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1月28号换题库-GMAT阅读新题答案整理贴-Natural Science Division

2.1 Geography & Geology

2.1.1 Shell mounds

V1 by PPfighting

比较短,两段吧。讲一个神马地方有一种shell mounds,这个一直是考古学家考察的一个热点,然后说考古学家认为这个shell mounds是早期住在这儿的人为了避免late wet season的影响,有干的地方而搭建的。
第二段是对这个观点表示怀疑,反驳说shell受环境,温度 etc.的影响,shell会因为季节的变化会变地方,因此mounds是不是应该在不同的地方呢?或者每个moundsshell是不是不同类的呢?还有一个因素是同一个mounds的内部环境也不同,同一个mounds里面应该也有不同的shell。结果显示shell的分布不是这样,题目不太记得了。。。最后一篇做的时候时间比较紧,可能不一定看得很懂。

V2 by cloverfield

Shell Mounds那篇。不长,两段,三个题。之前那位考古的同学找到的文章挺对的,尤其是第二段。文章讨论的是Australia的某个地方。

(未确认)by gavensc

Old Boundaries and New Horizons: The Weipa Shell Mounds Reconsidered.

Based on Bailey's research it is clear that the mounds are commonly composed of over 90% of the cockle shell, Anadara granosa, a claim that is partially supported by my own recent fieldwork on mound groups on the north Mission River (Morrison 2001. See Figure 1). Mounds have been noted to occur in a variety of locations including within mangrove forests, on exposed sand dunes and beach ridges, but more commonly on the fringes of Eucalyptus tetradonta woodlands and on open samphire plains and saltpans. In terms of their physical nature, the mounds range from as low as 0.20 m in height through to massive, almost monumental ridges of shell several hundred metres long and up to 13 metres high. More commonly mounds are around 2-6 metres in height, and occur as parts of clusters containing up to 15 other mounds.

Bailey has consistently argued that shell mounds were the result of small groups of people exploiting the local environment on a yearly basis during the late wet season He suggested that these groups deposited shell in mounds in order to provide themselves with dry campsites that were above the waterlogged or flooded ground common in coastal areas during the late wet season. He believed that mound distribution was determined by the desire of people to camp as close as possible to the resources they were using. However, it was the way these groups adapted to prevailing environmental conditions that influenced precisely where they would camp. For example, he hypothesised that if the weather was windy and stormy people would retreat to shell mounds that were slightly more inland, on the fringes of the Eucalyptus tetradonta woodlands. Conversely, during fine weather these groups would move out onto the saltpans and coastal plains, occupying mounds closer to the resources they were exploiting.

