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12月GMAT阅读新题给力汇总-Business & Economics

1. 通货膨胀和失业率@
       2. 第一段 一种传统的理论认为失业率像其它商品一样,反映了劳动力市场的供需情况,失业率下降,证明劳动力需求增加,员工工资就会增加,就会引起通货膨胀。经济学家希望通过关系式来找出失业率下降到何种成都不会引起通货膨胀,最后算处是6。但美国九十年代后期失业率下降,通胀也下降。
         第二段 传统理论的经济学家给出了一些新的解释,给了四五个,不记得了,有美元货币坚挺的因素,有医疗什么的因素,但这里有考题,问哪些不是,对照找出就可以了。
         第三段 传统经济学家的理由只是暂时性的,新经济学家给了两个新的解释:好像一个是科技的发展,提高了效率并根本降低了商品的成本;一个是工人的安全感下降,所以现金形式的收入下降了,在收入上会作出妥协。
1.问哪一个会削弱反驳的观点, 狗主人选的是技术不会永远进步
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2 财政赤字和通货膨胀率@
Prep 1
Essay #10.  154    (22742-!-item-!-188;#058&00154-00)

Conventional wisdom has it that large deficits赤字 in the United States budget cause interest rates to rise.  Two main arguments are given for this claim.  According to the first, as the deficit increases, the government will borrow more to make up for the ensuing shortage of funds.  Consequently, it is argued, if both the total supply of credit (money available for borrowing) and the amount of credit sought by nongovernment borrowers remain relatively stable, as is often supposed, then the price of credit (the interest rate) will increase.  That this is so is suggested by the basic economic principles that if supplies of a commodity (here, credit) remain fixed and demand for that commodity increases, its price will also increase.  The second argument supposes that the government will tend to finance its deficits by increasing the money supply with insufficient regard for whether there is enough room for economic growth to enable such an increase to occur without causing inflation.  It is then argued that financiers will expect the deficit to cause inflation and will raise interest rates, anticipating that because of inflation the money they lend will be worth less when paid back.

Unfortunately for the first argument, it is unreasonable to assume that nongovernment borrowing and the supply of credit will remain relatively stable.  Nongovernment borrowing sometimes decreases.  When it does, increased government borrowing will not necessarily push up the total demand for credit.  Alternatively, when credit availability increases, for example through greater foreign lending to the United States, then interest rates need not rise, even if both private and government borrowing increase.

The second argument is also problematic.  Financing the deficit by increasing the money supply should cause inflation only when there is not enough room for economic growth.  Currently, there is no reason to expect deficits to cause inflation.  However, since many financiers believe that deficits ordinarily create inflation, then admittedly they will be inclined使倾向 to raise interest rates to offset mistakenly anticipated inflation.  This effect, however, is due to ignorance无知愚昧, not to the deficit itself, and could be lessened by educating financiers on this issue.

Question #33.  154-01    (22788-!-item-!-188;#058&000154-01)

Which of the following best summarizes the central idea of the passage? C

(A) A decrease in nongovernment borrowing or an increase in the availability of credit can eliminate or lessen the ill effects of increased borrowing by the government.
(B) Educating financiers about the true relationship between large federal deficits and high interest rates will make financiers less prone to raise interest rates in response to deficits.
(C) There is little support for the widely held belief that large federal deficits will create higher interest rates, as the main arguments given to defend辩解 this claim are flawed.
(D) When the government borrows money, demand for credit increases, typically creating higher interest rates unless special conditions such as decreased consumer spending arise.
(E) Given that most financiers believe in a cause-and-effect relationship between large deficits and high interest rates, it should be expected that financiers will raise interest rates.

Question #34.  154-03    (22834-!-item-!-188;#058&000154-03)

It can be inferred from the passage that proponents of the second argument would most likely agree with which of the following statements?  C

(A) The United States government does not usually care whether or not inflation increases.
(B) People in the United States government generally know very little about economics.
(C) The United States government is sometimes careless in formulating系统地表达 its economic policies.
(D) The United States government sometimes relies too much on the easy availability of foreign credit.
(E) The United States government increases the money supply whenever there is enough room for growth to support the increase.

