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Chicago MBA Booth Interview (Nov 16)

It was a cold Monday morning in Chicago.  My interview was in Harper Center (on campus) and was conducted by a 2nd year student.  Her background was in consulting and will transform that into marketing.  The interview was supposed to last 30 minutes.  Mine was about 35-40 minutes long.  I think at least 40-50 were interviewed for my day... and 90% of us were males!!!

The standard/expected:

Why now?

Why Chicago?

What unique background/experience would you bring to Chicago?

What's your role in a team?

Tell me about a team project you liked and why?

Career plan?  Intended concentrations?

Leadership style?

Your strengths?

The somewhat unexpected:

If you were a CEO of a company, give me 3 reasons why I should work for you?

If money isn't an issue, what would you do with your career?

Who do you admire and why?


Anything you want to add that I didn't cover?

Questions for me?
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