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[转帖]作文几经 2/9 北美

作文几经 2/9 北美
AI: 132、“governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. instead, society would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.” AA: 112、the following appeared in a memo to the saluda town council from the town’s business manager. “research indicates that those who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often as those who don’t exercise. by providing a well-equipped gym for saluda’s municipal employees, we should be able to reduce the cost of our group health insurance coverage by approximately 50% and thereby achieve a balanced town budget.” 下笔千言离题万里后胶卷。 more to add about how did i prepare the GMAT (not a great score, but a good one at least to me. 50/42, 750), Thanks to the CD, and the friends on CD.
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