Question #35.  154-07    (22880-!-item-!-188;#058&000154-07)

Which of the following claims concerning the United States government's financing of the deficit does the author make in discussing the second argument? E

(A) The government will decrease the money supply in times when the government does not have a deficit to finance.
(B) The government finances its deficits by increasing the money supply whenever the economy is expanding.
(C) As long as the government finances the deficit by borrowing, nongovernment borrowers will pay higher interest rates.
(D) The only way for the government to finance its deficits is to increase the money supply without regard for whether such an increase would cause inflation.
(E) Inflation should be caused when the government finances the deficit by increasing the money supply only if there is not enough room for economic growth to support the increase.

Question #36.  154-08    (22926-!-item-!-188;#058&000154-08)  A

The author uses the term "admittedly诚然" (see highlighted text) in order to indicate that

(A) the second argument has some truth to it, though not for the reasons usually supposed
(B) the author has not been successful in attempting to point out inadequacies in the two arguments
(C) the thesis that large deficits directly cause interest rates to rise has strong support after all
(D) financiers should admit that they were wrong in thinking that large deficits will cause higher inflation rates
(E) financiers generally do not think that the author's criticisms of the second argument are worthy of consideration


3气味在print advertising应用@
开头despite the olfactory advertising trends。。。—解释内容(好像是说olfactory 能使心情愉悦)—attention on it还是很少。来了个however,说olfactory 的效果不如visual和uara(忘了怎么拼了)可以测量。还说要有特定的环境才能有效果,举例说lemon味在黄色的物品下比红色的更容易被分辨。又说在闻到味之前consumer的心情就被影响了。Nevertheless,olfactory advertising还是有独特的一面的。
Executional cues have been the focus of much advertising research. Visual cues (pictures) and aural cues (music) have been studied extensively, yet virtually no attention has been paid to the influence of olfactory cues in advertising despite the growing trend among advertisers to use scents in ads. Scents often have been used in advertisements for products in which scent is a primary attribute (e.g., perfumes, room fresheners) and, when used in that context, are a form of sampling. However, scents have also been used for products for which scent has been considered largely irrelevant. For instance, Tanqueray gin ran a pine-scented ad in USA Today, Rolls Royce advertised its cars in Architectural Digest using leather-scented strips, and the State of Utah
used floral- and spice-scented panels in a four-page tourism ad. Though such uses may be intended simply as novelties, research suggests that ordor can influence mood state and affect judgment. Therefore, the use of scents in advertising warrants attention.
        Odors differ in several ways from the pictures and sounds more familiar to advertising researchers. Compared to visual and aural cues, odors are difficult to recognize, are relatively difficult to label, may produce false alarms and create placebo effects. Schab (1991), in a review of the literature, concluded that the ability to attach a name to a particular odor is so limited that individuals, on average, can identify only 40% to 50% of odors in a battery of common odors. Additionally, consumer ability to detect and recognize odors is influenced by surrounding cues (Davis
1981). For example, a consumer is more likely to recognize a lemon scent when the scent is contained in a yellow liquid than when it is contained in a red liquid. Third, false alarms, perceiving an odor when in reality no odor is present, are relatively common (Engen 1972). Finally, researchers have shown that both emotional and physical states can be affected just by believing an odor is present. The odorant itself need not be present (Knasko, Gilbert, and Sabini 1990). That finding suggests placebo effects.
Despite the difficulties, olfactory cues hold appeal to advertisers working in an already cluttered environment. Olfactory responses are primarily autonomic, affecting a person physiologically before affecting cognition. Odors stimulate the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotional responses. Thus, olfaction represents a different path to the consumer than is afforded by other types of cues.
2)文中对‘ the growing trend ’一词划线,问它只什么,答案应该就是广告人增加在广告中使用气味。
3)a consumer is more likely to recognize a lemon scent when the scent is contained in a yellow liquid than when it is contained in a red liquid.
题目是进行类比(注意题目问哪个跟那个比喻不相关),答案中有个是看见咖啡,想起小麦田(wheat farm)好像。
问 那种olfactory 最不容易被分辨出, 狗主人选的是coffee味在wheat田里 非常肯定。

4)Compared to visual and aural cues, odors are difficult to recognize, are relatively difficult to label, may produce false alarms and create placebo effects。
这句话有考题,问关于visual and aural cues,答案应该是visual and aural cues are easier to recognize and label.


