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12.1文章较长,但是很简单易懂。说天文学家最近研究了M开头的行星,使用的方法是观察法,因为每当M行星靠近其它恒星的时候,由于引力和其它物理作用,其它恒星会有一段时间异常发亮。目前天文学家发现的大部分M行星都位于galaxy中部,他们推测其它主体的M行星可能在outer space。另外由于观察法的limited effectiveness(后面有题),天文学家对于到底有多少M行星表示不确定

12.2 关于dynamic movement, 物理学家用某种方程式来研究运动怎么从smooth的运动变成chaos(要考古的筒子们搜这个关键词,我记得最清楚)


#12.3 考古  by 小阿灰
V4  【by: rainringting  V35】

2.3.1暗物质 △前面提到,我做到的版本不是这个,长得多,一屏半,只有MACHO's名词一样,大概背景解释一样(提到microlensing),但文章主题和整体结构完全不同,提问也完全不同,四到五个! (本机经整理者语:等待不同版本出现。。。)

V5  【by: 行走钢丝 640】

V6  【by: 700+  小魔女】

第三篇~~~ 上来竟然有一屏半,这个长啊,是关于暗黑物质的
第三段:看到过暗黑物质,但不如设想能看到的多。而且其实它们主要在我们的星系,而不在outer space, where orginally expected to have more 黑物质(此处有题)

V7  【by: nyliangnan  730】

GWD 上那个关于暗物质的文章,就是说有个暗物质,只能当他经过星星的时候才能被观测。但是现在技术不行,以后技术发展了才能更好的观测。但是题目跟GWD上都不一样

V8  【by: aichang  740】

第一段说,天文学家们最近开始观察某东西MACHO(massivecompact halo objects),然后介绍它一堆特性。我感觉我没仔细看这段,应该没啥题,因为没啥印象。



V9  【by: 熊熊加小怪】11.11日

1. 天文学家之前没有预料到啥?

2. 天文学家提到XX-effecience是为了说明什么

V10  【by: woyiwoziwo   700+】11.11日

问题一,主题,我选的是说describe 了一个新的发现什么的。反正没有态度词的选项

问题二,问在新的发现之前scientist 没有预料到什么,我选的是没想到这种物质m... 会在galaxy center的比例那么多。这题确定!(因为文中最后一段说本来科学家本来hypothesis的是这种物质在 galaxyouter area 会比center 更多,结果新的发现是反过来的,读到这里时就觉得这个很可能是个考点)

问题三,有个高亮短语好像在这里scientist before determine many equipments.. ... they are reluctant to estimatethe quantity of 这种物质, 问有什么作用, 正确选项应该表达这个意思的那个:科学家觉得应该还有更多这种物质的。(我理解是这种物质在科学家眼里应该很多的只是现阶段由于技术的原因没被发现而已或者detect不到而已)

V11  【by: xinxinhome  770】11.12

P1 宇宙中现在观察的东西太轻啦,所以必然有暗物质。没考题
P2 以前没法观测MACHO,现在当MACHO通过行星和天文学家中间时,行星的光会bend,不是正常的样子,所以天文学家就知道观测到Macho了。
P3 没有预计中观测得多。[在没有更efficient的方法之前,天文学家不敢估计到底有多少Macho。]高亮有题,答案好像是现在这种microlensing的方式是能利用的最efficient的方法还是什么的。
但是在center galaxy 观测到的rate比本来估计得多。本来以为在outergalaxy会观测到更多(此处有题,天文学家本来以为在center能观测到的rate更大)

