在咨询行业排名前5的顶尖咨询公司之一 Booz Allen Hamilton (http://www.bah.com/) 去年首次与中文大学合作举办Booz Allen Hamilton Social Entrepreneurship Challenge 已经有至少4位中文大学MBA毕业生获得暑期实习的机会 其中2位已经得到了正式工作的offer (BAH去年为了一个internship的名额曾经在北美的学校中巡回招聘 可见竞争的激烈 而BAH却承诺该项比赛的winning team成员可以无条件获得Internship的机会及相关奖励!根据这几位同学的反馈 由于有在BAH Internship的经历 他们都获得了其他顶尖咨询公司如Mckinsey, BCG的面试机会 而很多求职的MBA根本就没有面试的机会!)以下是相关介绍:
Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront of consulting for businesses and governments since its founding by Edwin Booz in 1918. Today, Booz Allen is one of the world’s largest consulting firms with 11,000 staff worldwide, serving clients on six continents. Its areas of expertise include strategy, organizational change and leadership, operations, information technology and technology management.
Booz Allen is strongly committed to its role as a corporate citizen through corporate philanthropy and community service. It supports a diverse group of charitable and nonprofit organizations in their offices around the work and through the activities of its employees who volunteer in the community. An example of its corporate citizenship, Booz Allen has been providing extensive pro bono and in-kind management and technology consulting services to help nonprofits operate efficiently.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong MBA Programmes
1. Objectives and Rationale
The Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) Social Entrepreneurship (E)-Challenge is a competition in which MBA students work in teams to develop business plans for organizations to start new businesses to fulfill the entrepreneurial aspirations of their members.
The competition is a partnership of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH). It is the first social entrepreneurship competition for graduate business schools in Asia.
The mission of BAH Social E-Challenge is to bring together three sectors – business, university and the community to collaborate on a program that has constructive and worthwhile outcomes for the community.
The mission of BAH Social E-Challenge is specifically to instill in the MBA students the spirit of social responsibility as well as the capacity for entrepreneurial action. It orientates students towards the notion that corporations should have multiple “bottom lines” and performance objectives – financial, social and environment. Students learn to apply the entrepreneurial approach and the MBA courses to solving real world social problems. The competition will support CUHK’s entrepreneurship education in its MBA curriculum.
The MBA students will develop business plans for viable social ventures. The aim of the ventures is to enable disenfranchised segments of the population to attain economic independence and self-respect through entrepreneurial activity. This is important to fully participate in the community.
BAH, the corporate partner will extend its philanthropic mission by helping to promote innovation in education that develop social citizenry in young people. It aims also to empower the most disadvantaged group of people and their families with confidence, dignity and most important, a means to a living.
2. Role of Community and Professional Services Firms
The BAH partners, principals, alumni, organizations who support community development and entrepreneurial support professionals will serve as mentors or judges in the challenge. Judges also include entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. They will be invited on the basis of their experience and interest in the field of social entrepreneurship, building civil society, and environmental protection.
As judges, they will also give feedback to, and coach the teams on how to further improve the business plans for the non-profit partner. This role requires them to share their practical experience with the students. They will motivate the students by helping them enhance their curriculum vitae through the challenge.
3. Structure of the Program
The MBA students at CUHK are invited to form teams of up to four members.
Interested organizations may make presentations to the students to articulate their objectives and needs. They will provide the products or services ideas that can be developed into viable ventures and work with the MBA students in developing innovative business plans. Students may also identify charity or non-profit organizations, or disenfranchised community groups whom they wish to assist. While the program in itself has social value, the products and services could also address social or environmental needs in the community.
As the teams write the business plans, they will invite faculty members to coach and advise them.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong will be the base from which the BAH Social E-Challenge will be promoted and administered Faculty members will organize the competition, including putting together the panel of judges and related activities.
The Challenge will include:
· A business plan competition
· An Awards Dinner
· University recognition of BAH’s contribution to tertiary education in university publications.
· Participation in media coverage
· Cash prize for Winning Team and Runner Up
· Consulting Internships for winning team
The Consulting Internships will be greatly valued by MBA students as these experiences will give them a competitive edge when they are seeking career opportunities upon graduation. They will work closely with a BAH consultant and truly gain real world consulting experience. |