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124. It isrepeatedly claimed that the dumping of nuclear waste poses no treat to peopleliving nearby. If this claim could be made with certainty, there would be noreason for not locating sites in areas of dense population. But the policy ofdumping nuclear waste only in the more sparsely populated regions indicates, atthe very least, some misgiving about safety on the part of those responsiblefor policy.

Which one of thefollowing, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument?
A.      Evacuation plants in the eventof an accident could not be guaranteed to work perfectly except where thepopulation is small.
B.       In the event of an accident, itis certain that fewer people would be harmed in a sparsely populated than in adensely populated area.
C.       Dumping of nuclear waste posesfewer economic and bureaucratic problems in sparsely populated than in denselypopulated areas.
D.      There are dangers associatedwith chemical waste, and it, too, is dumped away from areas of densepopulation.
E.       Until there is no shred ofdoubt that nuclear dumps are safe, it makes sense to situate them where theypose the least threat to the public.

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谢谢你的讲解,但是我还是有一点儿不太明白,A项中“evacuation plant”不就是排泄核垃圾的工厂设施吗,那么“核垃圾要排放到人口稀疏的地方是因为evacuation plant只有在人口稀疏的地方才可以运转良好”我觉得也是正确的啊





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