V12 【by: 月光浪子 650】11.13

一段是说科学家们认为MACHO是一个很长的名词的简写,大概就是给black matter的质量还是什么,然后说认为visible的只占universe质量的5%,剩下的至少90%都是blackmatter。只要是理论
第二段是说科学家是怎么印证blackmatter存在那,做的实验是说如果宇航员观测宇宙中的一个星体还是什么,如果black matter从宇航员和星体中间穿过,由于blackmatter质量大,会使光产生弯曲,弯向质量大的blackmatter,这样宇航员就只能看到brightening。。证明有black matter的存在。
第三段是说后来通过observation发现black matter不是even sperse的,是center of our galaxy比较dense的。然后又说还需要进一步的确认才能得出结论,说还是可能有问题的这个研究。

V13  【by: liuxiaoyin   V44】11.16

问了两道题答案都定位在最后一段。原文的意思是原来科学家们觉得我们的galaxy的**比外面较多,但新的证据证明外面的**比较多。问题是“科学家们原来的观点是什么?”+“下列哪个选项是科学家们惊讶?”还有一道主旨题,选了“describe a object...”

中文类似物搜索 ryangu619 供参考

长久以来,最被看好的暗物质仅仅是假说中的基本粒子,它具有寿命长、温度低、无碰撞的特性。寿命长意味着它的寿命必须与现今宇宙年龄相当,甚至更长。温度低意味着在脱耦时它们是非相对论性粒子,只有这样它们才能在引力作用下迅速成团。由于成团过程发生在比哈勃视界(宇宙年龄与光速的乘积)小的范围内,而且这一视界相对现在的宇宙而言非常的小,因此最先形成的暗物质团块或者暗物质晕比银河系的尺度要小得多,质量也要小得多。随着宇宙的膨胀和哈勃视界的增大,这些最先形成的小暗物质晕会合并形成较大尺度的结构,而这些较大尺度的结构之后又会合并形成更大尺度的结构。其结果就是形成不同体积和质量的结构体系,定性上这是与观测相一致的。相反的,对于相对论性粒子(RELATIVISTIC PARTICLE),例如中微子neutrino,在物质引力成团的时期由于其运动速度过快而无法形成我们观测到的结构。因此中微子对暗物质质量密度的贡献是可以忽略的。在太阳中微子实验中对中微子质量的测量结果也支持了这一点。无碰撞指的是暗物质粒子(与暗物质和普通物质)的相互作用截面在暗物质晕中小的可以忽略不计。这些粒子仅仅依靠引力来束缚住对方,并且在暗物质晕中以一个较宽的轨道偏心律谱无阻碍的作轨道运动。







英文类似物搜索:伍月 (待确认,供参考)

In the 1980's,astronomer BohdanPaczynski proposed a way of determining whether the enormousdark haloconstituting the outermost part of the Milky Way galaxy is composed ofMACHO's(massive compact halo objects), which are astronomical objects too dimto bevisible.  Paczynski reasoned thatifMACHO's make up this halo, a MACHO would occasionally drift in front of astarin the Large Magellanic Cloud, a bright galaxy near the Milky Way.  The gravity of a MACHO that had sodrifted,astronomers agree, would cause the star's light rays, which wouldotherwisediverge, to bend together so that, as observed from Earth, the starwouldtemporarily appear to brighten, a process known as microlensing.  Because many individual stars areofintrinsically variable brightness, some astronomers have contended that thebrighteningof intrinsically variable stars can be mistaken formicrolensing.  However, whereas thedifferent colors oflight emitted by an intrinsically variable star are affecteddifferently whenthe star brightens, all of a star's colors are equally affectedbymicrolensing.  Thus, if a MACHOmagnifiesa star's red light tenfold, it will do the same to the star's bluelight andyellow light.  Moreover, it ishighlyunlikely that a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud will undergomicrolensingmore than once, because the chance that a second MACHO would passin front ofexactly the same star is minuscule.

Question #55.  639-01 (23881-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-01)
It can be inferredfrom the passagethat which of the following would constitute the strongestevidence of themicrolensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud?

