatively low levels of manufacturing technology
C. They have little value when applied to decisions other than choice of site
D. They are more risky for decision makers than are quantitative methods
E. They are used more frequently by multinational corporations than by companies with strictly domestic operations.
Q14. According to the passage, analysis of quantitative factors is best used for which of the following?
A. Determining strategies for offsetting qualitative disadvantages in manufacturing site locations
B. Evaluating manufacturing site-location parameters affecting long-term competitive advantage
C. Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations
D. Narrowing manufacturing site location options arrived it through qualitative analysis
E. Making decisions about business considerations other than location of manufacturing sites
考古 by 忽然忘了解脱
[版本1]location对工业的影响 第一段:现代工业不象以前那么依赖location,在传统工业中location往往是决定事业成败的.因为,在远的地方,input的消耗往往很大, raw material和man power比较贵.现代工业依靠交通,能够很方便的得到,现代工业更加重视innovation. 第二段:location虽然不再重要,可是为什么一些工业还是集中在某些地区呢?比如说,毛革业集中在意大利. 这是因为集中也有集中的好处, 设备和一些其他资源.由于集中,相应的人才也集中,所以雇用专业人员的成本也低.某种产业集中的地区的社会环境也适应这种产业.(还有一些其他好处) 第三段:但是,集中也有不好的.比如说,企业间争夺资源,不过,由于现代工业能够让企业从远的vendor那里购买到resource,所以,这也可以压 低本地供应商的价格.(还有一些其他的幅面作用,不过都能解决的啦).
location对做生意的重要性 [版本一] 传统观点认为很重要。但是现在自由贸易削弱了这种重要性。接着一段谈到 cluster business, 以意大利服装业为例,可以带动很多相关产业在一个地方聚集。最后作者又指出cluster 也有可能带来在一起聚集的企业之间的竞争,以及其他地方对这些企业的竞争压力。
企业扎堆的问题。巨长,108行。全是细节题。 在老观念里,企业主要通过减低原材料和劳动力成本来赚钱。但现在一些企业扎堆不符合这一理论。以下以意大利制鞋业为例子来解释:扎堆有利于企业招到熟练工 人。以下是重点:在现代条件下,因为交通运输发达,即使企业扎堆也不会因为本地原材料紧张而使价格上涨。有2个infer题,一个问为什么作者强调原材料 问题,我选原材料价格对制鞋业的成本控制非常重要。另一个问这段说明什么,我选外面原材料供应商的竞争使本地供应商保持低价。
110行 P1: Location is no longer critical to business with the development of information technology... P2: however, sales clusters still has a role in business,such as the fashion show in Milan, being centers of information sharing and where suppliers gather together. P3: disavantages of cluster: intensive competition in one location... 文章容易读, 但题目长且具有一定迷惑性 附以往机经 讲现在地经济环境不想以前,以前地理位置相当重要,如,接近市场等,现在可以通过CLUSTER来解决(CLUSTER就是公司聚在同一个地区,如米兰的 服装行业),文章之后就列出了,CLUSTER的众多好处,最后一段作了让步说CLUSTER的缺点(有考题)
