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1900年左右,随着政治tension 的上升,妇女参政的比例降低,这是由政治形势不稳定造成的。例如,在波兰parliament和court的选举,女人人数都不高,虽然这两种机关的elective mechanism不一样。实际上,她们占的比例在一战以后减少了。

然后比较Poland女人和Scandinavia女人的elective地位。Scandinavia妇女参政率就高,因为他们国家政治比较stable。而政变前,Scandinavia的女性的政治地位与Polish women是差不多的。(这里有考点,问题到s这个国家干什么。)

最后比较Poland城市和rural area女人的地位。城市里面elective女人的比例相对高。rural里面女人对男人比例相对少(一说:波兰的妇女多数都任镇、村等rural的职位,因为她们在那一级别受的教育程度还比男人要高)。这有两个原因:一是tradition,二是与受教育amount有关。


1) 主旨题。(在political transit的时候,波兰妇女选举的change)

2) 文章为什么提到Scandinavia? (provide comparative context)

3) rural女人为什么比例相对少?(因为他们的教育amount少。)



第二段:作者提出另外一个史学家的著作来解释了一下,其实并没有什么惊奇的。举了一个女人的例子,她一直被束缚在传统的封建圈子里,当她有一天想寻求一些自己的自由和权利时,发现周围的环境和世俗都是束缚住她的。于是她被激怒了!她想成为自己自由和权利的主宰体,而不是 Orbit the……(高亮显示)后来这个女的成功了,她的武器就是用笔写出自己内心的感受,然后号召……


1) 主旨题。

2) 宫廷的人对女权的看法是什么?

3) What does the phrase “orbit the ……” directly refer to? (男人的附属品。类比。)











第一段:有人在一本书里说,工业化改变了妇女的work management。

第二段:否定了这个说法,认为,family context在妇女工作决策中起了很重要的作用,妇女能够参加的工作和程度varied little。最后一句引用那书里的话,……


1) 主旨题

2) 可以推出下列哪个是对的?








1)妇女在哪个领域工资上升最快? (制造业)


北美关于妇女经济活动的早期文件很少。有人发现1764年的一个重要的tax code change以后,原以为会有更多地propertyless妇女缴纳tax on their professional income但实际上却变少了,原因是tax assessor有了更多的权利,决定是否对某人进行征税以及税率的多少,这些税官却对女性放水,很多情况下就不征了。所以这就说明了当时的民风淳朴,认为女性对于家庭的责任要多于她们对社会的责任。而男性就不一样了,很多男性没有类似的待遇。


1)What purpose does the highlighted tax code change serve? (E. help to explain women were consider.)









1)   主题题。

2)   第二个理论里面提到的那种动物的特点是什么,可以定位到第二段的中间部分找。



Two opposing scenarios, the “arboreal” hypothesis and the “cursorial” hypothesis, have traditionally been put forward concerning the origins of bird flight. The “arboreal” hypothesis holds that bird ancestors began to fly by climbing trees and gliding down from branches with the help of incipient feathers: the height of trees provides a good starting place for launching flight, especially through gliding. As feathers became larger over time, flapping flight evolved and birds finally became fully air-borne. This hypothesis makes intuitive sense, but certain aspects are troubling. Archaeopteryx (the earliest known bird) and its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins have no obviously arboreal adaptations, such as feet fully adapted for perching. Perhaps some of them could climb trees, but no convincing analysis has demonstrated how Archaeopteryx would have both climbed and flown with its forelimbs, and there were no plants taller than a few meters in the environments where Archaeopteryx fossils have been found. Even if the animals could climb trees, this ability is not synonymous with gliding ability. (Many small animals, and even some goats and kangaroos, are capable of climbing trees but are not gliders.) Besides, Archaeopteryx shows no obvious features of gliders, such as a broad membrane connecting forelimbs and hind limbs.

The “cursorial” (running) hypothesis holds that small dinosaurs ran along the ground and stretched out their arms for balance as they leaped into the air after insect prey or, perhaps, to avoid predators. Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm’s surface area to enhance lift slightly. Larger feathers could have increased lift incrementally, until sustained flight was gradually achieved. Of course, a leap into the air does not provide the acceleration produced by dropping out of a tree; an animal would have to run quite fast to take off. Still, some small terrestrial animals can achieve high speeds. The cursorial hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the immediate theropod dinosaur ancestors of birds were terrestrial, and they had the traits needed for high lift off speeds: they were small, agile, lightly built, long-legged, and good runners. And because they were bipedal, their arms were free to evolve flapping flight, which cannot be said for other reptiles of their time.