(A) The brightnessof such a staris observed to vary at irregular intervals.
(B) The brighteningof such a staris observed to be of shorter duration than the brightening ofneighboringstars.
(C) The red lightof such a star isobserved to be brighter than its yellow light and its bluelight.
(D) Thered light, yellow light,and blue light of such a star are observed to bemagnified temporarily by thesame factor.
(E) The red lightof such a star isobserved to have increased tenfold.

Question #56.  639-04 (23927-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-04)
According to thepassage,Paczynski's theory presumes that if MACHO's constituted the Milky Way'sdarkhalo, occasionally a MACHO would

(A) drift so as tolie in a directline between two stars in the outer Milky Way
(B)affect the light rays of a starin the Large Magellanic Cloud with the resultthat the star would seem for atime to brighten
(C) become obscuredas a result ofthe microlensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud
(D) temporarilyincrease theapparent brightness of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud byincreasing thegravity of the star
(E) magnify eachcolor in thespectrum of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud by a differentamount

Question #57.  639-06 (23973-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-06)
The passage isprimarily concernedwith

(A) outliningreasons why aparticular theory is no longer credited by some astronomers
(B) presenting datacollected by aresearcher in response to some astronomers' criticism of aparticular line ofreasoning
(C) explaining whya researcherproposed a particular theory and illustrating how influential thattheory hasbeen
(D) showing how aresearcher'stheory has been used to settle a dispute between the researcher andsomeastronomers
(E)describing a line of reasoningput forth by a researcher and addressing acontention concerning that line ofreasoning



新增考古考古 XYXB 已确认

密度跟行星差不多,但是是太阳的1/10 占宇宙重量的90%  balabala
第二段讲观测,说传统方法很难观测到,天文爱好者观测 dark物质通过他们和发亮的星星之间是时产生的一种类似于日食(及光亮度下降)的现象,定义现象A


V1  by yaoyao880529

第二篇是一个巨长的讲宇宙的,暂且 叫做dark XXX。(看到直接慌了。。)说宇宙那么大,人眼能看到的各种射线啊,光啊什么的其实只占了5%,那剩下的是什么呢?剩下的物质就被作者叫做“darkXX”(啊突然想不起来) 第二段说宇宙一开始应该怎么滴,说了一堆粒子啊什么的名称,然后要证明一个什么东西。。但是目前观察到的没法证明,有说原因,这个时候作者提出了说一个理 论还是标准的(词是一个standard)说这个可以用来推测。。我不误导大家了。。反正最后一段有讲到一个n的东西,不是neutrino(因为有一题是比较n和neutrino这个的,这个N单词稍微长一点,长得很像neutrino,选项有比neutrino更稳定?比其他XX粒子更亮?),最后一段专门讲这个n的东西。说n假如存在的话,那么是很stable的,如果不stable的话,就会分裂成两个什么东西。。。然后后面忘了。。题:一个就是那个理论(standard)是用来解决什么问题的,然后说n这个东西和neutrino比较说明什么,还有主题题。。。

V2 by suyangyang 710

大概是讲massof universe
第一段:讲宇宙组成, 除了占小于5%的blahblahblah以外,还应该有什么的(不认识)

V3 by moonrocki

第一题上来就是宇宙dark matter那题那叫一个长啊
就是在探讨说the mass of universe其实重点不在visible particles
而是在invisible particles。而对invisible particles其实我们的研究还不够多。
说proton和neotron(拼错) 他们在很久很久以前 跑的比光速还快 他们速度很快
然后他们特别轻 现在一个standard的hypothesis(有题问这个方法证明的是啥)也无法证明 没记清楚反正
反正能证明dark matter的重量神马的。