4服务行业和制造业 @(原文)

第一段虽然1945年到1965年间美国经济productivity 一直在以每年3%的年增长率增长,但自从1970年以后,它的增长率就下降到了每年只有1%。是什么原因造成的呢?肯定不是manufacturing sector的错。因为自从1980年以后,制造业(manufacturing sector)的增长使美国生产率提高了一大截;有题,问作者暗示了什么,答服务业在1970年之前的表现不好。Behaviour  relatively poor.
虽然制造业进步很大,但是它毕竟只占美国生产的一小部分。1992年,manufacturing sector之雇佣了美国19.2%的工人,对比之下,服务业(service -producing )雇佣了70%的员工。虽然在1970年后,服务业的生产率也在提高,但提高的速度却在减慢。对于减慢的原因以及服务业和制造业之间的差距,人们做出了几种解释:
一个原因是传统的测量方法没有办法真正测出服务业的增长情况。because it has been concentrated in improved quality of services. Yet traditional measures of manufacturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the under measurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate.
然而又有一些人把这个归因于政府的赤字。Budget deficit.如果federal budget deficit 低,利率interest也就低,对于新技术的投资就多。但是服务业并不着急使用新技术,服务业的managers 不能广泛运用新技术。一些公司的情况说明如果managers 能够运用新技术,挑选熟练地员工,那么服务业的生产率一定会上升的。但是企业间不断地兼并以及政府不恰当的调节,使得经理们不能专注于这些正确的策略。

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the budget deficit explanation for the discrepancy mentioned in line 27?
A.Research shows that the federal budget deficit has traditionally caused service companies to invest less money in research and development of new technologies.
B.New technologies have been shown to play a significant role in companies that have been able to increase their service productivity.
C.In both service sector and manufacturing, productivity improvements are concentrated in gains in quality.
D.The service sector typically requires larger investments in new technology in order to maintain productivity growth than dose manufacturing
E.High interest rates tend to slow the growth of manufacturing productivity as much as they slow the growth of service-sector productivity in the United States


考古  ( 原文)
(This passage is excerpted from material published in 1997)  
Whereas United States economic productivity grew at an annual rate of 3 percent from 1945 to 1965, it has grown at an annual rate of only about 1 percent since the early 1970’s. What might be preventing higher productivity growth? Clearly, the manufacturing sector of the economy cannot be blamed. Since 1980, productivity improvements in manufacturing have moved the United States from a position of acute decline in manufacturing to one of world prominence. Manufacturing, however, constitutes a relatively small proportion of the economy. In 1992, goods-producing businesses employed only 19.1 percent of American workers, whereas service-producing businesses employed 70 percent. Although the service sector has grown since the late 1970’s, its productivity growth has declined. Several explanations have been offered for this declined and for the discrepancy (差距)in productivity growth between the manufacturing and service sectors. One is that traditional measures fail to reflect service-sector productivity growth because it has been concentrated in improved quality of services. Yet traditional measures of manufacturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the under measurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate. Others argue that since the 1970’s, manufacturing workers, faced with strong foreign competition, have learned to work more efficiently in order to keep their jobs in the United States, but service workers, who are typically under less global competitive pressure, have not. However, the pressure on manufacturing workers in the United States to work more efficiently has generally been overstated, often for political reasons. In fact, while some manufacturing jobs have been lost due to foreign competition, many more have been lost simply because of slow growth in demand for manufactured goods.
Yet another explanation blames the federal budget deficit: if it were lower, interest rate would be lower too, thereby increasing investment in the development of new technologies, which would spur productivity growth in the service sector. There is, however, no dearth of technological resources, rather, managers in the service sector fail to take advantage of widely available skills and machines. High productivity growth levels attained by leading edge service companies indicate that service sector managers who wisely implement available technology and choose skillful workers can significantly improve their companies’ productivity. The culprits for service-sector productivity stagnation are the forces-such as corporate takeovers and unnecessary governmental regulation-that distract managers from the task of making optimal use of available resources.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the budget deficit explanation for the discrepancy mentioned in line 27?
A.Research shows that the federal budget deficit has traditionally caused service companies to invest less money in research and development of new technologies.
B.New technologies have been shown to play a significant role in companies that have been able to increase their service productivity.
C.In both service sector and manufacturing, productivity improvements are concentrated in gains in quality.
D.The service sector typically requires larger investments in new technology in order to maintain productivity growth than dose manufacturing
E.High interest rates tend to slow the growth of manufacturing productivity as much as they slow the growth of service-sector productivity in the United States