Q1: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.  present counterevidence to two hypotheses concerning the origins of  bird flight

B.      propose and alternative to two hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight

C.      correct certain misconceptions about hypotheses concerning the  origins of bird flight

D.     refute a challenge to a hypothesis concerning the origins of bird flight

E.      evaluate competing hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight


Q2: The passage presents which of the following facts as evidence that tends to undermine the arboreal hypothesis?

A.     Feathers tend to become larger over time

B.     Flapping flight is thought to have evolved gradually over time

C.     Many small animals are capable of climbing trees.

D.    lants in Archaeopteryx’s known habitats were relatively small

E.      Leaping into the air does not provide as much acceleration as gliding out of a tree


Q3: Which of the following is included in the discussion of the cursorial hypothesis but not in the discussion of the arboreal hypothesis?

A.     A discussion of some of the features of Archaeopteryx

B.     A description of the environment known to have been inhabited by bird ancestors

C.     A possible reason why bird ancestors might have been engaging in activities that eventually evolved into flight

D.     A description of the obvious features of animals with gliding ability

E.      An estimate of the amount of time it took for bird ancestors to evolve the kind of flapping flight that allowed them to become completely airborne


Q4: The passage suggests which of the following regarding the climbing ability of Archaeopteryx?

A.     Its ability to climb trees was likely hindered by the presence of incipient feathers on its forelimbs.

B.     It was probably better at climbing trees than were its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins.

C.     It had certain physical adaptations that suggest it was skilled at climbing trees.

D.     Scientists have recently discovered fossil evidence suggesting it could not climb trees.

E.     Scientists are uncertain whether it was capable of climbing trees





第一段:1981年的新发现的骨骼化石的new evidence of jaw & teeth对vertebrate的研究起了很大的作用。

第二段:traditional观点认为,这个骨骼的发展是为defensive purpose,认定此脊椎生物是无脊椎动物prey。段末否定这个观点。








1) 削弱题

2) Infer题





1) 主旨题




Vocalization learning

第一段:三种鸟是已知鸟类中仅有的后天学习发声,而不是基因里就会发声的(vocalization learning instead of genetically programmed),而其他学习发声的都是哺乳动物,如人,蝙蝠等等。然后,详细说明这三种鸟学习唱歌(sing)就和小孩子学说话一样的,生下来后逐渐和父母学习才会唱歌,所以,如果把这三种鸟的幼鸟交给别的鸟养大,他们发声就会很奇怪;如果把他们单独开养,就哑巴了。


第三段:人类发声时,脑部七个部位的活动和上文三种鸟也一致。这就更加说明第二个假说才是对的。最后一句谈到学习发声也是movement learning。



2)细节题,考movement learning这两个单词。











第三段:更可信的关于其他物种灭绝的说法是volcanic eruption。火山爆发会释放出很多温室气体,大大提高地球表温度,减少海洋水中能溶解的oxygen,导致很多生物灭亡。而且,有种细菌会produce toxic sulfur,把比较高等一点的动植物灭掉。


1) 哪个证据表明恐龙灭亡时期的物种是剧烈灭亡的?  (动物fossil,碳同位素)

2) 文章suggest了Permian和trissa~~时代物种大灭亡,在哪方面区别于和恐龙大灭亡时代?(没有证据表明在permian和trissa~~时代有发生过meteorite撞击地球。)

3) 这篇文章的main idea是什么?(除了恐龙的灭绝与t-event有关以外,其他物种灭绝的原因。)

4) 关于除恐龙以外的物种灭绝的最可信的说法是什么? (volcanic eruption。)




第一段:水产养殖(aquaculture)已经有一定的历史。作为对野生水产品需求的一个重要补充,起到关键的作用。野生水产的供应快速增长,在80年代到达“peak”,此后,是人工养鱼的增长维持了人类消费鱼的总量的upward trend(后面有考题)。




1)  主旨题。

(1. 介绍人工水产养殖的发展,现状,已经可能带来的问题。2.描述了aquaculture 的history、benefit和problems。)

2)  逻辑题,以下哪个选项能够削弱文中提到的人工水产养殖会影响野生水产?(人工水产养殖培育的品种不容易在野生的环境里存活,而且人工的品种也不大可能会和野生的品种交配。)

3)  削弱题。以下哪个表达会被文章所给的内容take in question?   (野生的农业产值高于人工饲养的产值。)

4)  What can be inferred?                 (人类对于鱼类食品的需求持续增加,在这几年并没有减少。)

5)  下面哪个说法最有问题?                                 (人工养育对海洋生态有好处。)