V4 by athenelynn 740


V5 by yysbinzhou M49 V29

我唯一记得的是,第二段最再否定了第一种之后,然后又提出了新的假设,有可能是有什么什么东西,接着(高亮开始)一个实验表明这种物质的速度比光速还要快blabla~~~ (高亮结束)然后就是说用这实验否定了这种物质题目。问这个高亮的作用,我选的解释前面的假设什么的好像。。。。(不一定对大家谨慎参考)
接下来一段介绍了一种新物质N~~~ 和最开始提到N~~~ 他们的拼写看起来很像,但是他们很不同(这句话不是我的回忆原文就是这么说的)然后说这个物质的特性(此处有题问两种N物质的差别是什么。。。我没读懂,完全不知道,我读了这句话的前后,没感觉有特别明确的答案)

V6  by cuppyan123

黑物质叫Black Matter。文章还提到一个东西很重要,是“Neutralino”,好像有题。黑物质还分hot 和cold。我找来的Neutralino和black Matter的关系,也就这个还跟原文沾点儿边:
As a heavy, stable particle, the lightest neutralino is an excellent candidateto comprise the universe's cold dark matter. In many models the lightestneutralino can be produced thermally in the hot early universe and leaveapproximately the right relic abundance to account for the observed darkmatter. A lightest neutralino of roughly 10–10000 GeV is the leading weaklyinteracting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter candidate.
Neutralino dark matter could be observed experimentally in nature eitherindirectly or directly. In the former case, gamma ray and neutrino telescopeslook for evidence of neutralino annihilation in regions of high dark matterdensity such as the galactic or solar center. In the latter case, specialpurpose experiments such as the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) seek todetect the rare impacts of WIMPs in terrestrial detectors. These experimentshave begun to probe interesting supersymmetric parameter space, excluding somemodels for neutralino dark matter, and upgraded experiments with greatersensitivity are under development.

V7 by GMAT798
宇宙的dark物质 很长很长 2屏吧。说恒星行星小彗星什么的 占宇宙总质量不过5个点,其他的是什么捏? 那都是dark物质啦(有题)
然后 猜想 dark物质是netroxxxxxx 比中子的netro长4个字母的单词,有的特性是(有题)mass,stability,电中性。

V8 by bemyself2010 690

第二段:提问,暗物质是由什么组成的?P和N不是,接下来是"Nor can more than a few ofNeutrino怎么怎么的,意思是Neutrino也不是暗物质. 接下来高亮"一个关于newtrino的实验,说它很轻啦,速度很快啦,因此很hot "总之也不是dark matter.
第三段: 记得个fit的词(我理解是根据以上neutrino特征的反面推出的dark matter的特征), 能fit dark matter的物质具有的特点是cold, sluggish等等. 貌似在现在的cosmatic中不存在,但是在standard的假说中有一种neutranilo的物质符合
第四段: 主要讲neutronilo的,这里提到它不被electromagnetic怎么着(在比较俩个N不同的选项里出现),同时它又是最轻的,它又很stable, 因为如果不够轻的话就会不stable从而被分成俩个更轻的(很绕的逻辑),
记得的选项是:1,回答段首的问题.2,支持前面那句话"nor more than".3,为了第三段什么的.我选了第二个.
第二题:Neutrino 和 neutranilo的描述哪个正确(以下简称n1,n2)

V9 BY lupin 700

有一题说下列哪个是正确的,选了一个说Neutrilino比other super**的要stable,不确定
还有一题说关于mass of universe正确的是,好像这么问的,我选的是dark matter的质量那些看的见得gas啊,还什么东东的要重,也不确定

V10 BY 粉红—台灯

dark matters暗物质  (1)开头是暗物质的定义:Stars, loose gas,..........5%visual(第一句话有考题 第三题 我的答案就是把这句话同意改写 答案用词invisual)  (2)问Neutralino的特点:选项有两个numerous..., mass, not stable,sluggish.


