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just can't figure it out...:(

from XDF GMATCAT [em15]
1. three-digit number , if the first digit is a prime number and the last number is also a prime number , how many numbers accord with the pattern ?
AN 160


2 the formula for diagnals and sides for polygon is d=n(n-3)
if the diagnals is twice as many as the sides , what side there will be
An is 7
but mine An is 5
as 2n=d ,d=n(n-3) => n=5
I failed to find out the flaws from my An ,although I am afraid it's just a easy pro....[em17]

THaNKs to All [em19]
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Concentrated and Diligent

yeah , you guys just hit the tail of the nail...;)

it's so glad to meet  all of you and find we're just pursuing the same target
we are blessed the brilliant future !
as long as we exert utmost ^^

GRD from Lisa in SH
Concentrated and Diligent


exposition bidding  呵呵是“申博”吧  

BATI巴蒂:  you are welcome! 办的这么好的一个网站,这么多人风雨同舟的奋斗,我当然也要勉力尽上自己的力量,其实跟大家讨论,我也收获很大的!
大将南征胆气豪,腰横秋水雁翎刀;风吹鼍鼓山河动,电闪旌旗日月高。 天上麒麟原有种,穴中蝼蚁岂能逃?太平待诏归来日,朕与先生解战袍!


LISA, "exposition bidding" 是指什么. 不管怎样看你高兴,我也为你高兴.

FREEDIM,  非常感谢你在这段日子帮助我们回复和解答网友们的帖子.  


so 1 is not prime number ?...
humble quesiton , isn't it ...
anyway , just got the news of succeed in exposition bidding ..
so excited !!!
grant all of you good luck ^^
Concentrated and Diligent


1. 10以内的质数只有4个:2,3,5,7.
则有: 4*10*4=160

2. 答案为5.


QUE1:   0-9中质数2,3,5,7  所以C4^1*C10^1*C4^1=160

QUE2;   I agree with yours
大将南征胆气豪,腰横秋水雁翎刀;风吹鼍鼓山河动,电闪旌旗日月高。 天上麒麟原有种,穴中蝼蚁岂能逃?太平待诏归来日,朕与先生解战袍!



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