6)  细节题。推测20世纪70年代野生水产品供应量如何。       (增长,直到80年代的高峰。)

7)  本文信息能回答哪个问题?                               (吃鱼趋势从90到2007没有向下的趋势。)



Working memory


第一段:working memory就是短暂记忆,人们平时用于记电话,读一个句子理解前后文时的短暂记忆。科学家发现人们用working memory时,大脑里的某一部分活跃。这说明,working memory是在大脑的前额后面的一个地方负责的,并且不同的sub-region负责处理不同的信息,如空间信息,形象信息等。这与传统的allocation system理论不同。传统理论认为,大脑的executive information center管理信息处理。

第二段:用一种办法来pinpoint大脑在用working memory时的具体活动位置。这证实了新理论的正确性,指出了旧理论的矛盾指出,Executive function之类的。说明了同的部位控制不同的功能之类。


1)  新发现证明了什么理论是对的?               (新理论是对的。)

2)  主旨题

3)  旧理论认为executive理论如何?我理解是认为一个区块负责处理很多记忆,但新观点认为应是不同记忆不同区负责。

4)  如果试验出什么结果,就会greatly undermine那个人的理论。

5)  第二个人的发现可以用作什么的证据?(the middle part of cortex is most important to working memory 类似的)

Google 上找到一篇,不是原文,但很有帮助。

Working memory is the process of maintaining a limited amount of information in an active representation for a brief period of time so that it is available for use. Therefore, by de¢nition, working memory includes those processes that enable us to hold in our `mind's eye' the contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence of sensory input. Thus, the study of working memory provides a framework for investigating the neural system underlying our awareness of stimuli, memories and knowledge that are no longer tied to perceptual events. Although the neural system responsible for working memory is known to include a large number of brain regions, there is abundant evidence from neurophysiological and lesion studies in monkeys that prefrontal cortex is a critical component (Fuster 1990; Goldman Rakic 1990). Recent brain-imaging studies, using positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have also implicated the human prefrontal cortex in working memory. However, there remain questions and somedispute about the functional organization of the human prefrontal cortex and its exact role in working memory.

Here we summarize the evidence for working memory-related activity within human prefrontal cortex. We then present evidence for domain specialty within frontal cortex for object working memory as opposed to spatial visual working memory. We also review evidence suggesting an additional dimension of domain speci¢city for object working memory based on whether the type of representation is analytic or image-like. In addition, we discuss evidence suggesting a third dimension for the specialization of working memory function in prefrontal cortex that distinguishes regions important for the maintenance of the contents held in working memory from regions important for the manipulation of those contents.
Finally, we consider the relationship of prefrontal areas important for working memory, both to posterior visual processing areas and to prefrontal areas associated with long-term memory.




Rough planet

第一段:科学家S观察到一种从远方星体传来的波,fluctuation of the brightness of G10,由此推断说,这个evidence表明了rough planet的存在。科学家还根据波的强弱来推断这个planet的mass。

第二段:有2个人反对S。有个叫T的人反驳S;还有个叫G的人反驳S说,这种观察有误,可能把A天体上hot spot误认为是rough planet了。但针对这个观点,S反驳说,A天体是会rotate的,所以是有规律出现的,如果有hotspot的话早该被观察到了。但是他的反驳没有证据。


1)      主旨题。

2)      作者会同意以下哪个?  (波越强表明质量越大)

3)      G反对了S科学家的哪个观点?(把A天体上hot spot误认为是rough planet了)



第一段:介绍resonance现象及其对大桥的损害。大桥很容易在地震中坍塌,因为桥的震动幅度和地震的震波很容易产生共振,道理就像是“女高音唱歌使玻璃杯破掉”一样。然后,提出一种seimisic isolation的解决方案,即在bridgeground接触的地方放一些sliding-friction的物体,来吸收地震波。它可以左右动。这种方法既可以应用在新的桥上,同样也可以加装在已经存在的老桥上。

第二段:介绍seimisic isolation的方案如何在地震的时候保护大桥,让地面的振动不会损坏大桥。


1)  If the title is seimisic isolation, then which is the subtitle?(old idea save bridge)

2)  那个sliding-friction的物体的作用不是下面哪个?(桥梁建造

3)  作者最同意哪种说法?(两个选项:这种装置不能用于桥梁,这种装置可以用于桥梁和建筑物。答案很有可能跟它们都没关系。)

4)  infer题。(可以被安装到已经建造好的桥上)

5)  这种方法是如何使桥免受地震灾害的?(吸收震波或者改频)



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