搜索:伍月 (待确认)

In the 1980's,astronomer BohdanPaczynski proposed a way of determining whether the enormousdark haloconstituting the outermost part of the Milky Way galaxy is composed ofMACHO's(massive compact halo objects), which are astronomical objects too dimto bevisible.  Paczynski reasoned thatifMACHO's make up this halo, a MACHO would occasionally drift in front of astarin the Large Magellanic Cloud, a bright galaxy near the Milky Way.  The gravity of a MACHO that had sodrifted,astronomers agree, would cause the star's light rays, which wouldotherwisediverge, to bend together so that, as observed from Earth, the starwouldtemporarily appear to brighten, a process known as microlensing.  Because many individual stars areofintrinsically variable brightness, some astronomers have contended that thebrighteningof intrinsically variable stars can be mistaken for microlensing.  However, whereas the different colors oflightemitted by an intrinsically variable star are affected differently whenthe starbrightens, all of a star's colors are equally affected bymicrolensing.  Thus, if a MACHO magnifiesa star's red lighttenfold, it will do the same to the star's blue light andyellow light.  Moreover, it is highlyunlikely that a star inthe Large Magellanic Cloud will undergo microlensingmore than once, because thechance that a second MACHO would pass in front ofexactly the same star is minuscule.

Question #55.  639-01 (23881-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-01)
It can be inferredfrom the passagethat which of the following would constitute the strongestevidence of themicrolensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud?

(A) The brightnessof such a staris observed to vary at irregular intervals.
(B) The brighteningof such a staris observed to be of shorter duration than the brightening ofneighboringstars.
(C) The red lightof such a star isobserved to be brighter than its yellow light and its bluelight.
(D) Thered light, yellow light,and blue light of such a star are observed to bemagnified temporarily by thesame factor.
(E) The red lightof such a star isobserved to have increased tenfold.

Question #56.  639-04 (23927-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-04)
According to thepassage,Paczynski's theory presumes that if MACHO's constituted the Milky Way'sdarkhalo, occasionally a MACHO would

(A) drift so as tolie in a directline between two stars in the outer Milky Way
(B)affect the light rays of a starin the Large Magellanic Cloud with the resultthat the star would seem for atime to brighten
(C) become obscuredas a result ofthe microlensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud
(D) temporarilyincrease theapparent brightness of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud byincreasing thegravity of the star
(E) magnify eachcolor in thespectrum of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud by a differentamount

Question #57.  639-06 (23973-!-item-!-188;#058&000639-06)
The passage isprimarily concernedwith

(A) outliningreasons why aparticular theory is no longer credited by some astronomers
(B) presenting datacollected by aresearcher in response to some astronomers' criticism of aparticular line ofreasoning
(C) explaining whya researcherproposed a particular theory and illustrating how influential thattheory hasbeen
(D) showing how aresearcher'stheory has been used to settle a dispute between the researcher andsomeastronomers
(E)describing a line of reasoningput forth by a researcher and addressing acontention concerning that line ofreasoning






