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Teaching Methods:

Case Study: 20  %
Experiential Learning: 30  %
Lectures: 30  %
Team Projects: 20  %

Estimated number of hours per week students spend working in class and outside the classroom:

Teachers in the part-time program:

Tenured teachers in the part-time program:

Average core class size:

Average elective class size:

Electives available:

Recently added electives:
Markets & Exchanges
Mergers & Acquisitions
Global Financial Management
Board of Directors & Corporate Governance
Valuation & Deal Structure
Global IT Leadership & Decision Making


Last curriculum revision:

Recent curriculum changes:

  Does the B-school offer an accelerated part-time MBA program?

Leading areas of study:


International Business

Management Information Systems



Graduation requirements:

Students must have attended a minimum number of classes

Students must complete a company-specific project and present results to relevant parties

Credits required to graduate:


Technology improvements in the last three academic years:
Public, classroom, conf room, lab, faculty/staff computers have been replaced. DVD/VCRs replaced. 65% classroom LCD projectors replaced. 100% new wireless networking in building. Digital signage system upgraded. New Bloomberg terminal. New SharePoint server system. Departmental printers replaced with color network copier/printer/scanner multi-function devices. New versions of software - MS Office, Sophos AV, Wharton Words, Rueter's, @Risk, CRISP SIFT, DataStream, MatLab and STATA.

Amount spent:
$  750,000


Active MBA alumni clubs:

Countries in which MBA clubs exist:

Business school endowment
$  74,618,456

  Does the main university offer career placement services for alumni?

  Does the main university have an alumni networking Web site?

University alumni networking site:

  Does the B-School have an alumni networking Web site?

  Do current MBA students have access to an alumni database?


  Do part-time MBAs have access to career development office?

  If yes, at what point in the degree process are part-time MBA students able to use the service?
At any time

  Are part-time MBAs permitted to interview for full-time jobs?

  Are part-time students included in resume drops?

Organizations that send the most participants to the part-time MBA program:


Capital One


Genworth Financial

Circuit City


I felt that the UR MBA program provided me with invaluable experiences that I will take with me for the rest of my life. Since I attended the University of Richmond as an undergraduate, I knew that the quality of education would be high, the professors would care about me, and I would have small classes. However, I was not prepared for the breadth of networking opportunities that the University of Richmond MBA has offered me. I have been exposed to executives from international companies located in Brazil, to CEOs of up and coming Richmond companies. Not only did these people take time out of their days to talk to the MBA students, but they were truly interested in our ideas and how we could make an impact in the future. These are the intangibles that I believe set the University of Richmond MBA program apart from other part-time programs.


More strategy type classes. More discussion of current news and trends and analysis of what decisions businesses are making and why.

We had tons of school-initiated events, with guest speakers and team building activities, as well as frequent notifications of external events, through which we could go for free or be reimbursed by the grad school.

Choosing the University of Richmond MBA program has afforded me the opportunity to simultaneously gain much needed business experience by working full-time and a high quality education. I believe that the University of Richmond MBA program has opened many doors for me, allowing my career possibilities to increase exponentially.


I believe that the strengths were challenging assignments, team projects, and the level of interaction with students. The only weakness that I saw in some professors was that they could have made better use of technology and kept up with more innovative trends such as social media marketing, as an example.

Better incorporation of cutting edge trends into the curriculum and offer a wider selection of electives.

The Richmond MBA program is the full-time program for the part-time student. I felt that I gained knowledge above and beyond a full-time program because of the quality of the students. Students come from the best employers in the country. Also, I was able to apply the concepts to my career from day one.


I'd like more access to company recruiters. Also, improved career counseling from the on-campus career center.

The Richmond MBA is a great program for those seeking top faculty instruction, access to a well-connected business community and for those who want to study finance and international business. The school supported my efforts to work on Wall Street by paying for a trip to New York, funding the Finance Society and bringing bulge bracket recruiters to campus. My finance professors also helped me prepare for the CFA exam outside the classroom. Overall an excellent program.

The majority of the instructors are also accomplished business people. They offer a lot of actual experience. Mixed with theory, they are able to encourage rich conversations in class. I did have two professors who have not had experience in a venture of their own. I did not find the classes to be as enjoyable.


I feel that UR provided the quantity and quality of education that a full time program would provide but over a longer period of time, including an international business experience. The quality of the professors was high, and the facilities are nice and are currently being improved. It's clear that improvement and growth of the program are priorities.

Professors were accessible, experts in their fields, and they promoted strong discussion and sharing of information among students. Some instructors, though, lacked experience outside of academia and had limited contact with local businesses.



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