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2.2 Biology
V1 by skipbeat
关于鸟类飞行的原因,有两个理论,一个是“ arbor” (词忘了,就是树的意思)是说鸟类最初是从爬树慢慢进化到会飞行的。举了个例子, A鸟,我估计是始祖鸟,说他是鸟类的祖先,但是没有任何迹象表明这种鸟是会爬树的。还有很多小动物也会爬树,爬树和XX是不一样的,所以"a"理论似乎不行第二段另外一个理论,鸟类是从跑步计划到飞行的,又举了小动物的例子 。。
Q2 提到袋鼠和其他动物的目的
V2 by clair1024
BIRD 飞行那篇 完全考古
问了professor 假设A会爬树那题;削弱科学家对A的理论——A生活的环境都是small plants ;有题问行文结构的
考古 by zhepeking(未确认)
Two opposing scenarios, the “arboreal” hypothesis and the “cursorial” hypothesis, have traditionally been put forward concerning the origins of bird flight. The “arboreal” hypothesis holds that bird ancestors began to fly by climbing trees and gliding down from branches with the help of incipient feathers: the height of trees provides a good starting place for launching flight, especially through gliding. As feathers became larger over time, flapping flight evolved and birds finally became fully air-borne. This hypothesis makes intuitive sense, but certain aspects are troubling. Archaeopteryx (the earliest known bird) and its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins have no obviously arboreal adaptations, such as feet fully adapted for perching. Perhaps some of them could climb trees, but no convincing analysis has demonstrated how Archaeopteryx would have both climbed and flown with its forelimbs, and there were no plants taller than a few meters in the environments where Archaeopteryx fossils have been found. Even if the animals could climb trees, this ability is not synonymous with gliding ability. (Many small animals, and even some goats and kangaroos, are capable of climbing trees but are not gliders.) Besides, Archaeopteryx shows no obvious features of gliders, such as a broad membrane connecting forelimbs and hind limbs.
The “cursorial”(running) hypothesis holds that small dinosaurs ran along the ground and stretched out their arms for balance as they leaped into the air after insect prey or, perhaps, to avoid predators. Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm’s surface area to enhance lift slightly. Larger feathers could have increased lift incrementally, until sustained flight was gradually achieved. Of course, a leap into the air does not provide the acceleration produced by dropping out of a tree; an animal would have to run quite fast to take off. Still, some small terrestrial animals can achieve high speeds. The cursorial hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the immediate theropod dinosaur ancestors of birds were terrestrial, and they had the traits needed for high lift off speeds: they were small, agile, lightly built, long-legged, and good runners. And because they were bipedal, their arms were free to evolve flapping flight, which cannot be said for other reptiles of their time.
Q 3: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. present counterevidence to two hypotheses concerning the origins ofbird flight
B. propose and alternative to two hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight
C. correct certain misconceptions about hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight
D. refute a challenge to a hypothesis concerning the origins of bird flight
E. evaluate competing hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight
Q 4: The passage presents which of the following facts as evidence that tends to undermine the arboreal hypothesis?
A. Feathers tend to become larger over time
B. Flapping flight is thought to have evolved gradually over time
C. Many small animals are capable of climbing trees.
D. Plants in Archaeopteryx’s known habitats were relatively small
E. Leaping into the air does not provide as much acceleration as gliding out of a tree
Q 5: Which of the following is included in the discussion of the cursorial hypothesis but not in the discussion of the arboreal hypothesis?
A. A discussion of some of the features of Archaeopteryx
B. A description of the environment known to have been inhabited by bird ancestors
C. A possible reason why bird ancestors might have been engaging in activities that eventually evolved into flight
D. A description of the obvious features of animals with gliding ability
E. An estimate of the amount of time it took for bird ancestors to evolve the kind of flapping flight that allowed them to become completely airborne
Q 6: The passage suggests which of the following regarding the climbing ability of Archaeopteryx?
A. Its ability to climb trees was likely hindered by the presence of incipient feathers on its forelimbs.
B. It was probably better at climbing trees than were its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins.
C. It had certain physical adaptations that suggest it was skilled at climbing trees.
D. Scientists have recently discovered fossil evidence suggesting it could not climb trees.
E. Scientists are uncertain whether it was capable of climbing trees


V1 by leila413
大型动物近年在北美灭绝,可能进化成了相同的小型动物,保守的生态学家想引进大型动物环境变化可能是原因 大型动物对平衡生态好,控制是草类动物数量一些反对的人人为这会破坏当地生态,因为大型动物是外来物种,可是作者认为不会的,因为这些大型动物和北美本地的物种有相同的基因

考古by rebecca_wang(已确认)
P1: 建议引进大型动物,因为会对生态有好处。(由于某些原因在美洲的一些大型动物灭绝了,但是其他地方还有,就想引进他们改善恶化的生态系统)
P2: 引进的好处(主要是举目前生态环境的现况,比如small 动物多什么的,已经了就会减低他们,切大象推倒一些树木对一些小动物居住有益)
P3:引进的好处,具体很多动物的例子(elephant lion )有 一道考题问下面什么动物的引进会带来经济 benefits (而不是生态benefits)我用了5分钟也没找到这个经济benefits。大家看到经济的要注意了。也可能不在这一段。
P4:有人要反对了。(说以前的大型动物和现在的不像,现在的不能在这住。支持者就说根据DNA检验,可以啊(有结构题,问DNA出现的作用——就是证明它们可以在这生活; 又有人反对说现在和以前环境不一样了啊,支持者又说了(忘了)
第一段,环境保护学家建议复活古代大型生物,说这样对现在的ECO SYSTEM很有好处。
2段, 举例非洲,说非洲的生态比较完善,因为物种之间达到了一种平衡。
3段, 说引进这种大型动物会给北美现在的生态带来哪些好处。 最后还说了还有经济上的好处,而且COST不高,只需要让那些大型动物在保护区内闲逛,就可以吸引很多观光客。
4段, 说引进大型生物带来的问题。可能没有环境保护学家想的那么乐观。
B是fencing off 什么植物
3.细节题:(定位第二段)说北美缺少那个动物(M开头的一个词),最有可能引起的什么效果?我选的是引起fragment ECOSYSTEM什么什么,大意是说ECOSYSTEM不完整之类的。其他选项都是比较具体的,比如说狼怎么怎么了,狮子怎么怎么了之类的。
4.主题题:Main idea of the passage,我选的是评估专家的一个proposal。其他选项都是比较具体:比如是否应该引进M这个动物之类的。
7. 以下哪种动物对生态又改进:以前的jj说选大象和狼,我一开始想都没想就选了,后来一看时间挺富裕的,(因为前面语法没有犹豫)就又看了一眼,这一眼还真看出问题啦,因为文章在第一段单独提到了狼,在第二段同时提到了大象和骆驼,选项里有大象和狼,还有大象和骆驼,那我觉得就得选大象和骆驼了吧。
8.问哪个是specific example for economic benefit?
五组动物,都出现过,有点难找。后来发现只有elephant和 wolves算讲的比较详细,而且是分开在两个段落里出现的例子,要找一下的。另外有两三组答案,每组两个动物好像原文中都是是直接成对出现的,应该可以排除。可能这个问题的key words是“specific”, 而不是“economic”


