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[转帖]Carlson MBA ad & 面试问题分享

昨天刚收到Carlson的admission, 晚的离谱,上上周才面的,面的时候就说没有奖学金,而且面的很没有气氛,说了一堆连答应的okay, yeah之类的声音都没有。果然寄过来的ad也是一分钱没有的。说今年招1-2个mainland China,已经招了的international student都少有回复答应,估计比较着急,所以催着要答应。有类似情况的朋友么?

不过面试的问题也许对今后申请MBA的朋友有帮助 (是一个女的,名字忘记了,信号不是很好,打了一半还串线了。大概35分钟)

1. please introduce yourself. (focus on why you choose your undergraduate major, why your MA school, why your current job)

2. what do you plan to do after MBA study

3. Do you plan to go back to China after study? (不知道为什么问,当然说了准备,但是对方没有任何反应)

4. Teamwork example

5. why Carlson? 估计比较在乎这个,问了两遍,第一编我就给了一个理由,说比较喜欢health care方向之类,估计她觉得不够,又问了一遍

6.What do you think is the major challenge and development trend of the industry you're currently working on.

7. How do you fit with Carlson

8. What can you contribute to Carlson

9. questions for Carlson

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