15.1公司里衡量收益现在都采用ORI法 这仨字排列可能有错。然后看是批判它的缺点,忽视什么长期利益啊。最后一句有高亮,长远来说,扩大市场份额比利润更重要 ,问证明了什么
#15.2考古   by  bale
V1【by yvonney512】
一种评判公司利益的,先说了一种Roi制度,是一种短期的判断利益的标准(好像),但是一般公司用这种评判标准的有些弊端(具体的忘了,待NN补充)然后又给出了一种market share的评判标准,好像是利于long-term的,最后说这种重视market share的公司会更competitive,更容易成功~~~就记得这么多了……题目一:问主旨。我选evaluate两种方法,并提出其分别适用的situation,是A(不太确定)题目二:作者infer了什么?
V2【by yysbinzhou m49 v29】
讲ROI和Market Share的
这个很简单,一般作为商科的学生都不难,全文一段接近一屏,思路清楚 讲了两种貌似是evaluate performance的方法,上一半讲ROI 下一半讲Market Share
上半段先定义了ROI (return on investment)这种方法来评定performance ,大约就是比较注重短期,要有短期高的回报,所以为了争取高的ROI, 公司可能会减少技术革新或者设备的投资(有题问如果公司采用ROI法可能会怎样做 )然后就是对公司的长期发展不利
后半段讲了用Market share来评定,就是公司在长期基础上慢慢增长Market share ,然后这样可能短期不会有很高的利润,但是在长期来看会将竞争对手逐渐赶出市场,最终修成正果。
V3【by dullgirl】
有的公司很注重短期赢利率(RIO),但会损失好的投资项目,因为不敢投资各种回报慢的好项目。Market share比较从长远角度考虑,较好。
V4【by GMAT798】
Roi和market share。作者认为 return of investment 是对short turn的关注,因为roi的提高必定是以牺牲research anddevelopment 为代价的(有题)。 market share是关于一个公司的长期发展的。(有题)作者认为market share对于处在high growth market还是low grouth market的公司更为重要。
第一段说ROI是什么Return of Investment. 缺点什么的,经理为了短期利益怎么样怎么样
第二段说了market share比较好,因为是长期利益,特别在high economic growth阶段么怎么样怎么样。
两种公司战略的对比:第一种是关注ROI,也就是关注短期目标.说这种战略会让管理者削减成本,影响长期发展. 第二种是关注市场分额.也就是关注长期目标.最后说第2种战略会打败第1种战略.
公司一直用ROI(Return on Investment)来判断公司的performance。但作者认为这个ROI不好,会导致比如manager focus on shortterm performance, do not invest in new technology等等,对于long term 来说是不好的。
然后作者将assessment by market share,认为这个indicator有利于公司的long term performance,尽管short term来看肯定会导致利润降低ROI不好看什么的。
有主旨题,就是criticize前者,然后recommend analternative solution了。
衡量公司performance的指标,总说ROI(投资收益率)比较好,就是说现在美国很多公司还是用RIO来衡量公司的表现,只图短期利益的。现在的企业比较重视报酬率, 美国很多企业用投资回报率来衡量投资的收益,并决定是否要投资.但是这个标准忽略了在研发等起初高投入收益低,只有长期投入才会有很好收益的项目,那么导致过于重视在短期的表现 ,而不重视研发、长期投资及人才培养 。因此,使得社会没有进步的动力,并且很多采取ROI的公司利润都下降,因为ROI的标准是能捞一笔捞一笔,追求短期利益,于是发现这个指标太短视,因此失去market share。
但作者认为在高度商业化社会,建议公司更关注最大化股价。要用提出另个策略以股价的长期走势为目的才行,公司不应该光追求短期利益,市场份额market share更重要。在现在这样的经济环境下,更有优势。作者观点很明确,赞成后者。作者认为企业要重视的应是市占率,市占率的变动可以真实反映市场需求了解顾客想法,利于企业作长期规划 。不重视市占率,即使有优势,也会渐渐被对手超过。因此,现在提倡用另外一个measure来衡量,新的方法更重视企业的健康发展,而不会使得企业因为只是追求短期的投入而失去的更广阔的发展空间。
问题2、另一题问 用 ROI 来衡量企业performance 的话, 有什么缺点. 其中有一答案: 用 ROI 的企业不会投钱去研发 (research and development) ---我选了这个答案.
投资回报率 ROI