2.2.3 动物灭绝
V1 by angellmason
考古 by nowwsy
V1 by 指尖墨痕
细节题: 作者认为海平面下降最初导致了什么?
V2by geminist(770)
传统认为某个历史时间段内物种的大量灭绝是火山爆发的原因,但是作者做任何一个火山绝对没有这么大的威力可以造成这么多生物灭绝。然后第二段阐述了他的理 论。那段时间海平面下降了,一些海洋类生物的栖息地于是被暴露出来。然后空气中的氧气减少,造成了酸雨啊什么的,生物们就差不多奄奄一息了。然后在这一系 列的自然变化下,火山也爆发了,对生物灭绝雪上加霜。
题 2:最早是什么让在某地的海洋生物的栖息地暴露出来的?
V3 by 棉花团团(760)
P1 科学家有观念认为某段时间里面的某些物种的灭绝是跟火山暴发有关。然后写了那个时期的(可能是某一次,不记得了)火山爆发对环境的影响,产生dust遮天 蔽日之类。However,作者认为,这样的一次(或者这样规模)的火山暴发是不足以产生这样的效果的(P2挺长的,没有仔细看,生词很多,但是很简单。讲当时有某个大陆板块在动,跟旁边的大陆撞在一起,引起了海平面的下降,(考点)大陆架上的生物就暴露在水面外了。后面说了这些环境变化 引起了什么厌氧还是喜氧的生物的变化,恶性循环,大气里面氧气含量减少,co2变多,加上火山暴发引起的酸雨等等乱七八糟很多的因素,造成了生物的灭绝。 逻辑其实挺强的,但是实在太复杂了,很多科学名词,看的时候觉得很有道理,但是回忆不起来了,考点不难
1). 大陆架的生物expose出来的最早的原因是什么,选:海平面的下降
2). 划线句有题:问什么可以strengthen这个说法,选在这个时期的晚些时候,发生了差不多magnitude的火山暴发,并没有引起相同的结果
V4by 同济的卡卡(700 V32)
1). 大陆架的生物expose出来的最早的原因是什么,选:海平面的下降
2). 作者认为火山爆发对 生物灭绝起了什么作用?
3). 划线句有题:问什么可以strengthen这个说法,选在这个时期的晚些时候,发生了差不多magnitude的火山暴发,并没有引起相同的结果


