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Wharton MBA Round 1 / On-campus / 2nd year student (January 20th, 2010)

I interviewed on campus with a 2nd year student. She was friendly, and the interview was generally pretty laid back, though she packed alot of questions in. To prepare I looked over the Clear Admit wiki interview reports and prepared some answers to possible questions. Sample questions are as follows:

Walk me through your resume.
Why are you pursuing an MBA?
Tell me about a time when you lead a team.
Tell me about a time when you worked with a difficult teammate.
If you were working in Wharton learning team, what characteristics would you look for in your groupmates?
What is your biggest professional accomplishment?
What is your biggest personal or professional regret?
Is there anything you would like to talk about that you have not had the chance?
Any questions for me?
One interesting thing was that she did not ask me Why Wharton or why an MBA now. Overall, the interview was relaxed and gave me a chance to cover the points I wanted to, with a couple tougher ones mixed in (biggest regret).
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