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Kellogg MBA面试经验精华汇总

[分享]Kellogg telephone interview

1, what's your most important accomplishment?

2, what's your short-termgoal

3, where will you be after graduation

4,why MBA why now why Kellogg

5, weakness


可能是我回答得太啰嗦, 这四个问题回答完就19分钟了,而这位美女一开始就说好最多30分钟,如果可能最好20分钟over.于是乎轮到俺问问题.当一把interviewer,太爽了.下面是俺问的问题.

the placement and internship

the definition of leadership in Kellogg education

the best part of kellogg experience


how frequently can i contact my professors.


后来美女回答问题的时候狂解释留在美国是不可能滴,好困难.这个时候我终于愤怒了.Kellogg从一开始就在手册里反复重申留美国不可能,又在面试里面百般打探你的移民倾向, 它的系统是俺申请过的里面最难用的,它的职员回复邮件是最慢的,它的网页设计是最丑的(对不起,俺是做设计出身,职业病)...总而言之新仇旧恨一起上.俺开始说我在中国有良好的生活环境.世界上发展速度最快的经济体在中国,而我又在新兴的发展最迅速的行业,如果仅仅是象她说的那样去美国混口饭,我不如不去.对我来说,(迅速引用了一下今天看到的广告语),生活比生存更广阔.

最后的结论是, 这场面试俺的英文发挥到了最高水平,情绪昂扬,爱国主义大旗高举. 同时深刻反思了一遍为什么要去读书.

如果做二等公民.我不会去. 因为我相信自己在任何环境,无论多么艰难,都可以生存下去,而且可以生活,那么一定要选择自己内心的生活.

kellogg, be myself, 有点二, 不过我觉得很开心,讲了一肚子真话. 做了六年生意,俺讲了六年真话, 适合你的人会留在你身边,不适合的会走开. 这很好~

game over



Whole process was 1 hour, by a Kellogg Alumus. 

Since I had a technical background, and he didn't, se didn't want to talk about what is on my resume.  Because I think he didn't understand what half of them meant. 

So he drilled me on what qualities I have to offer to Kellogg(that is not related to my work).  I think he tried to probe my team work and leadership qualities.  Other than that I was ok.  That was something unexpected because I had my answers memorized, in the order I wanted to answer. 

45 interview, 15 min question
1.  Were there gaps in your work experience, I don't understand your timeline?
2.  What can you tell me about your work expeirence without going into the technical details?
3. Why MBA?
4. What non-techincal skills can you bring to Kellogg?
5, How will you learn the skills you need?  How do you know?
6.  Can you learn these skills in other places?
7.  What other things did you learn on your job beside technical stuff?
8.  We have 15 min for questions, please ask.

That's it.  So advice for people from techincal/high-tech industry, keep in mind they don't really understand lots of the stuff we did, so you will need to explain many things in terms they can understand. 
Overall, I think I broke down a little  in the beginning when he messed up my memorized answers.    But it got better at the end when i started asking him questions.  It is so hard to stay away from talking and talking myself.  Once he started to talk at the end, everything became more pleasant. 

分享]Kellogg alumni interview questions

Got it from an indian colleague, FYR.

1.               Introduction: Tell me about yourself? Take me through your resume starting with your choice of undergraduate college and elaborate on the career choices you have made so far? Tell me about your career progression? What surprised you most about your career progression? How, in your opinion, does your resume demonstrate progression?

2.               Goals: What are your short term goals? What are your long term goals? How will you go about achieving your long term goals?

3.               Why MBA? What will you do immediately after your MBA? How will that help in achieving your future goals? Why not continue at your current job instead?

4.               Why now?

5.               Why Kellogg? What do you know about Kellogg? what research have you done on Kellogg? 5. What is it about Kellogg that attracts you to the school? Why are you interested in Kellogg from a personal perspective?

6.               Why you? What would you contribute to Kellogg? What makes you unique? What will you bring to Kellogg? What do you want to get involved in when if you are accepted at Kellogg? At Kellogg, students take pride in their commitment to the community. How do you plan to get involved?

7.               Work-Ex: What kind of impact have you made to your current company?

8.               Work-Ex: What were the top three things you learned from your xxx work experience?

9.               Work-Ex: How has your leadership style changed from your prior job to your current job?

10.            Leadership: Tell me about a significant leadership experience. Describe a time when you were a leader. What has been your most significant achievement, professional or personal? Tell me about a time when you led your team to overcome an obstacle? What is your proudest accomplishment (professional or personal)? What has been your biggest professional challenge to date? Tell me of a time when you were under a lot of professional stress?

