分數無法跟這邊太多大牛比,不過還是趕快來奉獻一下 jj math: 1. 有一個運動活動,有一個大箱有80瓶飲料平均分配給運動員,問下面哪個運動員數目不可能為分配剩餘飲料數比運動員數量少4 選項有12, 14...the rest cannot remember 其他不誤導大家,考太爛了 VERBAL: SC: 用句義解的不多,大多是文法錯誤!! 要看仔細,我好幾次差點選錯了 CR:1. ㄧ個東西(solvent之類)refomulation後,員工癌症機率變高,所以是這個東西的錯,即使對環境傷害比較小,問WEAKEN 選項就不記得了 2. ㄧ個C開頭的動物在冰河結束後吃 sea mammal,但人類出現會hunting ,mammal就減少,所以人類跟c這動物競爭sea mammal,問support 我好像是選一個冰河時期ㄧ結束 sea mammal 很多,但人類出現就大量減少了 另外子彈禁用130年那題,有說一個動物是最近才死的,而十歲以下不能存活,所以推出動物至少活140年以上 GWD14-Q39: Which of the following most logically completes the passage below? Heavy rains during Centralia’s corn planting season prevented some farmers there from planting corn. It is now the planting season for soybeans, another of Centralia’s principal crops, and those fields originally intended for corn are dry enough for planting. Nonetheless, even though soybean prices are unusually high at present, the farmers will leave most of these fields empty rather than plant them with soybeans, since________ A. the extensive rains have led to an increase in the price of corn B. some Centralian farmers anticipate serious financial losses due to the extremely wet spring planting season C. chemicals that were used to prepare the fields for corn planting would stunt the growth of soybeans D. the majority of Centralia’s corn farmers were able to plant corn as they had intended, despite the wet planting season E. many Centralian farmers grow both corn and soybeans Answer: C GWD23-Q40: Political advocacy groups have begun to use information services to disseminate information that is then accessed by the public via personal computer. Since many groups are thus able to bypass traditional news sources, whose reporting is selective, and to present their political views directly to the public, information services present a more balanced picture of the complexities of political issues than any traditional news source presents. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends? A. Information services are accessible to enough people to ensure that political advocacy groups can use these services to reach as large a percentage of the public as they could through traditional news sources. B. eople could get a thorough understanding of a particular political issue by sorting through information provided by several traditional news sources, each with differing editorial biases. C. Information on political issues disseminated through information services does not come almost entirely from advocacy groups that share a single bias. D. Traditional news sources seldom report the views of political advocacy groups accurately. E. Most people who get information on political issues from newspapers and other traditional news sources can readily identify the editorial biases of those sources. Answer: C RC 取自之前JJ 1.第一段說這個女人沒有被道統公眾認可為政治家。儘管她創立大學,當過出版編輯,參與過社會和政府組織(有題)。但是道統人認為一 個成功的政治家應該有競選,黨派等等,就像“spokeman〞(有題) 第二段,隨著新女權主義家的興起,重新定義了政府家。引用一段。這種重新定義的結果是原有那些社區,自願者等都可以被定義為政治家 。因為他們把這些話題引入了人們的視野和討論。 Q3 B女沒有干過什麼?E courts of laws我選的是沒有參加宗教活動。....這我選courts of laws,因為看到第一段後面有說到這位婦女 church什麼的 2.a、bundle saling strategy, introduce two types, one is xx hurdling, for example, credit card company, the other is loyalty bundling,解釋了下,文章容易,問題較難,由主題題,答案無法確定。....這我選說明兩個strategy的不同,有另一個關於sales的選項,讓我很猶豫 好像還有一個類比題
3 好像是講人的大腦如何處理短期記憶的,是個新老觀點對比型,其中講到一個女科學家的新研究。第二段是一個新tech的發現什麼, 有1題是問這tech的新發現證明了什麼理論是真的...我選新觀點是對的 這篇還有主旨題,好像不好選,我刪去法選一個了 另外老觀點認為executive什麼的,我理解是認為一個區塊負責處理很多記憶,但新觀點認為應是不同記憶不同區負責 awa AA: [125] The following appeared as part of the business plan of the Capital Idea investment firm. “Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all had business increases within the past two years. Capital Idea should therefore invest in the Roxy Playhouse, the Slice-o’-Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district. As a condition, we should require them to participate in a special program: Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses will receive a substantial discount at the third. By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return.” ai: [A2]AI︰Constant innovation do damage to the company as improve it.(like 81) The increase in the costs.