第二段讲另一种观点是海平面下降引起的。(好像提到了冈瓦纳古陆,古代几个大洲连在一起的那片大陆的名字)因为海平面下降,导致海边浅滩上的一些有机的物质 (可能包括一些动植物的遗迹)裸露在空气中,这些东西被氧化后,极大的耗费了水中的氧气,导致水生生物遭殃了(可能连带坑害了陆生生物);后来火山又喷 发,排放了大量二氧化碳,导致了温室效应,于是陆生生物也遭殃了。后来海平面又回升了,于是原来在岸边苟延残喘的生物跟着遭殃了。            
extinction of creatures在某个时代以为是volcanism,但发现海平面drop也是一种原因。问题:以下选项中哪一个在文中没有给出论证?选海平面 drop,A选项。主题?A new hypothesis of ...,好像选A; volcanism的作用?responsible for the extinction, but only one of those forces, 选E;
第一段︰P 时代有全球范围内的种族灭绝。一般都认为那个时候地球活动剧烈,火山频繁爆发,这是导致宗族灭绝的原因。(这里说了一堆火山爆发相关的描述,没有太大意义。)段末最后一句是转折,说就算火山爆发再厉害、牵涉范围再大,也不可能导致那么多种族的灭绝。
第二段︰ (主要是给出另一个对种族灭绝原因的解释)说种族灭绝应该有其他的原因。某某科学家发现了organic matter中的碳的成分异常。这个现象再联系到那个时代中的海平面下降。由此开始,带来了一系列影响。大概就是说,海平面下降了,原来浅海中的生物就暴露在空气中了,然后就引发了一系列变化。由失氧开始。(那个单词我不认识,但是由词根推断应该是指失氧的响应)。就是空气中氧的成分越来越少,碳越来越多。然后那些生命要活下去还不停地消耗氧,使这个情况恶化。然后海水里的氧也越来越少,碳越来越少。然后怎么着我忘了,就引起了其他变化,包括气候的变化和火山爆发,都是这一系列变化中的。所以这才是种族灭绝的解释。
第二段说其实是P时期末板快怎么动了,海平面就下去了,海岸生物死了,空气含氧底了,海水含氧气也少了,然后水生物死了,又放出什么气,导致陆地生物也死 了。总之就是一串反应,具体关系当时就没怎么搞清楚。最后说火山喷发也导致了气候进一步的不稳定,加巨了灭绝 (有题目,问火山喷发的作用好象,我选了火山喷发是导致生物灭绝一系列因素中的一个)


2.2.4 早期人类活动
V1 by angellmason
考古 by nowwsy
古代动物的牙齿第一段:考古通常根据化石跟现在骨头的类似处总结以前的动物干些什么。第二段:这个不一定准blah blah。第三段:最近发现一种猿人牙齿化石锋利,但其实他不爱吃硬东西,有硬牙齿是因为以防万一环境不好,只有硬东西吃。
第一段:古代有种动物的牙齿化石teeth and jaw表明它们只要能够找得到充沛的食物就不会吃那些硬的难以咀嚼的食物(有题)。
第二段:现代的同类动物的teeth 的jaw表明了类似的情况? 最后一句话有说古代的那种动物会把teeth and jaw strong的特点 pass to their genes。
V3 (V35)
科研人员往往把古代生物的特征和现代生物对比,去确定古代生物的习性。比如某远古人类的颌骨和灵长类很像,于是就推断他是草食。但科学家证明了他是杂事动物。这种研究方法存在漏洞。第二段又举了某种动物,也具有和灵长类相似的颌骨,但事实上他们并不吃草类。而是在饥荒的时候,草类很难消化,这种颌骨发达的个体才能生存下来,保留基因。有问整篇的主旨是什么。还有问哪一项可以帮助证明第二段的结论。选的是”目前没有小颌骨的这种动物被发现“, 这样说明确实小颌骨基因被淘汰了
P1提出一个理论说什么许多现在看起来应该是这样的,但在以前并不一定。。。(我也看得很晕) P2讲一个原始人类种拥有尖利的牙齿,以吃一些像生肉之类难以咀嚼的东西。 P3讲然而,又有一个原人类种并没有或少有这种牙齿,因为他们日常生活中不需要咀嚼难吃的东西,只会在比较困难的时候才会用到。所以,尖利的牙齿没有遗传下来。
一屏多,我都静不下心来做。。。但是MS考古上有类似的。。就是讲古代人和动物的teeth chew things 和现在的不一样。。做了很多实验什么的。。(这篇4道题有3道是逻辑, 而且题全是围绕最后一个结论说的,但是选项是要到前几段去找的!!做的我泪奔。。。。)
其他的问题JJ都有了,另外一个就是问能推出什么,答这种动物在进化的时候经历过both有容易吃的and只有tough food可以吃的时期
V9 (V40)
讲的是远古时代一些动物牙齿的坚固程度与它们所掠的食物的关系。即,有一种theory认为,那个牙齿坚固的说明它们喜欢吃那些tough 的东西。但另一种theory认为,一般动物只有在环境恶劣,没有其他食物吃的时候,才去选择那些比较tough的东西。
注:作者确认: 与G12的确是文章不一样,不过主题是一样的,思路也差不多
1.问说哪一个可以strengthen第二段的结论 答案和JJ上给的一样 就是现在没有发现第二段里所说的P动物的牙齿
2.主旨题 我选undermine the assumption about the commonly use evidence,大概就是这样(不知道大家看懂了没 意思就是 因为大家都认为牙齿硬的动物都是吃硬的食物 但是结果发现并不是 )这在一段有提到,后面都在举例说明。。我才应该是这个答案吧。。不确定哦
3. 问P动物的例子说明了什么 我选只要有软的食物 他们都不会去嚼硬的~~~  因为文章是说P动物有硬得牙齿 可是研究发现他们的牙齿很少洞?那个词(没看懂 但大概就那意思。。)因为他们都吃软的食物~~