第一段:说 衡量投资的performance通常都通过投资回报率来计算,这个东西好像有比较和排名什么的。这就使得很多公司比较注重眼前利益,想方设法的弄高ROI。


【by vivianxiong】(狗主:不是这篇,但是内容有些像,可以看看)
    To compete effectively in international markets, a nation’sbusinesses must sustain investment in intangible as well as physical assets. Although an enormous pool of investment capital exists in the United States, the country’s capital investmentpractices put United States
companies at a competitive disadvantage.
    United  States capital investment practices, shapedby sporadic and unpredictable changes in tax policy and high federal budgetdeficits, encourage both underinvestment and overinvestment.  For example,United Statescompanies invest at a low rate in internal development projects, such asimproving supplier relations, that do not offer immediate profit, andsystematically invest at a high rate in external projects, such as corporatetakeovers, that yield immediate profit.  Also, United States companies make toofew linkages among different forms of investments.  Such linkages areimportant because physical assets, such as factories, may not reach theirpotential level of productivity unless companies make parallel investments inintangible assets such as employee training and product redesign.  Ingeneral, unlike Japanese and German investment practices, which focus oncompanies’ long-term interests, United  States investment practices favor thoseforms of investment for which financial returns are most readily available. Bymaking minimal investments in intangible assets, United States companies reducetheir chances for future competitiveness.V8  
【by ozymendias】Return of Investment 两段
衡量公司performance的指标:ROI 与 market share
第一段: 说ROI是什么Return ofInvestment. 缺点什么的,会让管理者削减成本,影响长期发展. 现在美国很多公司还是用ROI来衡量公司的表现,并决定是否要投资,只图短期利益的。但是这个标准忽略了在研发等起初高投入收益低,只有长期投入才会有很 好收益的项目,那么导致过于重视在短期的表现 ,而不重视研发、长期投资及人才培养。因此,使得社会没有进步的动力,并且很多采取ROI的公司利润都下降,因为ROI的标准是能捞一笔捞一笔,追求短期 利益,于是发现这个指标太短视,因此失去market share。
第二段:提了一个新方法说了market share比较好,因为是长期利益,特别在high economic growth阶段么怎么样怎么样。作者认为在高度商业化社会,建议公司更关注最大化股价。要用提出另个策略以股价的长期走势为目的才行,公司不应该光追求 短期利益,市场份额market share更重要。在现在这样的经济环境下,更有优势。作者观点很明确,赞成后者。作者认为企业要重视的应是市占率,市占率的变动可以真实反映市场需求了 解顾客想法,利于企业作长期规划 。不重视市占率,即使有优势,也会渐渐被对手超过。因此,现在提倡用另外一个measure来衡量,新的方法更重视企业的健康发展,而不会使得企业因为只 是追求短期的投入而失去的更广阔的发展空间。
最后说第2种战略会打败第1种战略. 作者观点很明确,赞成后者
1、主题题:criticize前者,recommend an alternative solution
2、用ROI 来衡量企业performance 的话, 有什么缺点?我选:用 ROI 的企业不会投钱去研发 (research and development)


16 population circle
16.1还考了个gwd的原题,population circle,大家自行搜索
记得关键词是birds and parasite,under way rather than .... initiate(就是说捕食者和疾病的作用是在population减少后才开始,而不是由他们引起population 减少)
#16.2  考古GWD-13-23-27
A small number of the forest species of lepidoptera (moths and butterflies, which exist as caterpillars during most of their life cycle) exhibit regularly recurring patterns of population growth and decline—such fluctuations in population are known as population cycles.  Although many different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such as a population cycle seems to imply a dominant, driving force.  Identification of that driving force, however, has proved surprisingly elusive despite considerable research. The common approach of studying causes of population cycles by measuring the mortality caused by different agents, such as predatory birds or parasites, has been unproductive in the case of lepidoptera.  Moreover, population ecologists’ attempts to alter cycles by changing the caterpillars’ habitat and by reducing caterpillar (25) populations have not succeeded. In short, the evidence implies that these insect populations, if not self-regulating, may at least be regulated by an agent more intimately connected with the insect than are predatory birds or parasites. (30)
      Recent work suggests that this agent may be a virus.  For many years, viral disease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, but population ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated it. The recent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology that allow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment.  Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses are hypothesized to be the driving force behind population cycles in lepidoptera in part because the viruses themselves follow an infectious cycle in which, if protected from direct sun light, they may remain virulent for many years in the environment, embedded in durable crystals of polyhedrin protein. Once ingested by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect’s cells. Late in the course of the infection, millions of new virus particles are formed and enclosed in polyhedron crystals. These crystals reenter the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.
      One of the attractions of this hypothesis is its broad applicability. Remarkably, despite significant differences in habitat and behavior, many species of lepidoptera have population cycles of similar length, between eight and eleven years.  Nuclear polyhedrosis viral infection is one factor these disparate species share.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s conclusion in lines 25-30?   b
A.        New research reveals that the number of species of birds and parasites that prey on lepidoptera has dropped significantly in recent years.
B.        New experiments in which the habitats of lepidoptera are altered in previously untried ways result in the shortening of lepidoptera population cycles.
C.        Recent experiments have revealed that the nuclear polyhedrosis virus is present in a number of predators and parasites of lepidoptera.
D.        Differences among the habitats of lepidoptera species make it difficult to assess the effects of weather on lepidoptera population cycles.
E.        Viral disease is typically observed in a large proportion of the lepidoptera population.

