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Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

A new machine for harvesting corn will allow rows to be planted only fifteen inches apart, instead of the usual thirty inches.  Corn planted this closely will produce lower yields per plant.  Nevertheless, the new machine will allow corn growers to double their profits per acre because __________.

(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation  (说密集的好处)
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left
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D项the number of plants grown per acre will almost double表明有了这个机器,每英亩的产量就是神一般的增加了,至于如何增加的,不是我们所关注的。
A项扯了半天,没有直接与产量是否会增加扯上任何关系,因为题目中没有任何信息告诉你“minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation”这个好处会导致产量增加;换一个角度,A项的表述表明,只要是栽得密,都会得到“密集的好处”这与机器又有什么关系呢?


D与原文相左了,原文说了Corn planted this closely will produce lower yields per plant


原文是per plant 自然不相左 只是:
D选项说crop的数量会almost double,而题中明确指出 lower yield per plant,

所以总的来说,利润就会lower than double啦


楼上很强大, 谢谢!!



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