Version 1
2段:对此生物的一个观点:这个骨骼的发展是为defensive purpose, 认定此脊椎生物是无脊椎动物prey。段末否定这个观点。
Version 2
还有一个无脊椎动物的,1981年的新发现推翻了以前认为某种动物不是食肉动物的观点。我觉得阅读的关键就是要回到原文找到作者是怎么说的,再注意HOWEVER, WHILE等词就能判断正确
Version 3
这篇阅读前面JJ都没出现,而且我估计我就死在这篇阅读上,很长,一屏半,讲1981年发现个什么东西的化石,然后这个化石帮助解决了个什么问题 说原来认为这个东东是先有防御性的甲壳,然后长出什么Jaws和牙齿。 是被捕食者。 而另一派说,这个东西是先长出攻击性牙齿的,原来是捕食者。 然后拿个什么东西做比较,说了很多,没看懂。 最后一段说这个化石证明这个东西是捕食者。  题目考细节,第2段仔细看。
2段:对此生物的一个观点:这个骨骼的发展是为defensive purpose, 认定此脊椎生物是无脊椎动物prey。段末否定这个观点。
3段:继续阐述这个否定,认为这个生物一开始就是predator,所以此骨骼的目的是aggressive. V6
还有一个是讲一个new evidence对vertebrate地说明起到了很大的作用,解决了之前的一些纷争,第二段就说traditional view和另一派的纷争 说是traditional 的觉得vertebrate的发展是因为defend作用,而另一派则认为不是;最后一段说新evidence的发现证明的是passive是不对的,还提到了……最后一段出了一些题目
還有一題考最近發現一種新的軟的什麼生物之類的,然後去研究他的jaw & teeth,然後有兩種論調好像講脊椎動物應該事先演化那部分的樣子,這題我真的看不懂,但是文章很長,其中有一段全部被mark成黃色的當題目來問 (这段是第三段,介绍新观点的,即认为这个生物一开始就是predator,所以此骨骼的目的是aggressive.)