It can be inferred from the passage that the mortality caused by agents such as predatory birds or parasites was measured in an attempt to    a
A.        develop an explanation for the existence of lepidoptera population cycles
B.        identify behavioral factors in lepidoptera that affect survival rates
C.        identify possible methods for controlling lepidoptera population growth
D.        provide evidence that lepidoptera populations are self-regulating
E.        determine the life stages of lepidoptera at which mortality rates are highest
The primary purpose of the passage is to    c
A.        describe the development of new techniques that may help to determine the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
B.        present evidence that refutes a particular theory about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
present a hypothesis about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
C.        describe the fluctuating patterns of population cycles in Lepidoptera
D.        question the idea that a single driving force is behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

According to the passage, before the discovery of new techniques for detecting viral DNA, population ecologists believed that viral diseases    d

A.        were not widely prevalent among insect populations generally
B.        affected only the caterpillar life stage of lepidoptera
C.        were the driving force behind lepidoptera population cycles
D.        attacked already declining caterpillar populations
E.        infected birds and parasites that prey on various species of Lepidoptera



17.1講改善total quality的兩種方法:  先說 central activity       和什麼結果論(什麼resulting)
說前者是注重長期   後者是短期
第一段舉例某銀行  早期也是注重短期全面訓練為主也成功增加了customer loyalty  however到了後期也開始加入moral 和某訓練
考主旨: 其中有選項是: describe兩種方法的優缺(strength and weaken)  -->我覺得不是...文中沒有此態度 但其他也...嗯..我分不出來


第一段說: 作者主張有形產品的保固(guarantee) 和無形產品(intangible service)的guarantee  相較之下  有時無形的guarantee  會得到更大的利益第二段: 立場如下 1. 讓服務業的員工更有standards去遵循  2. 可以clarify什麼我忘了(細節題)moreover,  有形的產品有時更容易讓客戶去抱怨--> 完全是因為它有形好抱怨啊!!  (有題)  相較之下服務形的guarantee就難以抱怨-->因為它雲裡霧裡啊!!!  

第三段:  舉服務業不適用的情況:  unconditional  以航空公司為例  說沒辦法保證準點就別做這個保證..等等! 這類的uncondition都不適用前述
第四段: 忘了  不重要  很短

考細節題: 說作者為什麼認為無形服務保證更有效?
考細節題: 為什麼有形更好抱怨?  我選有concrete的選項
考細節題:  舉航空公司為什麼??



20.1 第一段讲Afamily 大概有959种sub好像,遍布范围从1个地方到hawaii,然后说M这个family包含大部分(好像除了9种还是什么)记忆不能了
20.2语言那片,也比较短。A语系有好多子语系,有个M开头的子语系有三种,覆盖地理很广,并且之间很类似,是因为从母语系分离出去之后还没来得及演变的不同。另外还有一个子语系是在taiwan(还是印尼),和前三种不同,说可能是保留了母语系,没怎么演变之类的。 有问题问到最后这种语系,我选答案好像是从taiwan传到印尼。



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