20.传统成本会计扭曲利润和Margin V1:P1 传统成本会计过时了。对于一个多产品的工厂来言,每种产品的成本核算不准确了。传统成本会计,在以前用的很好啊,因为工厂就生产一个产品。不像现在多产品了,还得成本分配。 P2 举个例子,Plant I 和plant II,都产圆珠笔,不过Plant I只生产蓝色圆珠笔,Plant II品种多啊,蓝色圆珠笔\lav…都有。说这俩工厂,生产的总产量是一样的。但Plant II,因为还卖其他的型号,所以多了一些销售人员乱七八糟的东西。这下好了,Plant II的蓝色圆珠笔,计价成本分摊下来,高过Plant I的圆珠笔(原因是杂七杂八的overhead cost也分到Plant II的蓝色圆珠笔头上了) P3 市场上的定价啊,其实是有Plant I来定的,因为人家的成本看起来低(seemingly)。Plant II的账面上,蓝色圆珠笔成本高。如果按Plant I的定价,看起来Plant II的margin低了(注意是账面,不是实际成本哦!)。这个时候,Plant II说,不如停产咱们的蓝色圆珠笔吧。这就傻了吧。账面上,咱们蓝色圆珠笔的margin是低,实质上不低。不幸地将自己的高获利产品砍掉,悲催吧? by suishuisui V2:巨长的一片,4-5段的样子,大概2屏多一点,当时LZ就震惊了,不过看完后发现文章很简单,关于什么cost估计的问题。
第2段:举了个例子,两个工厂Plant1,Plant2,一下简称P1.P2. 生产相同数量的笔,但是p1只生产蓝笔,p2生产很多种笔,然后假设marginal cost一样(或者低于p1,记不太清楚了),但是p2种类比较多,需要其他很多方面的费用,总的支出就高于p1.
第4段,可能是第4、5段:然后经理在定价的时候就会按照平均成本来定。在市场竞争下平均成本比较低的p1产蓝笔就会抢占市场,p2的蓝笔就没人要。然后各种评论。最后说那种传统的方法实际上导致了生产成本比较低的一些东西(如p2的蓝笔)最后却被逐出了市场。 by taooo(v 31) v3:一个是传统成本法有问题那个, 有两个工厂造蓝笔那个。内容和jj里差不多,只是有一题不太确定。 by zhzy1014 v4:说bluepen的那篇,昨天看有人也发上来了,那篇文章长但是不难,文章通过举例子来说明traditonal system衡量成本是过时的(有个主旨题)。bluepen的成本是被高估了(有题)因为一个公司生产很多产品的时候算平均成本,会不均衡。的然后有个题目说是问为什么bluepen的成本会高估,自然就是这个算法系统的问题了。 by ying0718 v5: 第一段纯理论说明传统的不好新的好。第二、三两段都用了两个厂商的例子,一个只生产蓝色笔另一个生产蓝色笔和其他各种颜色的笔。因为蓝笔怎样了所以成本低,而其他颜色笔怎样了所以成本高,而第二个厂商把蓝笔和其他笔混在一起用传统的均值法估算成本会出现偏差从而导致估计的利润也有偏差。 by xeniaxin(710) V6:说traditional cost evaluation system不够好,因为计算成本的时候是用总成本除总的产品数。而现在产品越来越多样化,所以这样的计算是有误的。新的一段就开始举例子,说有Plant I和plant II都生产blue pen,但是plant II计算的成本要高,因为他们工厂同时生产很多其他颜色的笔,这样导致计算出来的蓝笔成本比plant I要高,所以他们认为profit margin比较低。。。。各种绕来绕去的。 by everfreyja(V 40) v7: 阅读3. 1.The defect oftraditional accounting method第一段:过去的企业生产的产品比较少,计算单位成本就相对容易,而现在的企业生产的产品种类很多,过去计算单位成本的方法就有点过时了。Because the distribution extent.
第二段:To understand the difference: EX: Plant I 和plant II,都产ball-pencil,不过Plant I只生产1000000 blue,Plant II生产100000 blue,500000 lavender(紫色的。。不知道也没什么影响,不过考虑到有些同学会受到生词的影响还是写下来咯), 400000 other,生产的总产量都是10000支。虽然两家生产上的labor cost and machine cost相同,但Plant II,因为还卖其他的型号,最易导致存在其他的sales cost。
第三段:市场上的定价,其实是有Plant I来定的,因为人家的成本看起来低,这样他就有了竞争优势。另外这一段里再次提到了lavender pencil,(这个很重要)大意是说这个笔的成本实际上是高于blue pencil 的。由于Plant 1的价格迫使Plant 2仅能以低价出售,造成profit margin很低。
第四段:因此Plant II logically将停产蓝色圆珠笔,而去生产一些高成本的其他笔,从而造成额外的负担。
Q1:what will happen if new accounting method is used? 这道题之前JJ里的答案不同意,而且也不对,应该是选lavender的profit margin会降低。 by haowang0116(v 38) 问题: Q1:问如果成本是按真实的计算,会有什么结果
e除了蓝笔和l笔,其他的笔。。。。不记得了。。 问如果用actual cost来计算成本的话,下面哪一项可能发生
我选的B,因为文中只说了蓝笔的cost被错误算多了,另外两种笔没怎么讲,所以如果把蓝笔虚高的cost分出来,三种笔不可能同增减,所以我选了B,L笔的margin下降,另一种笔就没说啦(V 28) 我选的是L pen的毛利会上升。因为原来划归到blue pen的一部分cost,现在回到了L pen。(v40) Q2: 问为什么bluepen的成本会高估 这个算法系统的问题了 Q3:主旨题 我选的好像是什么 一种方法是outdated(混乱) Q4: 作者举笔的例子干什么 Q5:
如果第二个厂商用了新的逐个产品分别估算成本的方法会得到什么样的结果 Q6:如果按现时成本算2工厂的产品下面哪个可能: 楼主选所有笔的现实成本下降(因为杂七杂八的费用摊销到所有笔上了) Q7:问作者觉得这种方法是? 我选的P开头的单词and outdated Q8:主旨: 指出传统方法是outdated的(730)
Q9:举制笔厂的目的: 说明这种方法有缺陷(730)
Q10:如果采用新的计算方法以下哪种情况会发生: 紫色笔的profit会降低(730) 考古: 1.1.1成本控制法
V1 by tracy175
第一篇目前就想起一片介绍一个成本控制法,貌似说了它的不足之处. 第二段开始,举例:两家造笔厂生产相同数量的笔 ,一家全生产蓝笔 ,一家分别生产蓝红绿(貌似吧)三种颜色的笔然后他们的成本不同. 最后说了一下不同的原因.