2.2.5 Working memory和MIR
V1 by zhepeking
Working memory和MIR的那篇,很简单,MIR不是版里面说的什么information rate,而是一种用来测试working memory的方法,文章一共两端,第一段说了working memory是什么东西,用来干什么,举了两个观点,一个观点认为wm是由脑前页某个器官控制的,而另一个人跳出来不是,其实是由某个器官为主导,分两部分在其周围的器官上来具体控制的,然后第二段就用MIR的方法来测试,证明了后面那人的想法是对的
V1 by thunder079
大脑那个 Working memory, MIR, 2段。 和JJ说的差不多。 第一段先介绍了一下 Working memory, 然后说一个观点,结尾介绍了另一个(是更先前的观点,很多砖家认为的)。 第二段,砖家被否!。 有细节题 第一段的, 细读第一个观点, 描述大脑里面怎么运作的
考古 by nowwsy
第一段讲一个人的理论 说是记东西的时候分别用了大脑几个不同的区域(中间细节没看明白 )然后这与传统的理论不一样。中间的也忘了 ,最后说另一个人的实验还是什么的证明了这个理论是对的并否定了传统理论。
P1: 讲述人大脑的Working Memory的短暂记忆,是由大脑的P部位来控制,认为不同的部位控制不同的功能之类(新观点)。 这与Standard 的方法不一样,有什么Executive function之类(旧观点)。
P2: 后来一位研究证实了新观点的正确性,指出了Executive function之类的旧观点的矛盾。说明了不同的部位控制不同的功能。
参考资料 by nowwsy
Google 上找到一篇,不是原文,但很有帮助。Working memory is the process of maintaining a limitedamount of information in an active representation for abrief period of time so that it is available for use. There-fore, by definition, working memory includes thoseprocesses that enable us to hold in our `mind's eye' the contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence of sensory input. Thus, the study of working memory provides a framework for investigating the neural system underlying our awareness of stimuli, memories and knowledge that are no longer tied to perceptual events. Although the neural system responsible for working memory is known to include a large number of brain regions, there is abundant evidence from neurophysio-logical and lesion studies in monkeys that prefrontal cortex is a critical component (Fuster 1990; Goldman-Rakic 1990). Recent brain-imaging studies, using
positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have also impli-cated the human prefrontal cortex in working memory.  However, there remain questions and some dispute about the functional organization of the human prefrontal cortex and its exact role in working memory.
版本1一篇是讲大脑传递信息的,叫working memory。有个人认为这个功能是在大脑的前额后面的一个地方负责的。并且不同的subregion负责不同的信息,如空间信息,形象信息等。这与传统的executive system理论不同。第二段又说有一个新实验,加强了那个人的理论。问题中问如果试验出什么结果,就会greatly undermine那个人的理论。
"P1: 讲述人大脑的Working Memory的短暂记忆,是由大脑的P部位来控制,认为不同的部位控制不同的功能之类。这与Standard 的方法不一样,有什么Executive function之类(旧观点)。
P2: 后来一位研究证实了新观点的正确性,指出了旧观点的矛盾指出,Executive function之类的。说明了同的部位控制不同的功能之类。"
"关于working memory 的 大意 记不太清了:
1。working memory 是和executive memory 相对的; 有人发现working memory 储存在大脑的cortex中,而原来的理论说working  memory分散在cortex之外
2。另一个人发现 when recognize faces, the middle part of cortex is most active. 。。。
不好意思 记不太清 不误导大家了 问题有一道较难 就问第二个人的发现可以用作什么的证据?
我选的是:the middle part of cortex is most important to working memory 类似的,不知道是不是对
这篇整体感觉挺难的 大家小心"
" 第一段,work memory是一种短期的记忆,以前理论认为是由大脑的某个部分P来控制的。第二段,某个人发现,人在认路的时候P的某个部分反应很大,由此证明其实P分 为很多单独的部分来管理不同的记忆,而不是总的控制。第三段,另一个人发现认人脸的时候也是一个单独的地方有反应,并且没有P是总控器官的证据,由此证明 某个人的发现是对的。
问题:main idea;…"


