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阅读. 自从1998年ETS改机考后, 阅读题在题型的比重上有所变化. 原来一篇文章8-9个问题, 可能有一道主题题, 一道态度题或结构题, 其它是细节题. 很多人在阅读时都争取一遍读下来就记住大量的细节, 以便应付比重很高的细节题. 机考后, 文章的长度变化感觉不大, 但每篇文章的题目减少到3-5题. 主题题或态度题几乎还是每篇一道, 但是细节题的比重减小. 所以阅读方式也要随之变化.

大家都知道第一段和每一段第一句话的重要性. 在机考中更为重要. 平时练习中, 要做到随看随想. 比如说, 读了第一段, 应该知道作者说了什么, 是提出一种现象并解释, 还是提出一个观点并举例说明,说明还是提出流行观点然后质疑,并提出新观点. 如果是反驳, 反驳的是理论还是支持此理论的事例或实验? 作者对所提出的这些观点抱什么态度.

读懂并记住每段第一句话(或前两句)帮助你明白每一段的中心思想. 在看完第二句和第散句后, 就应该知道此段的结构, 比如是举例说明作者观点, 还是分别驳斥作者反对的理论或是观点. 继续读的过程中, 要很快的读细节, 能做到读完知道细节是什么, 是一个实验, 一个人的观点, 此人是谁等等. 但是细节不需要记忆. 因为细节题只有2-4道, 很多细节没有考题, 努力记忆太多细节对做题没有帮助.

最后一段很重要. 一般都是总结性观点. 包括作者的态度变化, 新理论的提出, 和作者补充很多在最后一段. 要读懂内容. 找关键词.

在阅读时, 要注意对关键词的挑选. 表示观点态度的副词和形容词, 理论观点中的关键名词等.  

做题时, 细节题要回到段落中找. 无论什么题型, 答案都在关键词附近. 所以对关键词的印象很重要.
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问题:MINDFREE, 看得出来你花了很多功夫, 包括写这篇感想. 你总结的一丁点其实都需要相当大的工夫, 比如"现在发现其实ETS的脉落还是很清晰的, 但是需要大家在学习过程中不断地去问自己为什么, 不断地总结, 做到ETS一翘尾巴你就知道它要出什么题."
这绝非一朝一夕的功力. 我希望我能达到这个境界, 就是不知道如何能达到如此绝境? 题量一大, 就容易被题给淹没.

很想请教一个问题, 有关阅读做笔记和速度的两难困境. 因为我一停下来做笔记, 阅读的思路就会打断, 不做笔记, 遇到细节题, 就发昏. 那么请问你是如何对付的呢? 先谢了.


我明白你的意思. 我所说的是做题要达到的一个目标,也是为什么要思考以及从哪个角度思考.

关于阅读的速度, 我的办法就是1. 阅读时着重于结构, 对作者论证的思路, 以及态度的把握. 对细节我认为无须记忆, 要对关键词有印象. 因为细节都是用于支持论证的, 把握了文章的结构对locate细节也很有帮助. 还有我提到过, 一篇文章就3-5个题, 一般情况主题题或态度至少有一个,细节不是全都有用. 所以处理细节的方法就是对关键词, 细节的位置和作用有印象, 看到问题时回原文找答案. 2. 阅读的时间要保障, 就要从CR和SC挤时间. 我在给anchoret的留言中提到要合理运用排除法处理SC和CR题目. 这也是我在实考中Verbal提前10分钟完成的原因,虽然我也遇到了90行的阅读.3. 关于做笔记我没有经验, 我阅读的重点在于active thinking, 无论是CR,SC还是RC,每读完一部分要对其含义和作用有认识. 我对记忆不是很看重.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Normally people should learn two thing in their preparation: what GMAT is about and how to think (read). In order to learn well, you need to think and remember a lot. When you do some questions wrong, did you spend time to think over them? When you read a SC question, can you see the grammar point it is testing? Same for CR, can you tell the reasoning in it? When you read the article in RC, do you get the big picture first before you try to remember all the details? If not, you might not have done enough.

