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求infer 和indicate 区别。。


Interlinear notations such as

"copied"indicate that themanuscripts were discarded ones that had been replaced by freshly made ones.
Apparently, says Mr. Salomon, the monasterieshadwell-organized scriptoriums and large libraries even at that early stage.
我碰到的考题当中有一道是吧copied这个单词highlight了。然后问这个词为什麼要打引号。找到这篇文章就更好了,因为考试中的阅读题把这一段换了个形式表达,虽然也用引号强调了copied这个单词,但是并没有后面的indicate.而题目就是问这个高亮的copied indicate了什麼?找到原文的各位你们比我幸福太多,我是自己绞尽脑汁联系被改的体无完肤的上下文才选出themanuscripts were discarded ones that had been replaced by freshlymade ones如果考试碰到这道infer题一定一定不要大错啦!送分的噢!
3p: interlinear notation of "copied"
的意思是说这个文献是一个被遗弃的文献,有一个replacemeng of 这个被遗弃文献, 这种被遗弃并且replace的现象表明那个地方和年代就已经有了library system 也说明中国的很多佛教文献可能是在这里翻译的。 (出题了,interlinear notation infer了什么, 我选的:表明了有library system那个选项,有一个选项是说infer 了这是个被replace过的,我觉得是干扰选项,因为interlinear notation的意思是被replaced过的,但是infer出了有library system,求考证)

这里到底是infer 了“有library system" 呢 还是 infer 了 “that the manuscripts were discarded ones that had been replaced by freshly made ones.”

谢谢了 !!
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Infer "monasteries had well-organized scriptoriums and large libraries."



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