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蓝皮og verbal cr62 求指导!!!

62. In response to viral infection, the immune systems of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by binding to proteins on its surface. Mice infected with a herpes-virus generally develop keratitis, a degenerative disease affecting part of the eye. Since
proteins on the surface of cells in this part of the eye
closely resemble those on the herpes-virus surface,
scientists hypothesize that these cases of keratitis are
caused by antibodies to herpes-virus.

Which of the following , if true, gives the greatest additional support to the scientists' hypothesis?

(A) Other types of virus have surface proteins that closely resemble proteins found in various organs of mice.

(8) There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice contract herpes at roughly the same rate as other mice.

(C) Mice that are infected with a herpes-virus but do not develop keratitis produce as many antibodies as infected mice that do develop keratitis.

(D) There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice survive these infections without ever developing keratitis.
(E) Mice that have never been infected with a Herpes-virus can sometimes develop keratitis

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D 有一些不能产生抗体来响应hv传染病的老鼠,这些老鼠接受注射之后没有得K病  异因异果support


如果选项能够说明antibodies能cause K就能支持。

D选项里的mices that are unable to form antibodies就相当于生物实验里的对照组,现在,D说,他们不能cause k,就是说没有antibodies的时候不能cause K,于是就排除了其他因素可能cause K的可能,因此证明了的确就是antibodies cause了K



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