2.3 other natural science
2.3.1 Glass
V1 by zhangquan8882
一篇是关于glass得,broken,strength,broken into small pieces 不长,两端,不好意思 只能记起几个关键词。
V2 by gzpeva
.glass 那篇,3段,比较长。
我选的是:  让玻璃的exterior 比 interior 降温rapildly, temper 什么的
有人考古了,可以读下,对做题有帮助还有一道:有一种玻璃,它碎的时候 不会产生大块,这样不会伤到人,细节题,考到了。单词的同义替换,原文中有句话高亮,问 integrity 在文中的意思 与选项中那个最相近
最后一道, 好像那种随后产生小碎片的玻璃,在制作过程中  会很难控制 error什么的, 所以不能用来干嘛
V3 by zhepeking
V4 by Gratuitous
V5 by clair1024
P1玻璃易碎 有方法让他变得结实 比如。。
P3。。integrity 高亮(题中问 哪个词替换integrity的话 差异最小 根据上下文说钢化玻璃小块的不易碎 有完整性)
V6 by anono2010
1, 关于玻璃的制作,以及有机玻璃 (tempered glass)具体的制作过程,好处。(这个应该可以考古得到,因为我有印象我在哪里看过)
有一个问题是举了其他几种东西的例子,问哪一个是跟有机玻璃一样的性质,因为文章里有提到有机玻璃的一个“缺点”就是碎了会碎得很细小,但这一点对于安全来说是却是好事。(我选的就是xxx, but....有一个转折的那个,不知道对不对)。
背景资料 by zhu8809 (仅供参考)
Flawed Beauty:. the problem with toughened glass
On 2nd August 199.9, a particularly hot day in the town of Cirencester in the UK, a large pane of toughened glass in the roof of a shopping centre at Bishops Walk shattered without warning and fell from its frame. When fragments were analysed by experts at the giant glass manufacturer Pilkington, which had made the pane, they found that minute crystals of nickel sulphide trapped inside the glass had almost certainly caused the failure.
'The glass industry is aware of the issue,' says Brian Waldron, chairman of the standards committee at the Glass and Glazing Federation, a British trade association, and standards development officer at Pilkington. But he insists that cases are few and far between. 'It's a very rare phenomenon,' he says.
Others disagree. 'On average I see about one or two buildings a month suffering from nickel sulphide related failures,' says Barrie Josie, a consultant engineer involved in the Bishops Walk investigation. Other experts tell of similar experiences. Tony Wilmott of London-based consulting engineers Sandberg, and Simon Armstrong at CIadTech Associates in Hampshire both say they know of hundreds of cases. 'What you hear is only the tip of the iceberg,' says Trevor Ford, a glass expert at Resolve Engineering in Brisbane, Queensland. He believes the reason is simple: 'No-one wants bad press.'
Toughened glass is found everywhere, from cars and bus shelters to the windows, walls and roofs of thousands of buildings around the world. It's easy to see why. This glass has five times the strength of standard glass, and when it does break it shatters into tiny cubes rather than large, razor-sharp shards. Architects love it because large panels can be bolted together to make transparent walls, and turning it into ceilings and floors is almost as easy.
It is made by heating a sheet of ordinary glass to about 620°C to soften it slightly, allowing its structure to expand, and then cooling it rapidly with jets of cold air. This causes the outer layer of the pane to contract and solidify before the interior. When the interior finally solidifies and shrinks, it exerts a pull on the outer layer that leaves it in permanent compression and produces a tensile force inside the glass. As cracks propagate best in materials under tension, the compressive force on the surface must be overcome before the pane will break, making it more resistant to cracking.
The problem starts when glass contains nickel sulphide impurities. Trace amounts of nickel and sulphur are usually present in the raw materials used to make glass, and nickel can also be introduced by fragments of nickel alloys falling into the molten glass. As the glass is heated, these atoms react to form tiny crystals of nickel sulphide. Just a tenth of a gram of nickel in the furnace can create up to 50,000 crystals.
These crystals can exist in two forms: a dense form called the alpha phase, which is stable at high temperatures, and a less dense form called the beta phase, which is stable at room temperatures. The high temperatures used in the toughening process convert all the crystals to the dense, compact alpha form. But the subsequent cooling is so rapid that the crystals don't have time to change back to the beta phase. This leaves unstable alpha crystals in the glass, primed like a coiled spring, ready to revert to the beta phase without warning.
When this happens, the crystals expand by up to 4%. And if they are within the central, tensile region of the pane, the stresses this unleashes can shatter the whole sheet. The time that elapses before failure occurs is unpredictable. It could happen just months after manufacture, or decades later, although if the glass is heated - by sunlight, for example - the process is speeded up. Ironically, says Graham Dodd, of consulting engineers Arup in London, the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions was in Pilkington's glass research building in Lathom, Lancashire. The pane was 27 years old.
Data showing the scale of the nickel sulphide problem is almost impossible to find. The picture is made more complicated by the fact that these crystals occur in batches. So even if, on average, there is only one inclusion in 7 tonnes of glass, if i you experience one nickel sulphide failure in your building, that probably means you've got a problem in more than one pane. Josie says that in the last decade he has worked on over 15 buildings with the number of failures into double figures.
One of the worst examples of this is Waterfront Place, which was completed in 1990. Over the following decade the 40 storey Brisbane block suffered a rash of failures. Eighty panes of its toughened glass shattered due to inclusions before experts were finally called in. John Barry, an expert in nickel sulphide contamination at the University of Queensland, analysed every glass pane in the building. Using a studio camera, a photographer went up in a cradle to take photos of every pane.
These were scanned under a modified microfiche reader for signs of niclrel sulphide crystals. 'We discovered at least another 120 panes with potentially dangerous inclusions which were then replaced,' says Barry. 'It was a very expensive and time-consuming process that took around six months to complete.' Though the project cost A$1.6 million (nearly £700,000), the alternative - re-cladding the entire building - would have cost ten times as much.

toughened glass为钢化玻璃
当钢化玻璃破碎时,它的碎片不像普通玻璃一样。 钢化玻璃有时会突然破碎,“热胀冷缩”,外层比内层先收缩,天暖和的时候才会膨胀。

