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20. 公司贷款抵押screening effect*

  P1,economist 有一个 hypothetical model, 内容主要说: when firms apply for a bank loan, 他们需要知道自己的operating costs,但是operating cost会被其他因素影响,因此还需要向bank 申请evaluation, bank要对他们进行investigation. 银行贷款时往往碰到两类公司,Low-cost 和high-cost(以下简称好和坏)。说了下好公司风险低,借了钱还的概率比较高。但是在实际中,外表上看银行是区分不了这两类公司的。讲的是模型的假设。

  P2,说银行贷款审查时要收费,好的公司和差的公司都要交,而好的公司实际上不必要审查,由于银行不审查区别不了才这么做,这实际上相当于好公司补贴坏公司high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that.。于是为了躲避审查,给抵押就是一个好办法。从而好公司都愿意给抵押,而坏公司大多不愿意。因为collateral 的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm 因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险. 所以到后来,就只有low cost firm 弄collateral,而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.

  P3, 开始讲抵押。好公司为了让自己区分于坏公司,就说提供抵押,因为坏公司项目失败可能性高,自己都没信心所以不愿意给抵押,而好公司相反。 但好公司给抵押也要一定程度的,至少抵押多到坏公司不愿给的程度。

       3. 银行只对批准贷款的公司作风险评估,为什么?
       第二段说,银行的evaluation是有cost的,为了保证他们的cost可以recoup,他们通常只向贷款成功 的firm收费.
       4. high cost firms 在什么情况下会去做质押?


21. 一篇是大公司和小公司的创新*
第二段:作者出场了,说,上面的都是胡扯嘛,讨论重点都不对,光focus在company size上有毛用啊?我们要看这个公司的员工有没有这个意愿去创新,这个地方有个关键词不认识,cen什么的,不过还好,下面有个解释,就是说愿不愿意淘汰现有技术

1. 有道加强题问 哪个可以加强文章的观点 我选的小公司有些员工以前在大公司任职
2. 创新会从大公司转移到小公司,为什么科研成果会转移?
3. 如果一个公司不愿意创新,那么他在研发新产品上会怎么样?
应该说是Innovation与size成反比(innovation inverse related tocompany size)
有purpose题我印象中我选的是 总结大家的观点然后指出mispoint还是啥的
读的时候记得把 支持大中小size的人名记下来,答题时很给力
最后一段,JJ说的是“公司是否愿意INNOVATION是跟员工的素质有关”,而我看到的是“公司是否愿意cannibalize自己现有产品(的生存/销售/成长空间?)来换取new technology的创新”,第一道题就是考这个,正确选项里有cannibilize这个单词

6.问根据最后的人的说法,公司不愿意cannibalize会怎样,就是做出与红体字相反的举动,stick to old technology去开发新产品。

题目出的不难,对派别一的观点问了个问题,定位容易。对派别四的观点问个个问题。然后问了个primary purpose of the passageis....


