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求解释GMAT 逻辑大全-A-2

求解释答案为何是D ?

Which of the following best completes the passage below?

One tax-reform proposal that has gained increasing support in recent years is the flat tax, which would impose a uniform tax rate on incomes at every level. Opponents of the flat tax say that a progressive tax system, which levies a higher rate of taxes on higher-income taxpayers, is fairer, placing the greater burden on those better able to bear it. However, the present crazy quilt of tax deductions, exemptions, credits, and loopholes benefits primarily the high-income taxpayer, who is consequently able to reduce his or her effective tax rate, often to a level below that paid by the lower-income taxpayer. Therefore, ______

(A) higher-income taxpayers are likely to lend their support to the flat-tax proposal now being considered by Congress

(B) a flat-tax system that allowed no deductions or exemptions would substantially increase actual government revenues

(C) the lower-income taxpayer might well be penalized by the institution of a flat-tax system in this country

(D) the progressive nature of our present tax system is more illusory than realD

(E) the flat tax would actually be fairer to the lower-income taxpayer than any progressive tax system could be
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E:于文中观点不一致。低收入是Opponents 。
B:the present crazy quilt 导致的
D:文中提到了crazy,即使对the present 的不满。


看到一道题有位谈到:使得他们的因果关系进一步拉近了,因此是一种排除他因的support。(support不是要表明结论一定正确,而是拉近evidence和conclusion之间的logic gap) .所以这道题应为D?


A 中的congress没有提,排除

只有D ,所说和HOWEVER后内容一致.



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