The passage states which of the following about the effect of foreign competition on the American manufacturing sector since the 1970’s?
A.It has often been exaggerated.
B.It has not been a direct cause of job loss.
C.It has in large part been responsible for the subsequent slowing of productivity growth.
D.It has slowed growth in the demand for manufactured goods in the United States.
E.It has been responsible for the majority of American jobs lost in manufacturing.

It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was true of the United States manufacturing sector in the years immediately prior to 1980?
A.It was performing relatively poorly.
B.It was in a position of world prominence.
C.It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 3 percent.
D.It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 1 percent.
E.Its level of productivity was higher than afterward.

The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about productivity improvements in United States service companies?
A.Such improvements would be largely attributable to efficiencies resulting from corporate takeovers.
B.Such improvements would depend more on wise implementation of technology than on managers’ choice of skilled workers.
C.Such improvements would be more easily accomplished if there were fewer governmental regulations of the service sector.
D.Such improvements would require companies to invest heavily in the development of new technologies.
E.Such improvements would be attributable primarily to companies’ facing global competitive pressure.


5.发展中国家和发达国家的service sector和manufacture industry

两段:第一段说发达国家服务业提升的同时,prime industry第一产业、manufacturing industry下降。发达国家都是这样的,原因是消费者有钱以后的花费增大了,而消费者的消费偏好越来越向第三产业靠拢。但发展中国家prime industry虽然增长也会变慢,(这个好像有个定位题)manufacturing industry却没有。以印度和巴基斯坦为例,服务业发展最快,但农业和工 业的发展只是相对慢,而实际并不减慢。
第二段说两个原因。考点主要在这一段。第一原因。第二个原因。大意是发展中国家政府投资会带来挤出效应,但是由于发展中国家运用经济刺激政策,所以manufacturing industry会上升。同时,prime industry的基础足够大,能够满足制造业发展所需的原材料要求。所以也会使得manufacturing industry上升。(700+)

(2)有关PRIMARY的叙述哪项正确,我选它底子够厚足够可支持制造业的发展  (确定答案)


6. 网页loading 速度我考到这一篇了。
V1第一段一开始讲,网页LOAD的速度是制约电子商务发展的瓶颈,研究认为网页LOAD越慢,人们对这个牌子的印象就越不好,甚至会把这个态度转 到零售商那去,很多调查都证明这个了。
第二段讲但是呢,有两个哥们跳出来说,我们的研究结果不一样,说LOAD速度和人们的态度没有必然联系,但为什么和人们的直 观感觉不一样呢,是因为这个坏印象是cumulated的,所以要卖的更好,发展电子商务的话,就必须投资建更好地SERVER
第三段 :虽然delay 一项  但是如果delay 一再重复 那么消费者可能会对retail 有意见   所以呢  建议retailer 要采取以下措施:1  减少每一页的信息量来提升速度  2或者去提高自己server 的能力什么的  来避免delay。但是retailer并没有这个动力去改善delay,因为他们有错误的假设:delay不会让消费者对他们有意见。
1、        这篇文章MAIN IDEA :描述一个particular phenomenon,并提出了相关的研究。
2、         从那两个哥们的研究结果中你能INFER什么
3、         infer customer 对delay 态度
选的是  如果delay 次数太多  可能会不高兴  
4、        作者对这个delay的态度   
lz选的是  工厂还是要尽量的减少delay数目  
A怎么解决问题loading delay
一个是第一段有一个empirical高亮,高亮部分起什么作用,我选是为了更突出后面发现调查 结果是与人们一般的观点大相径庭的;
另一个是说作者关于retailer说了什么主要的话:我选的是retailer没有incentive去改善网页现 状