There is widespread belief that the emergence of giant industries has been accompanied by an equivalent surge in industrial research. A recent study of important inventions made since the turn of the century reveals that more than half were the product of individual inventors working alone, independent of organized industrial research. While industrial laboratories contributed such important products as nylon and transistors, independent inventors developed air conditioning, the automatic transmission, the jet engine, the helicopter, insulin, and streptomycin. Still other inventions, such as stainless steel, television, silicones, and Plexiglas were developed through the combined efforts of individuals and laboratory teams.
Despite these finding, we are urged to support monopolistic power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation. We are told that the independent inventor, along with the small firm, cannot afford to undertake the important research needed to improve our standard of living while protecting our diminishing resources; that only the giant corporation or conglomerate, with its prodigious assets, can afford the kind of expenditures that produce the technological advances vital to economic progress. But when we examine expenditures for research, we find that of the more than $35 billion spent each year in this country, almost two-thirds is spent by the federal government. More than half of this government expenditure is funneled into military research and product development, accounting for the enormous increase in spending in such industries as nuclear energy, aircraft, missiles, and electronics. There are those who consider it questionable that these defense-linked research projects will either improve our standard of living or do much to protect our diminishing resources.
Recent history has demonstrated that we may have to alter our longstanding conception of the process actuated by competition. The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the process, is now subordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology. While it can be assumed that in a highly competitive industry not dominated by single corporation, investment in innovation—a risky and expensive budget item—might meet resistance from management and stockholders concerned about cost-cutting, efficient organization, and large advertising budgets, it would be an egregious error to equate the monopolistic producer with bountiful expenditures on research. Large-scale enterprises tend to operate more comfortably in stable and secure circumstances, and their managerial bureaucracies tend to promote the status quo and resist the threat implicit in change. Moreover, in some cases, industrial giants faced with little or no competition seek to avoid the capital loss resulting from obsolescence by deliberately obstructing technological progress. By contrast, small firms undeterred by large investments in plant and capital equipment often aggressively pursue new techniques and new products, investing in innovation in order to expand their market shares.
     The conglomerates(联合大企业) are not, however, (注意作者态度大负小正,千万别犯晕!!)completely except from strong competitive pressures. There are instances in which they too must compete with another industrial Goliath, and then their weapons may include large expenditures for innovation.
Q11.The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A)    advocate an increase in government support of organized industrial research
(B)    point out a common misconception about the relationship between the extent of industrial research and the growth of monopolistic power in industry
(C)    describe the inadequacies of small firms in dealing with the important matter of research and innovation
(D)    show that America’s strength depends upon individual ingenuity and resourcefulness
(E)    encourage free-market competition among industrial giants
According to the passage, important inventions of the twentieth century
(A)    were produced largely as a result of governmental support for military weapons research and development
(B)    came primarily from the huge laboratories of monopolistic industries
(C)    were produced at least as frequently by independent inventors as by research teams
(D)    have greater impact on smaller firms than on conglomerates
(E)    sometimes adversely affect our standard of living and diminish our natural resources
Q13:  It can be inferred from the passage that the author
(A)! has little confidence in the ability of monopolistic industry to produce the important inventions of the future
(B) would rather see the federal government spend money on social services than on the defense establishment
(C) favors a conservative approach to innovation and places trust in conglomerates to provide efficient production
(D) feels that price should still be the dominant variable in the competitive process
(E) believes that excessive competition is a deterrent to innovation

The passage contains information that answers which of the following questions?
I.    What portion of the research dollar in this country is spent each year by the federal government?
II.    Under what circumstances is an industrial giant likely to invest heavily in innovation?
III.    Why might a monopolistic producer want to suppress an innovation?
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III


22. manufacturer和retailer*

说一些公司不用传统的方法来测试市场之类的吧,觉得耗时。然后就用什么网上的某个situmaltion模拟,虽然说这个方法有一些 limitation,比如不能控制住其它的变量 有考题(文中出现括号例举了这几个变量有 the quality of the product, competition of rivalary还有一个什么,然后问提出rivalary的作用目的是什么)。但是这个方法还是有好处的,比如省钱神马的。  我主要回忆了第三段的内容
V2(v28) 2.  Trade promotion
(1)manufacture做广告的目的是什么? 我选的是提醒customer有降价活动
(2)作者同意以下哪个观点? 我选的是customer总是认为降价活动和零售商的关系要大于和manufacture的关系
(3)那家尿布(diaper) 生产商又转回了原来的促销方式说明了什么?我选diaper生厂商意识到行业内如果有很多竞争者都采用降价的活动的话自己其实是不盈利的(选A)


越 来越多的生产商开始抱怨渠道促销(trade promotion).生产商应零售商要求提供低价促销产品,但零售商往往利用两边信息不对称赚取利润.消费者虽然知道大致哪些产品在促销,但不是很清楚 具体的开始和结束日期.部分生产商开始采取天天低价(everyday low price)的措施,但至少有一家尿布(diaper) 生产商又转回了原来的促销方式.(后面有一道题是考这句话).还有些生产商转而自己做广告,告诉消费者什么时段有促销.manufacturer发现他们 打折处理货物时retailer并没有打折销售,于是manufacturer自己打出一个活动,活动叫什么忘了….原谅我吧(这里有个题,问举行这个活 动是为了?选manufacturer为了让消费者知道有打折).

