从考试中心出来 天色以暗 不知道是不是因为风太大了, 还是太激动了 眼睛都有些湿润了. 终于考完了 在职复习的日子真的还挺辛苦的, 不过想到马上就可以回成都了, 就很高兴. 虽然这次也没有上700, 但还是比一战提高了80 分, 我已经很高兴了. 从9月开始, 一直受益. 一战的时候 verbal 考的很差, 提前半小时已经做完. 这次用足了75分钟. 所以说, 还是要听老人言, pace 是很重要的! verbal 开始的时候 一定要慢慢慢慢的做. 做 math 的时候, 第一题就懵了, 花了4,5 分钟, 最后还是乱选的, 最后5道题 也没有时间做了,基本上是乱选的.. 惭愧啊
先说作文, 一战的时候5分, 这次的题是
AA, a realtor company says, since the stock market has declined for past five years and the house prices has nearly doubled for the same period of time. And owning a house will improve a person life, unlike buying stock which would not change a peron's material life. Therefore, all the residents should invest in houses rather than stocks.
AI, all groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone shares responsibilites and duties. Therefore, if a team leader is given the central responsibility, it would decrease the effectivess of the team.
遇到了很多 SC. 第一题是说, European Unions has a new proposal that require all manufactures to test them before their use, ... 我觉得是错的
还有就是GWD 的一道原题, 之前有人说过了
Over the course of the eighteenth century 那道 (已经在 jj 里面了, 我就不重复了), 我也选的A
还有一个是考 not only, but also 的平行
还有一题是说 higher, 选项里面只有一个是 than, 其他的都是 as 什么的, 所以我选的是 than 那个
还有一题是说 在什么的时候, someone draw a painting, person's name, not reaching the flag, his pose unintentionally symbolize the Native American..., 还有选项是说, in a pose that unintentionally symbolize, 还有一个选项是, a pose of unintentional symbol that... |