1 paragraph:因为global economic development & technology的关系(考一题,问科技和faster transportation的作用,选项有点绕),过去一些被视为对business重要的因素已经变得不重要了,举例:像是location,过去location对business是很重要的(又考一题,问有什么能影响从前这些企业的,选项很相似,我选的input price。。。),像是需要input supply的公司就比较适合选在harbor(港口),但是现在location已经不那么重要了,因为由于global economic development & technology的关系,公司可以efficient 获得input supply,反而是一些与location比较不相关的因素便得对business很重要。2 paragraph: the author rejects such view by listing the advantages of clustering of business such as readily available worker pool in specialized areas, stable and larger supplied bases, lower local inputs (without transaction costs compared to long distance inputs), etc.( 举例意大利皮革, 作者就开始讲一大堆为何他们要聚在一起,说加入cluster可以获得已经训练好的?H力资源,又说cluster可以吸引周边的产业进驻…等等,就是说cluster是因为有这些优点才会形成cluster,而 非location)(这一段考一题,问那一项illustrate the advantage of cluster except, 我选的那个说的是远距离的科技怎样怎样,显然这和cluster本身是没关系的)3 paragraph: the author contend there might be some drawbacks about cluster such as… But he argues there are more benefits such as…that would outweigh the drawbacks.( cluster之间的竞争激烈,又说周边的supplier为了跟distant supplier竞争(要比distant supplier便宜),就会把价格压低(有考点)但是从一个大范围的地区来说,这些cluster的公司还是拥有战略优势的)(这一段又考一题,问远距离的supplier有什么用)
V1 by wxsimon
V2 by木木夕颖
V1 by terryblue (660)
V2 by sunmoon115 (710)
有篇很变态的讲RESIDUAL STRESS的,开头段讲HUAM听到DENTAL什么声音会紧张,我还以为讲什么心理的,后来通篇都是讲材料怎么样才牢固
举了个例子貌似是说做SPRINGS的时候用什么工序可以牢固,一个什么PEENING的方法,第二段(或者第三段)讲NONTRADITIONAL 材料怎样怎样,段尾貌似考了至少两题,末句是讲现在的科学可以直接测试RESIDUAL的牢固程度,而不用像传统的那样BY TRIAL AND ERROR.
V3 by pieces6666
在V2 by sunmoon115的基础上补充一点
开头段讲peopel will be mildly alarmed that the dental filling materials have residual stress,会导致牙齿列开,应该想办法eliminate.
第二段讲,这种stress很难除,因为加工材料的过程中很容易引入,举例了几个很common 的 过程。 然后说这种stress也不一定都是坏的,有时有好处。 举了汽车spring的例子,制造spring 时通过“PEENing”这个过程引入这种stress,可以防腐蚀,防裂什么的。最后说先在的科技可以算出这种stress的值, 而不需要像过去那样通过研究一断裂的材料来估计第三段讲这种计算方法很重要,在三个方面,
1 计算陶瓷的半岛体中stress的值
2 过去建造load bearing 的东西, 比如桥,考虑到这种stress的add on, 但却又不知道具体值是多少, 所以会将实际承重比标注的大很多,这样很浪费材料,而如今可以计算了,从而减少不必要的材料。
2 细节题,定位就是第二段中提到的这个计算方法
3 问作者support那个观点, 我在“stress in dental fillings can be beneficial”和“PEENing is the most common way”间犹豫了
4 忘了
V4 by daisyao(700)
第三篇是 牙齿填充物产生的压力
第一段: 讲牙齿填充物一般会使牙齿承受压力破裂,不过这个讲填充物事beneficial 的
第二段:就讲了现在很多bridge什么的都用了这个方法,blabal一堆~因为没看懂也就不记得了~然后最后来了一句,what is important of new today, 就是用科学方法直接测量residual stress
第三段: 就讲了3个trends, 也不太记得了,比较重要的一句话就是~这个新方法跟传统材料之间应用还是什么的关系(这里出题)
就记得有题是: which is supported by the argument: 我选A 牙齿填充物is beneficial
考古by somervill
有一篇阅读开头有关于dental filler的内容(感觉和文章主题几乎没关系), 但整篇却在讲一种新的科技能为工程师什么的到来某些好处, 一种测试材料内部stress和结构的什么东西。。。 (具体内容忘记了, 牛人可以找找看原文的出处)
阅读第三篇是关于一个“dental filling”方面的技术改革能对整个manufactuer产生怎样的economic effects,然后具体讲述了3个方面变革trend。出现细节题和主题题。我不是看得很明白。
相关考题 by XYXB
牙科使用材料的残余压力(residual stress)说明这些压力虽然会使牙齿易碎但是是有益的,(这里有一题)然后说工业上这些残余压力怎么有用,然后说重要是要研究出直接测量参与压力的方法.
Q1:我选的是牙科上的残余压力(residual stress)是有益的
Q3:问原文中的analytical competence(分析能力)指的是什么,我选了measure directly什么field的那个.
Q4就是选电子芯片那个. |