部分生产商开始采取天天低价(everyday low price)的措施,但至少有一家尿布(diaper) 生产商又转回了原来的促销方式.(后面有一道题是考这句话)
1. 问举行这个活动是为了?选manufacturer为了让消费者知道有打折
制造商有时候为了促销会做 discount promotion,但是零售商抱着机会主义的想法,由于信息不对称(有考题)


23. 企业获利跟环保*
第一段,提出现象:reduction of carbon已经成为当今的issue. 但研究发现许多公司仍然使用不那么环保的一些方式,如仍然在使用”…light”(某一种灯) 而不用”….”(某种节能灯吧)政府提倡环保节能要对不公司环保的行为征税。有人发现,有些事情(比如改用节能灯之类的), 如果公司做的话,不但可以节省开支还可以避税。但公司都不做这些情。
第二段,解释现象:为什么公司不改换那种节能灯呢?因为公司管理者没有计算…成本。实际上,换了节能灯save large amount of money and the effect is maximized.
第三段,提出solution:tax on the carbon emission 并不能让公司改装节能灯。反而,Government-regulated standard is a possible way to solve the problem. 尽管economist 认为市场应由companies 本身来决定,government 不应干涉。但是因为环境问题关系public interests, 所以应该采取行政的手段。
(有题,问第三段在全文的function,回答:propose solution to the problem)


24. banking system美国
有一个说美国banking system,
第一段美国历史上有段时期,Jackson总统和他的反对党都反对大银行扩张。前美国总统那派,好像叫什么Jackson之类的,说是the expansion of banking system 不好是因为它只能benefit those wealthy people。 另一派好像叫wigs说它不好是因为它会让people with little capital也能have their own bank account.

第二段举了个例子,某州在1830年时的expansion 同Jackson那帮人预期的一样,只造福了一小部分富有的人,但是也有部分和Wigs那帮人预期的一样,让那些没有多少钱的人也进入。从现在的角度看,这两个观点都有对的地方。这个有个 However,作者说两派都忽略了一个问题,就是这个时期部分那些从中获益的nonelite people are entrepreneurs. 他们虽然占很小的比例,但是却对社会有很大贡献之类的。。。
3. 文章是在干什么:我选历史观点新评判,提出新看法那个
4. 可以从文章得到什么:大银行扩展减慢;Jackson和反对者都反对银行扩展...


25.连锁书店vs independent book stores*
P1: 连锁书店的盛行形成了一股垄断势力,导致independent stores很难维持生计。但是连锁书店的盛行其实是由各地的地理因素决定的,比如Washington总下雨,人们就愿意呆在书店里,还有一些其他城市的例子其中有 一个州有很少的城镇能吸引大型的连锁书店进驻,跟夏威夷(能吸引好多)进行了对比
P2: 其实independent stores在这种垄断势力压迫下也垂死挣扎出一条血路,存活下来的其实也大获成功。貌似是IS会比较diversified,然后书店也逐渐变成了一个 举办club, 签售会等活动的地方,尤其是作家越来越不愿意travel的时候,能请到作家来的书店就会很attractive
说大家都认为现在书店连锁店那么火,所以书店不用关注不同地区的差异了,只要你按普通的规模标准在任何一个地方建一个分 店都肯定是可以盈利的。但是作者反驳了这个观点,说现在连锁店无法满足不同地区人们的差异化需求。列举了美国的三个地区,这里有两个细节题的选项定位,尤 其是华盛顿地区的情况,两个都考到了。

V3 rainrooney 720 V38
第一段:说的是传统book-chain是不会针对 region的特点进行装修的。但是新的survey发现很多大型的连锁书店都开始有了地方特色,针对地方的文化或者气候进行装修。举了几个例子,其中有 一个州有很少的城镇能吸引大型的连锁书店进驻,跟夏威夷(能吸引好多)进行了对比,V1说这里有题,但我没遇到。
第二段:说那些survived的independent bookstore也开始针对地方特色进行装修(有一题问作者suggest什么,我觉得根据这个survived可以推出independent bookstore居于劣势地位之类的)。
注意chain store和independent bookstore之间的对比和关系,出题重点


根本没读懂,讲的是 什么消费者用compare 神马东西 是n dimentional (这个N维就把我甩翻了)的, 说什么通过这样的方法他们觉得xxx是最好的,其实不是。 对不起了,只能想到这里~



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