11.            Undergrad: What were the top three things you learned from your undergrad experience?

12.            Teamwork: Tell me about your experience in working with teams. Are you comfortable in teams? What roles have you played in teams? What is your typical role? Tell me about a time where your role in the team changed? Have you dealt with conflicts in team? How have you resolved them? How would you motivate a team?

13.            Extra-curricular: What do you like to do outside of work? Extra-Curricular activities/Hobbies/Community work. What have you done (major accomplishments) outside of work?

14.            Major failure? What did you learn?

15.            Application: What, in your opinion, are the weaknesses in your application? What have you done to neutralize them? What, in your opinion, are your application's strongest points?

16.            Ethical Dilemma: Tell me about an ethical dilemma you have faced.

17.            Voice of dissent: Tell me of a time when your ideas were completely different and how did you convince others to follow your idea? Tell me of a time when you thought out of the box/ what was the result of your actions?

18.            Weakness: Tell me about your personal weaknesses.

19.            What do you do for fun?

20.            General: What is a manager that you admire? Why?

21.            General: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

22.            Questions for Alum: Do you have any questions for me?

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Interview Tips for HBS/Wharton/Kellogg

I think all 3 schools (HBS, Wharton, Kellogg) have very different style and focus. I used very much the same essays for all my applications, but I am a very passionate person so i guess none of the school really dislike this quality.

At interview, I "tailor-made" myself to be someone that fits perfectly with their culture (esp if you are interviewing with the adcom). At my Kellogg interview, I focus more on my contribution to community and my involvement at extracurricular at my undergraduate program. At my Wharton interview, I come through as a well-rounded person that knows what my career direction and goals are. Because my goal is to be an entrepernuer, I intentionally discuss a couple of business ideas with my interviewer. At my HBS interview, I make sure I am a very focus and confident person. My answers were very specific to the questions asked. Also I made up my mind on one decision/solution even though it seems like i haven't thought about every aspects of the business. When you use this approach, however, you have to provide very strong supporting on why you pick this decision/solution. Basically, you have to sound very analytical and confident.

In short, you have to slightly modified your style to make you "fit in" to the school culture. This is what "REAL MARKETING" is all about. It's about positioning the product (applicant) to fill consumer (adcom) needs.




毕业打算(顺便把WHY MBA也说了)


difficult team-work experiences



总的来说,气氛还不错,时不时有些laughter outburst,跟interviewer有些共鸣。真希望这些小细节能起作用!

Good luck to every applicant!

1/22 Kellogg北京面试




Why do you transfer to another job?

What do you think the most important part in marketing management? (后来才知道面试我的这位是Philip Kotler的高徒)

Your hobbies and interests?

The most challenging part in your job?

What is leadership in your mind?

Your teamwork experience?

Why MBA?

Your strenths and weakness?


看见把我挖掘得差不多了,就让我问她问题。我看了看她美丽的大眼睛,问她能不能讲讲她的personal stories。她淡淡一笑,说,其实我只不过是个entrepreneur而已,当年上学的钱就是卖掉我的第一家公司筹得的。毕业之后在华尔街干了几年,从软银搞到一笔投资,又开了一家公司……晕倒……




校友面试(Kellogg & Haas)

Kellogg 校友面试 1小时25分钟)


1.               Mutual self-introduction

2.               My roles and responsibilities (Follow-up: how many people I supervise? Annual revenue & budget?)

3.               Localization in my employer

4.               What make me so successful

5.               Why I chose IT when graduated

6.               Achievements in university

7.               Personal interests and hobbies

8.               Important projects and accounts under my leadership or coverage

9.               Leadership style and story (formal question)

10.            Tough teamwork ( formal question)

11.            How I does performance evaluation for my subordinates (formal question)

12.            Strength, weakness, learning and growth

13.            Achievements at work

14.            Why I have not changed employer in such a long time

15.            Achievements in community services

16.            Comments on strategies of my employer and his former employer

17.            People we both know ( in my company and at Kellogg)

18.            Entrepreneurship and innovation mindset

19.            His experience at Kellogg it’s really great

20.            His suggestion on job and internship hunting ( all are truly sincere tips)

校友问了我的意见后是一边面试一边写面试报告的,我说完了后一般留1分钟给他写,对于重要的数据什么的他又再和我confirm。很多的问题,他最后都会问我一些number(比如increase rate, revenue, profit 什么的,搞的我有点慌,说错了两个数字又马上纠正)。Why MBACareer Goal的问题,他没有问,不过我有穿插在回答一些工作方面的问题的时候讲了。最后两个人又互相客套一番,然后他说他会很快把面试报告交给学校。