题目有in order to题有问你举出造笔厂这个例子是干啥的
V2 by jxjscxd 680
是JJ里的第一篇,成本控制法,这篇我记得很清楚,来给大家详细补充一下。全文超长,两屏左右,5段,不过没有什么特别难的单词,所以其实并不难,感觉读起来像4,6级文章的感觉= =
洋洋洒洒地说了这么一大堆,也不知道大家看懂没有= =
还有一个问题,是个infer题,问的是如果按照actual cost来定价,结果会怎样?
选项有1.蓝笔会获得less profit,2.粉笔会获得less profit,3,所有笔都会获得less profit,4,所有笔的profit都不变。
V3 by eviey
第二个遇到的就是传统的成本计算理论。举了两个工厂的例子,plant1只生产一种蓝色圆珠笔,生产10000只,plant2生产两种,一种蓝色一种彩色,分别10000和40000只。然后bla bla bla说两者的成本要怎么计算。在传统成本计算方法下会算出来plant2比较亏,因为蓝笔在市场上卖的便宜什么的,就算出来plant2的蓝比收益低,bla bla什么成本就高。其实呢蓝笔成本比彩色笔低。这个文章基本上就在说传统成本计算不适合现代的多样产品生产模式(这是第二题的一个不相关选项)。问题有一个是综上文章说明了什么。我选了个其实现实中plant2的收益要比原来酸出来的高。其他选项基本上就是两个plant的原来和实际的比
V4 by ideamily
后几段分析第PLAN 2产生的BLUE PEN有考到BLUE PEN的实际MARGIN 参考资料:(疑似原文,求鉴定) 20传统成本会计
Virtually all manufacturing companies use their inventory valuation
systems to measure product costs. As discussed earlier, this system,
in today's environment of large indirect expenses and product diversity,
produces highly distorted product costs. Service companies, who
have not had to assign expenses to their products for financial statement
purposes, have operated for decades without knowing product
costs. They collected costs in functional or responsibility categories
but made little effort to assign accurately their operating expenses to
their products and customers.
At its simplest level, product cost distortions occur in virtually all
organizations producing and selling multiple products. An example
provides a simple illustration of the sources of the distortion. Consider
two factories, both malung pens using identical capital equipment and
physical facilities. Plant I is a focused producer that manufactures
only blue pens, 1.000.000 units per year. Plant I1 is a full line producer.
In addition to producing blue pens, (100.000 per year), it produces
a variety of other colors : 100.000 black, 50.000 red, 20.000 green and
so on. Plant I1 also produces a wide variety of specialty colors (such
as 800 purple pens per year), plus pens that write on a variety of surfaces
(flip charts, transparencies, white boards, etc.). All together,
Plant 11, like Plant I, produces 1.000.000 pens per year, but with several
thousand different color, packaging, and writing surface combinations.
Despite the similarity in product, physical facilities, and total output
of the two plants, a visitor walking through them would notice
dramatic differences. Plant I1 contains many more people : to schedule
machines, perform setups, inspect output after each setup, to
schedule, receive and inspect incoming materials and packages, to
move, count and value inventory, expedite orders, rework defective
materials, design and implement engineering change orders, negotiate
with vendors, issue purchase orders, and update and program
the much larger computer-based information system. Plant I1 also
operates with much higher levels of idle time, overtime, inventory,
rework, and scrap.
Any traditional cost system will assign about 10% of Plant 11's overhead
cost to blue pens. Whether indirect costs are assigned based on
direct labor-hours, machine-hours, material quantities, or units produced,
blue pens represent 10% of the plant's volume of activity and
will, therefore, receive 10% of the plant's indirect costs. Similarly, a
low volume product such as the 800 purple pens produced each year
would have .08% (800 divided by 1.000.000) of the plant's indirect
costs assigned to it. If a blue and a purple pen had the same labor
times, machine processing times, and direct material costs, then the
standard cost of the two products would be identical under any traditional
cost system.
The strategic consequences from using such a cost system can be
disastrous. Over time, the market price for blue pens, and for most
high-volume standard products, will be determined by focused and efficient
producers like Plant I. Managers of Plant I1 will find it difficult
to compete in the blue pen market because their reported profit margins
in these lines will be low or even negative. The managers of Plant
I1 will look for profit growth in their new product lines - designer colors,
specialized writing surfaces - where they earn attractive price
premiums, perhaps 10 to 20 percent. They will de-emphasize standard
commodity-like products where the plant seems uncompetitive, and
shift to an expanded line of specialty products with unique features
and options, and generally much smaller unit volumes. Of course, scaling
back on blue pens and proliferating the product line to replace
the lost volumes will create new demands for overhead and support
resources, raising costs even further. |