About the reading speed, you need to step back and see how you read now. I used to read slowly, because I was trying to catch all the details in the article. The problem of this approach is that most of the details are useless. There are limited questions on details. Moreover, your reading will be slowed down and you might miss the big picture -- what the article is trying to say. There is normally only one theme in every article -- conclusion. The rest will be supporting materials. Catch the theme and sort out the supporting evidence (details) is the key. What you should do is read the first few sentences in each paragraph very carefully and think hard. Try to connect the meanings and see what the article is all about. Skim through the details. For example, if the first sentence of a paragraph says an experiment on rats has proven that the drug is very effective. Then it elaborates on how the experiment was conducted. Then you know what this paragraph is all about. You do not have to pay much attention to the details of the experiment. Just skim thorugh and maybe find some key words. Unless asked later for such details, you might not even have to come back to the details.

Develop your own approach. Also find the moderators for each section and send them short messages with your question. The way you ask questions above, we do not know what specific problems you have and we cannot do much about it.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Mindfree: I need to clarify one thing. Active reading should not be that you think about each sentence separately. Argument and logic reasoning is a process. GMAT CR question itself is a concise reasoning process in which each sentence serves some purpose. Therefore, you should always get the big picture, instead of focus on just the sentence.

I am saying this because some people are asking me questions and I feel that they might have misunderstood what I mean about thinking over each part of the argument.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Mindfree: Find the argument of the article. Every article is trying to state an opinion. Always think while reading. Do not just read, which means you "see" words but do not put them together to get the big picture.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Sebastian: 偶觉得阅读充分体现了人脑的神奇,譬如我,原先阅读速度奇慢,且看了半天还不知所云,后来不慌不忙的看OG RC,一遍一遍的看,看RC的解释,忽然就发现大脑自考的角度不同了:以前是扎在文章里看,看的全是细节,现在看结构了,细节开始扫了(可能就是大牛们说的略读吧)。


Mindfree: I totally agree with such approach. I do not think there is any need to take notes. It is all about how active your brain is. By focusing on structure and the major argument, you can easily answer most of the questions. Good understanding of the structure will lead you to the details.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Mindfree: 我认为你应该注意阅读的速度和pace了,如果在规定时间以外完成,说明你在阅读时可能对细节过于注意。我的建议是尝试在阅读是把握文章主体结构,对论据、论述和论点的方位和逻辑结构的掌握能帮助你很快的locate细节。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


pigpig1106: 准备gmat 也有一阵子了,我的阅读我真不知问题出在哪,做gmat历年真题时,每次每次都错一半。其实我自认阅读能力不错 结果却都超乎我想象的,我用的方法是详读,每次做完我都会去好好的看完全文,把意思和结构搞懂。


Mindfree: "之前有人说不需要去了解文章全部意思"

First of all, do you really think it is necessary to know everything about the passage for GMAT? I do not think so. I might read a CPA prep article word by word. However, this is a test, which means that you do not have to hang over the details at all.

In my reading, I will have a list of things I will be looking for: conclusion, argument, supporting premises, structure, reasoning, and last and least important, details. To me, as I said before, RC is just a stretched CR, without more details and extra layers of argument. So get the essence of the article first, and it will help you understand faster and better. To achieve that, you need to think while reading. Not think over the details though, but what is the conclusion, what is the argument leading to, what is the reasoning, structure, is this the author affirmative, etc.

Change your habit.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


rachelywq: [求助]各位觉得阅读技巧有多大的作用?看xdf的辅导班的阅读笔记上面列举一大堆得出题点和阅读技巧,可是我真的不知道那些dd会有用吗?如果有用的话,那应该怎么用呢?我总觉得自己做题的时候就是一口气把文章读完然后再看题目,不知道各位有是怎样的呢?去研究出题点有用吗?或者说去看og里文章题目答案的特点有用吗?

Mindfree: I did not take any course in reading. I learn from my own experience. I started by reading the article carefully and try to remember everything. I found it not the right approach for me. Then I read the article and get the big picture, like what the article is about and what each passage is for. It works perfectly for me. I do not know if there is any other short-cut.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


gu946: 大牛告诉我,GRE阅读没必要做2遍。我把GRE阅读做了2遍,自己感觉速度有提高。可是答案都知道了,这样做有没有意义?反复做已经做过的阅读有没有意义?

Mindfree: 我认为你不要迷信别人的方法,各人的情况有所不同,要根据自己的实力来计划。我认为阅读做两遍对于有些人绝对是有好处,我在刚开始复习阅读时有的科技文章把握的不好,过于注重细节和陌生词汇,忽略了结构和文章的中心。 掌握了方法后我把题目又读了一遍,感觉文章的结构变得很清晰,答案也跃然纸上。只要有助于提高就是对的。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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