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In addition, 12. Answer is 15days. 21. V<38.23 , R,S,V all integer? if not, A is not the answer.





首先感谢henry、岛城浪子、以及在前台发机经但没署名的各位兄弟! -------------------------------------------------------------- 1、有一题文法绕,句干长。一水果重 100 磅,其中99PERCENT是水分。晒干后,98PERCENT 是水分,别的成分重量不变。问晒干后水果重量。 1)80 2)70 3)50 我选3)50。 ------------- 50。 注:此题本月已经出现了2-3次了,在前面的“机经讨论”中也有。 ========== 2、有5车,3白,1蓝,1红。按同一方向放在五个车位,如果除了颜色外,车都是相同的,问放法。A 20 B 40 C 50 D 125 E? 我选40。 ------------------ 20。 P5,5/P3,3 ========== 3、直角三角形,三边满足 Z>Y>X, 面积等于1,问Y 的范围 A > 根号2 B 小于根号2 大于2分之根号3 C 小于之2分之根号3 大于 3分之根号2 D ? * 好象用圆判断好些 ------------------- 列出的选项中没有正确的。X*Y=2,Y>X, Y>根号2。或Y>(根号8)/2 ================ 4、两组人M,N 分别在INDOOR 或OUTDOOR WORK, 现任意选一人结果是在INDOOR 工作的概率为1/2, 问M占总人数的比例. ------------ 1/2 ========== 5、小于1000的正整数中 能被11,19 或两者整除的偶数的个数? (JJ) ------------------ 998/(11*2) + 998/(19*2) - 998/(11*19*2) =============== 6、一公司,去年的BONUS 3 MILLION FROM SALE OF 20 MILLION, 今年的BONUS 9 MILLION FROM 108 SALE. 问去年的比例较今年的比例减少了百分之几? -------------- 80% (3/20 - 9/108)/(9/108)=4/5 ======= 7、(DS) 问X是否是整数? A 2X是整数; B 3X 是整数 ------------- C ========= 8、加工一种东西, A 花 60 分钟, B 花 30 分钟 可以完成840 个; 问如果A 的速度是B 的两倍, B 单独完成 840 个需要多少时间? -------------- 150分钟 =========== 9、c and d are positive integers. And c < d. 1/c + 1/d = 1/4. Which of follwing are correct: I. d < 4 II. c > 8 III. c + d > 10 (I think the answer is I and III) ----------------- I、III。 4< C< 8,D> 8 ============== 10、A straight line lies on the center of top of round table without over the edge of the table. (this tells you that the line is the diameter). The area of the table is 9pai/4. ask the length of the line. --------------------------- 3 ========= 11、m and v are 3-digit numbers. the function f(m) = 2^x X 3^y X 5^z, f(m) = 9f(v) ...... ask what is m-v (Sorry, the question is not complete) --------------------- ? ============= 12、A toll for a bridge is $0.75 each across. If pay a monthly fee that is $13, then the toll fee would be $0.3 each across. If a driver across twice a day. For at least how many days needed to see the advantage of buying a monthly pass. ------------------- 15 注:本月2次出现。 ========== 13、7 numbers, 5 odds and 2 evens. Pick 3 fisrt, then form a product of the three number; pick 3 from the remaining 4, then form another product.Ask I. at least one product is even II. at least one product is odd III. the sume of the two products must be odd. -------------------- 希望大家继续讨论。本题在前面的“机经讨论”中对答案有争论! The answer is I. Thanks verse666 ==================== 14、11 men, 9 women, pick 2 men and 2 women to form a group. how many possiblities. ------------- C11,2 * C9,2 =============== 15、 A taxi driver charge x dollar for first 1/8 mile, y dollar for each additional mile. How much dollars charged for 5+1/8 mile. 1) x = 2y 2) charge for 3+5/8 mile is as twice as charge for 2+3/8 mile (the number may not be correct) --------------------- ?? ========= 16、 有一个九个格子的表格,计算其和,关键是别把符号弄反。 ---------- 题目不全 =========== 17、有个五边形,中间有一根线(有图),就其间角的关系,知道五边形内角和就行。 ----------------- 5边形内角和=(5-2)*180。 ============= 18、Mike walked from A to B using 4 hours, his speed is between 25 and 45 , John walked along the same route using 2 hours, his speed is between 40 and 60, ask which one can be the length of the route.(The data is not accurate) --------------- 100-120 =========== 19、R、S、T 是数轴上的三个点(有图),R为负数,S ,T为正数,r,s,t 分别为它们的绝对值,求平均值 Answers+t-r)/3 ---------------- (s+t-r)/3 ================== 20、r,s 是prime , R+S=? : A, 202. ----------------------------- 199+3、197+5 不知道其他选项,该题应该用排除法。 ============ 21、R/S=2:9; S/V=7:4, V=? : A, R+S+V<120; B,…… -------------------------- A。 V=36。 ============= 22、 MEN 有 M个,每人花$60,女有W个,40元.问M/W=? : A, M+W=….; B, M比W 大…. ---------------------- E ============= 23、 M=72分,W=66分.全班平均70分.问M/W=? --------------------- 答案:1:2。求的是男女比例。 72/66 这题奇怪! ============ 24、A5000个6HOURS, B5000个3HOURS.问一工作由阿A,B合作.A/B=? ------------------- 1/2 ============ 25、大意: An=1+4An-1,已知A5,求A3=? ---------------- (A5 - 5)/16 =============== 26、An=1+(1/An-1)A1=1,A5=? ------------------------- 8/5 ======== 27、还有两到关于斜率,方程与直线的题目 ----------------- 题目不全 ============== 欢迎大家讨论!谢谢! 谢谢verse666、discard2、raonx兄弟的热情帮助!

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