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keep telling yourself that you will get out of this tough battle soonly .Just as you have said  that there are so many experiences that are more valuable than a score, which is yet the one we pursuit for day and night!, we should cheer up to face with everything!
Best wishes



Thanks sincerely for your cheer ups!

Recently, on balance, I have been able to keep calm down
and wait patiently for the test day.

I set a goal for myself, not a goal for score but a goal for acquiring
the ability to keep control of my emotion and state of mind.

I strongly agree with a view that success is a state of mind.

Our lifes are full of challenges, and I want to approach them
in a dispassionate and decent manner.

At this moment, I do keep telling myselt that I will not be
intimidated by Gmat, rather I will enbrace it passionately!

Wish you all the best!!!

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-6 16:26:57编辑过]


During the breaks, I enjoy listening to the Country musics.

I'm touched by the lyrics, just as I'm touched by the breeze, the fragrance,
and the love.

My today's favorite is "Your love amazes me":
Let me share it with you in your leisure and in your labor:

I've seen the seven wonders of the world
I've seen the beauty of diamonds and pearls
But they ain't nothin baby
Your love amazes me

I've seen a sunset that would make you cry
And colors of a rainbow reachin cross the sky
The moon in all its phases, but
Your love amazes me

Don't you ever doubt this love of mine
You're the only one for me
You give me hope, you give me reason
You give me somethin to believe in
Forever faithfully
Your love amazes me  


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-6 12:42:51编辑过]


how expecting the love you have broght before us!
I am a little  bewildered with a math question,please give me a hand!

If taxi fare were 1$for the first 1/5 mile and 0.2 for each mile thereafter, then the taxi fare for a 3-mile rides was?
my answer is $3.8, is it not 1+14*0.2 ?but the correct is $4.2


以下是引用maymayfang在2003-8-6 22:30:38的发言:
If taxi fare were 1$for the first 1/5 mile and 0.2 for each mile thereafter, then the taxi fare for a 3-mile rides was?
my answer is $3.8, is it not 1+14*0.2 ?but the correct is $4.2

I doubt that the answer or some numbers in this question are correct.

Actually, this math is pretty easy if we are careful in analyzing and calculating.

My solution:

The fare for the first 0.2 mile : $1  (1)

The fare for the following miles(0.2 for each mile thereafter):
$0.2 * (3-0.2) = $0.56    (2)

Total:  (1)+(2) = 1 +0.56 = $1.56

If your this math question is changed as follows:

If taxi fare were 1$for the first 1/5 mile and 0.2 for each (1/5) mile thereafter, then the taxi fare for a 3-mile rides was?

Then, I agree with your answer is correct.

Are you working on the XDF math book?  I also find several incorrect answers in this book.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-7 8:46:08编辑过]


Today, during the noon break, I'm enjoying a very nice song:

Two sparrows in a hurricane

Immersed in the lyrics and music, I imagine that I'm dancing in and out of the beam of
the neon moon... ...

I find that the wonderland exist in our heart if we occassionally pull us out
of the competitive and kind of crazy world, and remain senstitive to the beautities of the world.

I'm really in good mood with the music!

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-7 14:11:57编辑过]


Peace, you mean that if the former conditions remain unchanged, and the latter changed that 0.2for each 1/5 then the answer is 3.8?why the correct is 4.2.I am doing NEWORIENTAL soft.I am wondering that it is the least likely to be false.


以下是引用maymayfang在2003-8-7 19:30:18的发言:
Peace, you mean that if the former conditions remain unchanged, and the latter changed that 0.2for each 1/5 then the answer is 3.8?why the correct is 4.2.I am doing NEWORIENTAL soft.I am wondering that it is the least likely to be false.

My husband did the math again and he also got 3.8.

I do find some incorrect answers in XDF's math book. The incorrect answers are rare though they do exist.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-7 21:40:53编辑过]



我的心得是: 读文章时一定要认真仔细,不要为了图快而图快,



以下是引用Peace在2003-8-8 13:20:17的发言:

我的心得是: 读文章时一定要认真仔细,不要为了图快而图快,




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