栽在了面试上 - 学校:Kellogg



Kellogg的校友面试,是一个中国的女的,在一个顶尖的consulting firm。当时打电话给她的时候,她说她在出差,建议我换一个面试人,然后她发mail给学校,但是学校说晚两周没所谓的。

面试的时候,Oh my God, 我第一次感到了,和一个人没有化学反应是什么感觉。那个女的脸上连个笑影都没有,问的问题是很常规的,比如“what is the 3 most important elements in your leadership style?" "How do you behave in team  work?" 我回答的时候,她还不停的看表。她没有做任何的自我介绍。我向她提问的时候,问"what is the most unforgettable experience for you in Kellogg?" 她说"student activities",照样的面无表情,而且非常简短。





分别是Darden, Kellogg, Wharton, BU, Tuck, Yale.

我在大的跨国公司做过亚太区内部审计和财务经理,现在四大中的一家做风险咨询部门的经理。gmat 不高,680TOEFL IBT 96,  GPA 3.47,  工作7年多,essay 找了几个美国人来改,感觉还应该不错的。不知道我今年的问题,是否是成绩太低?

messed up my telephone interview - Kellogg

1.               why mba

2.               why this school

3.               why U.S.A.

4.               career development

5.               q&a


Kellogg interview (PhD in finance)

Sorry this post came late.

The interview with Kellogg went well albeit I wasn’t prepared at all for those questions. Mainly the coordinator asked what courses I took in my master’s program and what textbooks we used. The only question related to motivation was whether my interest in finance a short term or long term thing, to which I could only answered “my major in college was finance, I worked in Bank x, and am working in the investment field”. He then remarked “oh right, you are working in the investment” as if he had made a discovery - apparently didn’t read my resume before the interview. 

When it’s my turn to ask questions, I didn’t ask anything related to his own research but their curriculum setup, programs to prepare student for teaching, and a couple questions on the field I am interested in. He didn’t know much about it, but was very helpful and said he could check it out for me. In the end, he told me he would meet with the dean next week, who will tell him how many offers he could make and the final decision will come out by next Wednesday, Feb 28th. According to him, my case would be either an offer or waitlist, depending on the number of offers they will make and the interview with other candidates.

That’s pretty much about it. It lasted only 12 minutes. The coordinator has slight Indian accent and spoke REALLY fast. I was nervous, lost track of my mind once in a while. He was nice, didn’t press me hard.

Regardless of the outcome, I was relieved and contented. The satisfaction of pursuing a dream does not stem from the very ending but during the course when we fight with all our might. A glorious victory is desirable but a defeat might just serve as well as a motivation for our next dream, and the one after next, until the end of our life. In a word, no matter what happens, do not lose the will to dream, the courage to pursue it, or the persistence to carry it through.

A professor once commented that the admission process was meritocracy but my impression was that it took luck to get in. So I wish everyone THE luck, and a prosperous and productive year of Golden Pig!



面试的具体问题很少,主要就集中在why mba, why kellogg上,其他东西问的很少,聊天性质为主。面试官主要让他发挥表达,没有为难太多。




Kellogg Interview Day

Participated the Kellogg interview today, following are points might be helpful.

The whole interview lasted over a hour, and had a very pleasant conversation with the alumni, a very nice person.
Kellogg has a quite traditional interview approach, so all the questions today were quite straight forward.

1. Tell me something about yourself
2. Leadership experience, how do you motivate people
3. Long term and short term goal
4. Why MBA, Why Kellogg, do you applied any other schools?
5. Teamwork experience
6. Went though some particular transitions in my career
7. Personal interests
8. 3 words to describe yourself

Kellogg emphasizes teamwork, so a lot of questions were related to team environment.

Some tips:
- Be yourself and be confident
- Be prepared, especially about the school, since the interview is a great chance to show your commitment
- Interview is a kinda conversation, not a presentation, so don't make a long speech unless you are told to do so
- Structure your answers and make you points very clear
- Prepared some specific questions you wanta ask

Good luck!







many  thanks !!!!!!








many    thanks  !!!!!!!!!!!!


thanks, just need it!


thanks  a  lot  !!!!



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