有个人说这个结果不靠谱,光看了家庭收入的增长,没看见家庭收入发展前景的增长,说什么自己做了个研究,研究了10年间吧人们收入 的变化,开始最低的那15个人后来只有5%还是最低,其他95%都增长了,有几个还到了前几名,然后就用个人收入的增长类比前面的家庭收入调查
又有一个哥们出来说,你这个也不对(疯了~~~~~),你类比错误,因为它包括相当一部分在最初做兼职的学生,这些学生在毕业后,全职工作的收入自然会有明显增长,而那些typical family 一般至少有一个成员是全职工作的,他们的收入变化就不会这么明显。
study of income mobility. The study found that after 5 years, 5% lowest income people will not stay at the bottom. As a result, the income of mobility is healthy. However, the study commits mistakes because it include teenage part-time workers, after 5 years, they are more likely to get full-time job and higher salary.

2、 第一个人最concern什么啊。。
Income mobility in the U.S. is only moderate. Most people see their incomes rise with age, but at some point they usually hit a plateau in the income distribution, where they fluctuate mildly for the rest of their careers. The Hubbard study of income mobility, commonly cited by conservatives, used an extremely biased sample of unusually successful American families. Its results are therefore invalid. Allowing a society of extreme income inequality, even with high mobility, would raise child poverty, because most parents are young and incomes are lowest during young adulthood 。Many conservatives admit that incomes in the U.S. are highly unequal, but claim they are highly mobile as well. That is, people tend to rise and fall considerably on the income scale throughout the course of their lives, producing a lifetime average which is much closer to everyone else. Furthermore, this mobility tends to be upward; incomes generally rise with age. Hence, inequality is not as unfair as liberals claim


8. 市场管理 Market regulation @

第1段:股票市场self-regulation管理机制,说一个efficient self-regulated market 应该具备3个条件,
然后就说股票市场达到了第一和第三个条件,但是未必能达到第二个条件(regulator has motivation to regulate the market) (文章主旨。我选的分析一个特定市场的self-regulation的其中一个因素)。在没有政府法规的情况下,证监会未必有这个动机去管理其会员。就是市场到底能不能足够被motivated to self-regulation,目前尚无证据,这边带出一句in the recent absence of existing self-regulation (好像后面有态度题,就是其实作者认为目前是没有self-regulation的,多加注意。)
第二段讲为什么他们不自律,为什么他们达不成第二个条件,第二段的第一句话很重要,仔细看。如果board of governance 觉得这个条件和他们自己的利益有冲突,他们就未必会履行他们的责任。若市场不自律,投资人就不喜欢买股票,交易量萎缩啦等等…但实际上仍没出现自律是为什么呢? 然后说是因为目前一些不法的行为没有被规范,还有市场上只有遇到共同的利益才会团结起来做些事 (问了一题在什么情况下政府的stock market的self-regulation会fail,定位在这儿,),所以基本上市场不会挺想去自律。之后作者说如果给予政府一些条件,政府可以来规范市场。不过最后还是理论可行,实际上是没证据支持的。 所以只有within a system that checks and balances harmonizes the conflict interest(或其它表示利益的字)有点记不清了,大概是说只有在协调了多边利益冲突的情况下,政府才会对其内部违规的成员进行管制和规范,所以得出结论第二个prerequisite不成立

2.在什么情况下board of governance will fail to 履行他们的责任:
some stock brokers have their common interest的 意思就是他们根据自己的利益行动
4. 态度题/ the author 对stock exchange 持什么观点
5. 问管理部门遇到的障碍
6.stock broker的特点答案推测:





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