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求逻辑题 猴子 蚊子 的问题

为 什么不 选e 阿。。。
Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certaintype of millipede into their fur.  Secretionsof these millipedes have been shown to contain two chemicals that are potentmosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate thecapuchins.  The rubbing behavior is rareexcept during the rainy season, when mosquito populations are at theirpeak.  Therefore, the monkeys probablyrub the millipedes into their fur because doing so helps protect them againstmosquitoes.

Which of the following would it be most useful todetermine in order to evaluate the argument?

(A) Whether the two chemicals provide anyprotection for the millipedes against their own predators
(B) Whether the type of millipede used by thecapuchin monkeys in Venezuela is found in other parts of the world
(C) Whether animals other than capuchins rubinsects of any kind into their fur
(D) Whether the only time themillipedes are readily available to the capuchins is during the rainy season
(E)Whether secretions of any other insects accessible to the capuchins containchemicals that repel mosquitoes

In the two years following the unification ofGermany in 1989, the number of cars owned by residents of East Germany and thetotal distance traveled by cars in East Germany both increased by about 40percent.  In those two years, however,the number of East German residents killed each year as car occupants in traffic accidentsincreased by about 300 percent.

Which of the following, if true, most helps toexplain the disproportionate increase in traffic fatalities?

(A) Theaverage number of passengers per car was higher in the years before unificationthan it was in the two years after.
(B) After unification, many people who had beenliving in East Germany relocated to West Germany.
(C) After unification, a smaller proportion of thecars being purchased by East German residents were used vehicles.
(D) Drivers who had driven littleor not at all before 1989 accountedfor much of the increase in the total distance traveled by cars.
(E) Over the same two-year period in East Germany,other road users, such as motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians,experienced only small increases in traffic fatalities.
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Paint on a new airliner is usually applied in two stages:  first, a coat of primer, and then a top coat.  A new process requires no primer, but instead uses two layers of the same newly developed coating, with each layer of the new coating having the same thickness and weight as a traditional top coat.  Using the new process instead of the old process increases the price of a new aircraft considerably.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly indicates that it is in an airline's long-term economic interest to purchase new airliners painted using the new process rather than the old process?

(A) Although most new airliners are still painted using the old process, aircraft manufacturers now offer a purchaser of any new airliner the option of having it painted using the new process instead.
(B) A layer of primer on an airliner weighs more than a layer of the new coating would by an amount large enough to make a difference to that airliner's load-bearing capacity.
(C) A single layer of the new coating provides the aluminum skin of the airliner with less protection against corrosion than does a layer of primer of the usual thickness.
(D) Unlike the old process, the new process was originally invented for use on spacecraft, which are subject to extremes of temperature to which airliners are never exposed.
(E) Because the new coating has a viscosity similar to that of a traditional top coat, aircraft manufacturers can apply it using the same equipment as is used for a traditional top coat.


Background: Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certaintype of millipede into their fur.  Secretionsof these millipedes have been shown to contain two chemicals that are potentmosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate thecapuchins
Premise:  The rubbing behavior is rareexcept during the rainy season, when mosquito populations are at theirpeak
Conclusion: the monkeys probably rub the millipedes into their fur because doing so helps protect them against mosquitoes.
We can see from above that the question is attacking:millipedes.for choice(E),we assume it’s right.ok, the capuchins rub secretions of any other insects which also containchemicals that repel mosquitoes into their fur.well,nothing can say it won’t protect them against mosquitoes.
Do this type of question.use”not” if weaken ,right.


backgroundIn the two years following the unification of Germany in 1989, the number of cars owned by residents of East Germany and the total distance traveled by cars in East Germany both increased by about 40percent.

findingthe number of East German residents killed each year as car occupants in traffic accidents increased by about 300 percent.


do this type of questions,write down the clue.find gap.we find accidents increased by 300%,however, the number of cars owned by residents of East Germany and the total distance traveled by cars in East Germany both only increased by about 40percent.there must be some other reasons that the increased car owned by resident and distance travled by cars causaedmake the accidents increased.choice(d) is right.i think you donn’t read the question clearly,choice(A),The average number of passengers per car was higher in the years before unification(modify in the years) than it was in the two years after. This means ,before unification, The average number of passengers per car was higher than it was in the two years after

before unification(modify in the years) than it was in the two years after. This means ,before unification, The average number of passengers per car was higher than it was in the two years after



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