Brian Waldron在英文原文中一共出现了三次。第一次出现:“‘The glass industry is aware of the issue,’ says Brian Waldron.”意思是:“Brian Waldron说:‘整个玻璃行业已经意识到了这个问题(在没有任何征兆的情况下,一种硫化镍微型晶体可以导致钢化玻璃破碎)。’”第二次出现:“But he insists that cases are few and far between.”意思是:“但他坚持认为这种案例只不过是沧海一粟罢了。”第三次出现:“‘It’s a very rare phenomenon,’ he says.”意思是:“他说:‘这是一个非常罕见的现象。’”

Trevor Ford在原文中一共出现了两次。第一次出现:“‘What you hear is only the tip of the iceberg, ’ says Trevor Ford”意思是:“Trevor Ford说:‘你所听到的只是冰山一角(言外之意,实际上,硫化镍导致钢化玻璃破裂这类问题发生了很多次,但被我们听到的很少)。”第二次出现:“He believes the reason is simple: ‘No-one wants bad press.’”意思是说:“他认为(上述这件事的)原因很简单:‘没有人喜欢坏消息。’”

Graham Dodd在原文中只出现了一次:“Ironically, says Graham Dodd … the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions … was 27 years old.”意思是:“Graham Dodd说,具有讽刺意味的是,由于含有硫化镍而导致破裂的钢化玻璃中,使用时间最长的一块用了27年。”(原文中出现了“最”这样含义,原文中“使用时间最长”和选项中“出事时间最晚”是一个意思。)

  John Barry在原文中一共出现了三次。第一次出现:“John Barry, an expert in nickel sulphide contamination at the University of Queensland, analysed every glass pane in the building.”意思是:“Queensland大学硫化镍方面的专家 John Barry检查了这栋大楼中的每一块玻璃。”第二次出现:“‘We discovered at least another 120 panes with potentially dangerous inclusions which were then replaced,’ says Barry.”意思是:“Barry说:‘我们发现还有另外的120块玻璃也存在同样的危险,后来将它们换掉了。’”第三次出现:“‘It was a very expensive and time-consuming process that took around six months to complete.’”意思是说:“(替换存在危险的玻璃)是一个昂贵而又费时的过程,它花了大约整整六个月的时间。”


2.3.2 Big bang Theory
V1 by gavensc
天文学家和粒子物理学家合作,然后又big bang theory,对比他们的研究方法,原来都是独立的,互相交集很少,现在开始合作了,两种方法都对big bang如何如何的。
考古 by nowwsy
17 C学科与P学科的联姻
V1    by lori2009
有一篇是讲一个C学科和PHYSIC什么什么的marriage,第一段分别讲c学科和p学科研究方式和内容(好像是c 学科无法用实验验证,p学科没有实际用途什么的)第二段讲c学科对the big bang 物质种类的预测可用p学科的accelerator验证,第三段讲c学科对p学科的发展也有作用还提到了一个什么TOE理论的
第一题问此文章没有用哪个修辞手法A Rhetorical 什么的 B generalization C contrast DmetaphorE忘记了ORZ
V2    by audrey1007
是cosmology和pxx physics的marriage那道,第一段概括说最近这两个家伙,一个侧重oberservational,一个侧重experiment,都不太好,然后最近开始联姻,第二段写C对P的帮助,第三段讲P对C的帮助,差不多就这样吧~问题有一个是问全文用了下面的修辞除了 选A rhetorical 我是想这篇科学文章比较严谨,夸张应该没用吧~ 还有一个问题是问细节的,定位BIG BANG THEORY就行,还有一个是问目前物理实验的到达的水准,选那个它还不能在实验室模拟制造出big bang那种水平的enegy level.
V3    by probamboo
cosmopology与partical physics 结合
我选的A rhetctic questions(拼写可能有误)
B generization
C comparision
V4    by zhaoyiqing
还有就是某学科和某学科嫁接的 最后又个选择是狗理没的 有个选项是BIG BANG是在几秒内完成的 物理好的同学可能会速选这个 因为COMMON SENSE嘛 于是我在时间来不及的情况下差点选了(我是在说自己物理好吗??不过我以前是物理课代表 经常不小心考满分 哈哈哈) 其实是选E的 在原文最后一句



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