没信心的人的超强心理辅导贴 不来写点什么心理实在过不去,虽然偶很累很疲惫,但怕明天就忘了,还是给没考的xdjm留点纪念吧。 先说说感受。偶是超级菜鸟,工作多年,英语几乎全废。复习了3个月做prep才只有600分,gwd也没看完,每次模考数学平均错5个,RANGE2----11。语文平均错19个,range14-27。可想自己有多么菜。但偶也有偶得优点,呵呵。。朋友们见笑。就是心态还比较好。今天考试偶就告诉自己做完就行,过600就行。考前2天做最后一套prep数学错9个,语文错18个,偶也没慌。因为知道自己基础太差。高考数学没及格,大学6级考了3次才64。让朋友们见笑了,偶想说的是1、大部分看到偶帖子的人都比偶实力强,所以你们理所当然应该比偶考得好。2、跟偶水平差不多的人不要急,偶都考了660,你们应该差不多。 以上部分是心理辅导,大家看到了偶的水平心理应该略感安慰。最起码在CD上还有偶这样排在队尾的人,所以排在前面的TX没有理由害怕。只要你们心态有偶一样好就行。牛牛不要拍砖,偶不跟你们抢生源,呵呵。。。 先说说AWA: 第一篇是AA: “Two years ago Nova
High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.” 这篇很好写,偶先看了2分钟题才开始写。偶用的是七宗罪里面的“after this and because of this”和“all things are equal” 接下来是AI: “The overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time because of recent advancements in such areas as business and technology.” 也比较好写,但偶没有用一半支持一半反对那种写法,偶用的是全支持原文观点。不知会不会减分。 Math: 大家看本月18日前那个帖子里的题目就基本够了,偶感觉数学真的不难,没有哪道题特别绕,也许难题都在牛人的机经里写的差不多了。 Verbal: SC有Hujintao那道,昨天偶还发帖子问来着,看来正是RP爆发了,选的是as involving。这道题经过数人数次讨论(包括偶),答案应该没问题,而且只有一个选项有as involving(这点确定)
When an active tooth in the shark’s jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position. A. When an active tooth in the shark’s jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position. B. Whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, which are each ready to slide into the appropriate position. C. Many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, each one of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position when an active tooth is lost or worn down. D. The many spare teeth lying in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, each one of which is ready to slide into the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down. E. In the shark’s jaws, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each one ready to slide into the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down
CR做得不好,向来不好,偶也没多花时间做,看选项感觉对就选了,记得有: 1. 警察局抓人那道,问evaluate。偶选的是会不会取消approval后还遵守标准。
2. 航空公司
Key: 答案说别的公司都是新飞机不需要经常维修
3. 新药的副作用
A new drug, taken twice daily for one month, is an effective treatment for a certain disease. The drug now most commonly prescribed for the disease occasionally has serious side effects such as seizures; in field tests, the new drug’s side effects, though no worse than mild nausea, turned out to be much more frequent. Nevertheless, the new drug is clearly preferable as a treatment, since____ Key: E,There is a nonprescription medication that when taken with the new drug prevents the onset of nausea.(确定)
4. 新闻
5. 药罐头
Key: 答案应该是因为大人吃药后没有把那个东西盖好之类的(确定)
机经原题,善哉善哉~ RC:
四篇全是JJ。但偶由于昨晚用了2个小时看了50多页rc的jj,基本没记住多少。再加上失眠,又忘记了很多,结果考试时只是有点印象随便勾的。建议有时间的话仔细看RC JJ总结。
20成本核算 这道题说什么蓝铅笔的,考到这篇时心态不知为什么不太好,有3个选项连着勾的,应该都错了。大家看看jj吧,说得比较具体。
45 marketing购物选择
这个帖子昨晚没贴上去,今天一早挂上来。感谢论坛! |